Massive brain black-out. It was RFK not Ted Kennedy who ran in 1968. Don't know how I f-ed that up!

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Pounding your keyboard to

bring us this. You're forgiven.


Don't sweat it.

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No sweat. We knew what you meant. Ya got a smart following. Haha

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My brain is squeeeling too, Lucian. Not to worry. We are all there with you.

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An otherwise excellent piece. No one bats 1.000. Keep up the good work.

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Maybe it’s the same thing that made you choose that headline.

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You also were likely remembering the fact that Ted Kennedy’s challenge to Carter threw the convention into chaos and helped Reagan get elected. People like the NYT editorial board — and apparently Obama — who are advocating that kind of convention for its “excitement” have chosen to forget those disasters. The hilariously named “My History Can Beat Up Your Politics” podcast interviewed Rick Perlstein about that insane convention in their episode titled “It Looked Like Hell” (Aug. 18 2020).

Last night Rachel Maddow slammed the NY Times editorial board for spending weeks pushing the idea of an open convention because it would be exciting but then doing a 180 after Biden dropped out because of the chaos that would result. When will the media learn that that millions of us prefer competence over excitement? Excitement can lead to a Trump or Boris Johnson.

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Because you're human! It was a fantastic piece, as always. I was concerned at first that time was too short to mount a successful campaign for a new candidate, but as you state, the party is actually coming together. And listening to Harris speak in Delaware yesterday, I am actually getting excited about her candidacy.

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Recency effect. We knew what you meant.

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I just watched her in Delaware - she was great! Biden expressed his unequivical support, that he would be campaigning for her. Honestly, he sounded relieved. He sounded better than he has in weeks. He introduced her husband - and then her husband thanked Biden and introduced Harris. It was a very nice, clean, mature, elegant handoff - I think she is going to wipe the floor with Trump.

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Definitely gonna wipe the floor with cheetolini - Can't wait. Bet he'll drop out soon!

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More likely to stroke out.

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Please, Lord, let there be a debate between IQ45 and The Prosecutor! 🙏🤞

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Let’s hope so!

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I can't wait to hear what excuses TFG comes up with to back out of the debate.

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I sure hope so!

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It's like a ball game when you see the momentum shifting. I can feel it. Biden's act of selflessness is more catching than COVID. I love the way everyone is lining up behind Harris, including a lot of Democrats who are putting their own presidential ambitions aside for now. Even the Nikki Haley PAC endorsed Harris. The French showed us the way. If all the anti-fascists stand together, we can keep them out of power. Those bastards counted their chickens too soon.

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That was my thought, like when Mahomes ran for a first down on fourth and one you knew it was over.

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A prosecutor against a convicted felon who happens to also be a rapist and a fraud. In an election where women's rights and democracy itself are on the ballot. I'll take the Dem's odds every day and twice on Sunday. This is a game changer and puts the MAGAs who thought they would win in a walkover on the defensive in sole possession of the doddering old candidate who cannot string a literate sentence together.

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Twice? Thrice on any Sunday!

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Don’t you mean Bobby Kennedy ran for president in 1968. My uncle was cochair of his campaign in Oregon. The surge of enthusiasm behind Harris is exciting. Joe, with grace and guts, has unified the party with hope. Thank god for a man who puts his country before his ego. Thanks, Joe.

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Yes, you said it so well. Thank you.

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I love Joe Biden, gaffes and all. I will happily vote for Kamala (who the AFL-CIO just endorsed). She has grabbed the imagination of the folks who were dissatisfied with their choice between two old guys. She will be an excellent president, and is already driving the GOP bugphuck crazy. Let us hang on to our enthusiasm and be prepared for the shitshow trmp will stage to try to destroy her. If we all vote, we will win. So let’s do it and put our democracy out of reach of the leftover MAGAs.

Thank you Lucian for writing throughout this mess!

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The best Trump can do is say that Harris has a "crazy laugh." Ten year old! Has anyone ever seen Trump laugh? Ever? He is a soulless, joyless person.

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I think his inability to laugh or even smile sincerely is one of his worst qualities because it says so much.

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He also doesn’t like dogs.

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And I'm positive that dogs don't like him--they know shitty people right away

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Dogs don’t like hm. Dogs know.

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My sister wasted a few years of her life being engaged to a rather appalling guy she met in college. His family lived in our hometown, so it was very easy for him to come over to visit when he and my sister were home on vacation. He was at our house I don’t know how many times – – and our Brittany spaniel, Joy, was having none of it. This was a very friendly dog who liked almost everyone, but that guy never came over without Joy eyeing him suspiciously, lifting her lip, and growling. Good doggy.

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That is a tangible representation of psychopathy.

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I thought the same thing, Ken!

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He smirks.

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I have never seen him laugh or even a picture of him laughing. Seriously. The only different expression from his imperious pout seems to be his creepy leering face, as in pics of him with Epstein ogling young girls or Ivanka sitting on his lap. CREEP

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Maybe it would be a "fun" quest for anyone to find a picture of him genuinely laughing. I've seen pics of him a creepy leer but never laughing

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What a truly fine man President Biden is. And his timing is perfect—knock Trump out of the news, leave the GOP stuck with Vance as VP candidate (with his madman policies), force Trump to run from debating Killer Kamala, leave the GOP scrambling to make sense of itself.

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I can breathe again and feel hopeful! I was at the theater yesterday afternoon for a short play to begin at 2 pm. Yeah, you guessed, just minutes before the play started, I looked at my phone! I read the news that Biden had left the race! I was sad as he did an excellent job of leading our country out of the pandemic and getting our economy back! I hardly could pay attention to the play. It was a comedy about “Adam & Eve.” I needed to see a comedy as I felt drained! When I arrived home I immediately turned on the TV and turned on my computer. I couldn’t keep up! I donated a few times and today found out, we raised $81 million! Fantastic! I can’t wait to November 5 when we win! November 7 is my birthday and now I feel I’ll have my best present, like I did in 2020!

Thank you Joe Biden for all your help for this country! You are truly a good man and wish you a speedy recovery!

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it is such a relief to be able to breathe deeply again.

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I have a feeling that Biden had been working behind the cameras and scenes to make this happen. Not one leak. Seamlessly done. Bravo Mr. President and thank you for your hard work and service as a senator and as president!

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The energy and enthusiasm are contagiously coming out of your keyboard! Yes, it is good to be where we are now. What a difference a day makes! Let's stay together on this. Happy to read the good news!

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Great, it seems to be the consensus that many of us were holding our breath waiting for Democrats to go off on some wild ride in 20 different directions. I hope we finally pull together and nominate, elect and swear in a strong ticket and that the up and down ballots follow suit. Take back the house, strengthen the senate and build are democracy stronger and more resilient. There is a lot of work ahead of us but we can accomplish miracles!

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And enlarge the supreme court. One justice for each district makes twelve, I believe.

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I am very much in favor of enlarging the Supreme Court. Anybody notice that how we got the six supreme cons is parallel to the Biden health issue? Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s hubris kept her from resigning at the right time even though she was ill from cancer. Biden, to his everlasting credit did not go down that road.

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Love the enthusiasm and surge of optimism. And poor Donnie and his He Man party are scared of a girl, "fraud, Fox News, we deserve money back" and Vance whining, "she's not even said that she's grateful." The sudden change in news coverage is great too, now the old guy is on the other side with coverage of his word salad and questions of his competency now, and in four years. Keep it up!

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I'm thrilled that this is finally happening. While I'm not as a gifted writer as you are, Lucian, I will be sharing my thoughts on my blog as well.

It is truly wonderful to be a Democrat now.

We can win this fight!

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Just wait until Biden takes the stage at the Democratic convention. It will shake your windows and rattle your walls.

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