NY Times resident conservative Ross Asshat — sorry, I meant Douthat — was writing about 1. How she just barely won her AG race in CA and 2. How she needed to move to the more moderate part of the Democratic Party. Asshat — sorry Douthat — obviously does not know Harris had such a small margin of victory in that race precisely BECAUSE she is in the moderate center of the Democratic party. Forget my corrections, he is an asshat.

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He's asshat at our house, too.

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The Times has been terrible with multiple stories and articles and how Kamala has a "massive burden" ahead and her many faults as a candidate four years ago. I've switched to The Bulwark to read anything half-way objective.

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I sense that Biden's withdrawal and the Kamala consolidation/celebration found nyt editors as unprepared as trumpworld. When that happens their usual reaction is a hiring spree.

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I cancelled my subscription to the NYT, belatedly, as their vendetta against Biden, Democrats generally, and their support of the Israeli genocide in Gaza became intolerable. We can certainly expect a quick switch to anti-Kamala coverage once they conjure up reasons the Democrats shouldn’t nominate her or how the nomination process should be completely open. The Times still thinks they have clout they don’t have. Their news coverage, and their editorial policy seem to be at odds. I no longer care.

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There are times when The Bulwark misses the mark. I still cannot stand Bill Kristol.

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Ugh! The Bulwark is mostly right-wing crap. I had to unsubscribe even though they gave me 30 days for free.

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Although, Tim Miller is pretty good and mostly fair.

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I've started to warm up to JVL—Jonathan Last, an editor i'd never heard of.

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This is a good read, George Merlis, but I absolutely don't get why anyone ever reads Douthat or Bret Stevens after one exposure. No doubt I'm forgetting others—several on the left have just become too boring to bother with. But apparently M. Gessen has unceremoniously abandoned the New Yorker and signed on w/ nyt Opinion. That should disappoint some nyt doubters.

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If I may be permitted to hazard a guess about the reason for reading Doubtful et al. Etsy shows self-flagellation (oops, "discipline") whips for $20ish to over $100. Problem is using them may leave marks or blood on back, visible through tailored Egyptian cotton shirts.

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She did?? What was she thinking?

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Gessen, you mean? (If so, they prefer "they,' 'their.' I'm sorta lost in the nesting.) They have some beef I don't know about with the Times?

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Asshat is correct

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No, it's not. Douchehat is correct.

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Tomato, to-mah-to. Either one works

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She is so charismatic, strong, sharp, clear, intelligent, energetic... (what's not to like?)!!! Shaking us all out of that dark place. Yes! Don't go back, don't even look back!!

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I really, really hope so. But I also know how very ugly the Republicans will get, and how very sick so much of this country is. I want to boot them out permanently and will work my ass off in this campaign, but I won't be able to breathe until we win in November.

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Yes, but we have the goods on them and we will remain LOUD!

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Just get ready for a tidal wave of filth from the right. Take a look at what that disgusting pig Laura Loomer had to say and understand that it's going to get much worse. They hate women and will stop at nothing.

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Let's not give in to the fear and negativity. She is a powerful force of positivity so let's focus on that. Trash gonna trash talk but we know the truth!

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When they go low, we point and laugh.

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Jul 24
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What they have to offer is dictatorship.

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Nope--I won't depress myself with what worthless righties have to say.

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You're right. Given that they can't compete they will do their best to maim their opponent. With no real merit to fall back on they will become dangerous right when the head of the SS quits because a bullied youth grabs his dad's gun and clueless stumbled right by them.

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Laura Loomer is a fucking psychopath. She belongs in a rubber room.🥴🥴🥴🥴

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She sure looks it.

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What we're trying to do is finally, *finally* win the Civil War once and for all. November is an absolutely crucial campaign, but if we stop there we won't get the job done. I'm pretty damn sure there are plenty of Andrew Johnsons out there who will be trying hard to put the brakes on.

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Lots of James Henry Hammonds out there, too.

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I didn't remember him so I looked him up. Seems he got rich by marrying a young woman with a big dowry, but he died before the Civil War was over. Awww . . .

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He was the "creative genius" who wrote about the necessity having a creative and productive elite class supported by a "mudsill class" of less capable, less educated, less creative workers (enslaved people and unskilled labor is what he was really referring to) so that educated, creative folk (like himself, of course) could create art and literature; produce culture and great thoughts.

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"Mudsill" did stick out in the capsule bio I read of Hammonds, but IIRC this was a common attitude among the upper classes, and not just in the South. Not just in the US either. In the mid/late 19th century, the idea that the working class -- and women! -- should be educated beyond the barest necessities was controversial. One of the arguments was, naturally, that education would literally "give them ideas" and make them discontented with their lot. Which it did.

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Well put.(Joe Manchin)

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Excellent point.

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Of course they'll get ugly. But now the levels of ugliness they'll need to bring will not be enough to sway the election.

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May even backfire on them--especially if Kamala pricks the ol' goiteraide enough and he starts ranting crazy shyte as he generally does when he goes off the script on the teleprompter.

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I love the fact that now the only geezer is Donny Dumbfuck.

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Oh gawd yes!

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We are on our way to a brighter future. Go Kamala!

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In 1932-1933, Germany elected Adolf Hitler; the United States elected Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Hitler ran on a platform of sheer hatred. Roosevelt campaigned on a platform of hope and progress, asking us not to fear the future. In 2024, we have the rough equivalent of the 1932-33 elections in a single country—the US. it’s times like these when I wish I were more of a religious person so that I could pray for the election of Kamala Harris, rather than just giving her money.

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Don’t need to pray. Set your intentions into the universe.

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Came here to say this!

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But never ever forget that by the end of the '30s the white guys with money were coming out of their hidey-holes. The mega-millionaires and billionaires are richer than ever and they will not go down easily.

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Pray anyway🙏

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"We're not going back" and just like that the winds of change are blowing favorably across an ambiguous, confused and unsure nation. Joe Biden has masterfully passed the torch in an immaculate way and caught bewildered Rs and Trumpers speechless. I know for myself that I changed from a feeling of gut wrenching sadness and a tinge of deja vu on Sunday when I heard Joe was leaving the race to a very welcome smile on my face and feelings of optimism. It was a stroke of genius that Biden painted across this great land and now we have a new lease on life. I am still reeling from the giddiness of it all.

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Time to buy stock in Kimberly-Clark, makers of Depends™️.

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I purely LOVED the perfect timing...after the R convention and they'd locked in "mini me" Trump puppet, JD Vance and after the Sunday morning talking head shows. Exquisite!

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I think it may have been purposeful.

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I feel your joy

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That was my emotional arc too, and it felt great to cheer up about it after being initially bummed

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Yay for Kamala!!

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I watched. She was (uncommonly) strong and confident. The crowd was electric with joy.

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I think I can now cancel my plans to move out of the country. Can’t wait to hear the words “Madam President!”

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….and thank you Lucian for holding our hand throughout this election chaos.

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This Substack has been really much needed for me too

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I haven't felt this kind of excitement about a candidate since Obama. Harris was electrifying today, has winner written all over her. Go, Kamala!

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Thank you. Like so many of us, I gave great respect for President Biden and his unprecedented accomplishments in 3-1/2 years. Joe a true Patriot and American hero stepped aside for Democracy. Kamala is an amazing VP, woman and defender of democracy and civil rights. Joe knew what he was doing when he passed the baton. We will win!

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My Biden stuff is staying on the fridge

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It's really starting to sink in, and now the tears are coming, from relief and joy. I think you're right. I think The Donald is toast. Kamala has so much joy, she is so smart, sensible, and attractive, so radiantly upbeat and defiant! I think when Trump tries to insult her, she's just going to laugh. Compared to Kamala with all her youth and energy and sheer presence, CFDT looks like exactly what he is: a sagging, flabby old geezer wearing ridiculous orange makeup, wheezing and ranting incoherently like the crazy drunk uncle at Thanksgiving. I hope she stays positive and laughs him off. Don't even take the bait. Stay on positive talk about her policies and stay on offense toward her opponent. Wear a psychic hazmat suit and just laugh when the Republicans lose their sh*t and it hits the fan.

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Wonderful comment! But let us never forget the depths of vileness of which the GOP is capable. Not just lies, but vicious, obscene smears, brass-knuckled racism and sexism combined. She had better be able to laugh off even the most sickening slurs! Because, if she takes their bait, they will drag her down.

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Have a feeling my middle finger is going to be very, very busy

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I agree, they will sling outrageous lies and vicious, obscene smears. I agree it's always a mistake to attempt to respond to any of the disgusting accusations that CFDT and the ReTrumplicans fling, always with zero evidence. It's impossible to prove they are false, and you just sound defensive trying. I hope she practices just ignoring the accusations and talking about her values and her goals for our country, our families, and our future. Hard to do, but if she can do it, it will make CFDT look like the incoherent, bag-of-wind, woman-hating bully that he is.

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Yes She Can!!

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Her law and justice career has her in a pretty thick skin about the type and their antics, but social media is a huge cesspool now (present platform excepted)

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Perhaps we need to wear a raincoat coat and carry an umbrella. We’ll need protection when the proverbial Shit hits the proverbial Fan!

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Don't bother to take names - we already know who they are - just kick their asses.

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A mud hole is about to be stomped into the GOP

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It's a good thing Trump screwed up and chose that loser misogynist J.D. Vance as his VP. That mistake gives us a chance.

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I cannot stand that guy. Cannot

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He's the best thing that ever happened to us. 😉

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Folks that’s not over generalize the New York Times opinion page. There are people who espouse a more conservative/skeptical viewpoint. However, there are more liberal and optimistic views. David Brooks wrote last week that the Democrats need to offer a positive forward thinking and hopeful message for the future. Even though Biden‘s policies go in that direction, I think Harris can articulate it more forcefully and personally. Image and articulation of a message really matter in today’s media. Young people are far more excited which is a major shift. Further, people of color across the spectrum especially women are going to be very excited and turn out and vote. Biden stepping back and passing the torch to Harris will be seen as a brilliant political and Historical event .

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David Brooks is liberal?

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Brooks seems to have migrated to a strange place. Sort of a never-trumper without becoming a never-trumper. Like George Will, he is ready with would-be friendly (and in DB's case, squishy) advice for liberals.

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You nailed Will and Brooks. Once they write the first article they know the effect will be as happened to that reader, holding them up high. From that perch they will write (punch down) if only the candidate or elected official proceeded as we laid out. Every piece they write is about their own view of self as being superior. Not to worry they have twins on the D side.

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I don't trust Brooks one iota

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And all Drumpf does is spew...American Carnage, American Carnage!!

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Jul 23Edited
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NYT includes their voices to get reactions.

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The whole idea of the Opinion section is to present a variety of viewpoints. Back in the beginning, it was quirky and fun. Bill Safire may have been the dividing line between then and now—way before the Times was online.

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I'm all for getting different opinions. If they're reasoned well thought out opinions. Most of the op-ed writers in the NY Times these days are hacks and lightweights. Ross Douchehat, Pamela Paul, David Brooks, Bret Stephens- certainly the most prestigious newspaper in the US can do better than that.

What finally got me to cancel my subscription just last week was one too many editorials from the RW "think tank" propaganda mill.

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Quitting the Times because of the opinion section is incomprehensible to me.

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Unscribed years back due to too many reporters injecting what are editorials in their reporting, which stories appeared above the fold that better belonged on p18 and stories on p18 that better belonged above the fold. Article placement is an insidious form of editorializing.

Happens on network news and cable news as well. FNC makes hay with it and the others noticed and began copying it.

Note: would never leave a publication or news outlet because of headline writing or intro on teevee to a news segment. Sometimes they are so far off the mark it results in a hardy laff

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I'm tv-illiterate. No working tv for a couple of years, no cable ever. I do listen to MSNBC audio in background on cellphone several hours most weekdays. I switched from print when the Times went online in '93, started reading wapo when it went digital. My nyt is now down to TimesWire rss-style feed, so I have no idea where they play stories. I appreciate the various formats they offer, wish wapo would follow suit. Can't stand wapo's time-wasting website but it's required reading anyway.

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Over the decades we've seen the emergence of TALK-AM from small local stations go regional than national. Talk switched to Shock Jock

Print at the national level went from informative from first page to last to inserting more and more soft stuff inside the news sections.

Op-Eds went from carefully researched and supported pieces to SHOUTING while doing less research and less support for their positions. Much like many Americans my parents kept full editions of momentous events. I jacked them after they died cuz I knew at least 2 siblings would take them thinking they are worth money. I wanted them for a reference to the times and memory refreshers w/o going to the Public Library and then to an Archivist web site. Same with periodicals. Ruined some of both by first storing them in the garage in the desert. The dryness turned many into scrap paper.

CNN came onto the scene with straight news 24/7 under Ted Turner. That complimented major print publications, indeed if I recall there were partnerships for news value, not dollar value or ratings or subscriptions. FNC was the first to model AM-TALK including bringing a slew of TALK shock jocks into a studio format. Then saw the potential of incorporating a form of reality teevee inc live audiences.

Print publications took the brunt of the changes to news via teevee. They were s l o w to see what was happening on perhaps one part denial. Their answer was to think and act with tabloids in mind , once an unthinkable thought. At the same time smaller print publications got hit hard. Places where journos good cut their teeth and leave their mark POOFED. Some left the profession others left scrambling to peddle stories that previously woulda been picked up w/o having to beg or compromise the quality and ethics of their career. Journoalsim sjouldn't ever resemble the proverbia;l door to door saleman.

Local papers got creamed with the rise of the internet. They were slow to recognize readers would pay a nominal fee below the cost of the hard copy so they went free free free. Then OMG we need a paywall. The respoense was it was free now you are charging sending reactionary folk searching for more FREE. Advertizers were slow to see the potential of internet news. They too were late to the party rather than partner with print at national and local level.

As you point out WaPo still can't get it right in the 3rd decade on online news. CNN made the same mistake as print, giving it away FREE then realized our costs arent FREE. Really? Then not long ago invested billions in standing up an entire internet newsy thing and it collapsed and was cancelled before the entire programming ever saw the light of day.

So, two things. (1) Adaption to change or the lack thereof is the way of the natural world not just the hooman world. Change is inevitable and one must listen to those who recognize the early signs. If not , the record speaks for itself. (2) It's only half right to claim/blame OMG corporate world blah blah blah. And even less to claim w/o evidence (beyond Murdoch Empire) some top floor corner office is pulling all the strings as in micro managing what is seen or read. Anyone in the news business knows news breaks all the time. Good luck finding a Donald Trump type in a big corporate structure that demands he signs off on all chit or directs daily ops. Nor is their minions running around with walkie talkie radiops saying this is what you will say. one hournews shows don't send up their pre-show meeting notes to the Invisible Hand or Man for editing, suggesting or approval. General guidlines are set at the top and then sent down to people to work within. That's the corporate world. In a sole proprietorship like Trump Org, everything is likely to include the hand of the owner.

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I'll eventually go back but I had to register my disgust.

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I admire gestures like that (vs cutting off your nose to spite your face).

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It's not like there's no other news sources these days- I subscribe to 3 others. Of course lots of them depend on journalists from the NY Times...

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Glad to know that. When people unsubscribe I always wonder where—or if—they''ll get news. Having read the nyt almost as long as I've been able to read, I'm used to them. They stumble, they pick themselves up. They go on.

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Perhaps. But the biased political news coverage and reporting on the Israeli genocide in Gaza are definitely good reasons to cancel. Which I did very happily several weeks ago.

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If I were going to stop reading the whole paper because of Israel coverage I would have deprived myself for decades now. I compensate by getting Mideast news from Haaretz, Democracy Now!, Al Jazeera, France 24, and DW, among others.

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