Trumpanzees are itching for a fight and they rile each other, coming away feeling bonded, sanctimonious, a part of “something bigger.” They don’t use critical thinking—it’s all emotional reaction and immaturity. It’s a cult, and fantasy seems to excite them further. These are willing traitors and their political leaders are the worst sort of seditionists. It’s all ego and power for them—and bringing down the government seems like an answer to their entitled, whining attitudes. Unless and until the Justice system addresses treason, sedition, dereliction of duty, corruption AND dispatches trump and his enablers, this country is in trouble. It all began with “Citizens United” and the Koch “libertarian” euphemisms that the “Great Communicator” endorsed.

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The lack of imagination on the part of those who would wish war is astonishing and consequential. The MAGA minions, much like the Confederate soldiers, are convinced of their superior fire power and grit, and believe that they will will prevail quickly and at small or no cost to themselves, as Lucian indicates. Living in a pinprick of blue in a red county, I can vouch for the itchy trigger fingers that are just waiting for the “nod.” It doesn’t make for a good night’s sleep.

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Time to cut off the head of the snake. Trump needs to be indicted NOW. Georgia, NY Southern District, Feds? Take your pick. Frustrating that they are moving slowly.

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The present situation here could devolve into something like the Reformation era in Europe, when Catholics and the followers of Luther were killing each other over religion-- people in towns burning down each other's houses, killing one another in the streets and eventually armies and nations at each other's throats for a century and a half of the "Wars of Religion." Europeans finally tired of this and most no longer hold any strong religious beliefs, unlike the USA, where the militant right wingers are almost always fundamentalist Christians fired up by religious issues and their religious beliefs.

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The exact question I asked my cat this morning. Your answer is exactly as I feared. Will share widely, along with NYT's quotes from Republican Christine Whitman begging party members to vote Democrat. There won't be an America left for anyone to rule. Except maybe Putin.

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Thanks for the heads up, so to speak. As a senior with health issues, the disruption of care and prescription drugs will contribute to untold dead, myself included. Above and beyond this, however, will be the collapse of our economy as we know it, and how fun will that be? I also imagine that in fact "we" have more guns than "they" if only because we outnumber them, but to the point, the collapse of the country into civil war here will kill untold numbers of us, in the millions, and somehow I can't quite see ow this is a good thing. Thanks Lucian!

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I predict no civil war and assume we are not that stupid. But-Gun Rights Activists have a clear belief that the 2nd Amendment was designed to allow citizens to overthrow the US Government. Mr Gaetz and others are vocal on this belief. Lucian notes how the societal chaos would rip the nation apart. Your bank accounts would hold little value since a loaf of bread would be $10 if you could get there before the rioters and/or Maga stripped your grocery store. Groups like MS13 or Nortenos might just visit your home and take your jewelry at gun point. After all most Police would be hiding in their station. And forget about getting your medications. With complete chaos the Russians may decide to take back Alaska... Anyway this is all a Mad Max Scenario. Just in case you dont know there is a lot of Ammo being bought. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjV6f6Z98nzAhUKq3IEHS25DQwQFnoECAMQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bulkammo.com%2F&usg=AOvVaw00SQqFnulXA1lh2n7G449E

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Peaceably splitting the Union into separate red and blue blocs, or multiple new nations, would be difficult but preferable to a winner-takes-all genuine civil war. What's the other alternative, meekly enduring a tyranny? Or perhaps Gandhi-level, massive civil disobedience? A national strike? Million man(woman) march on Washington to block the roads and physically shut down government in the event of a hostile takeover? Who's got a plan?

I can see independence movements spring up very quickly in Blue states like along the West Coast if the trumpistas manage to seize power in 2024. Even with their rural hinterlands. New England, it might just as well become a new country, or petition to join Canada. Some of the upper Midwest might be salvageable.

The country seems to me today to be a failed marriage -- the partners can't stand each other. Half this country despises the other half. Why keep an abusive marriage together? Shouldn't the disaffected parties go their separate ways?

Hell, if Dixie wanted to secede again now, I think most Blue staters would say, "Goodbye and good riddance." Why would they fight a war to keep them in? The problem seems that the Red states want it all this time. The next secession movement will be reversed from the first.

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This is a WarGame for the fucking truly deranged; perhaps these

dodos could be convinced to kill each other off w/ some real pro

special fx, like a dang Marvel movie, with a cosmic mirror that allows

them to see the evil shit within each other , THEN let 'em go for the correct

jugulars (their own)

Unfortunately, the author's vile vision could be an actual, future reality,

at which point, time to unpack my sling shot, I suppose, or maybe just


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A friend visited her daughter in rural North Carolina last week. She met locals who are armed and ready to fight when their Hero makes the call.

This is no joke, she left scared as hell.

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the thing is these people believe their side will win and that everyone is with them. they also naively believe it will be over quickly. they also believe, self righteously, they are so pure in their motivations that their side will automatically prevail.

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If there is to be civil conflict it should be while Biden is President and before the 2022 election. Biden might say that in that the Republicans want a one-party state run by a dictator, a taste of what that might be like is in order. Bannon has been arrested for threatening a violent takeover of the government. Bannon has been taken to a military base for detention for at least 30 days while he is interviewed, with access only by immediate family and attorneys. Protest demonstrations which are violent or armed will be dealt with by deadly force. The Republicans already have blood on their hands by supporting the Jan 6 terrorists and Trump who knew about Covid and not only did nothing but called it a hoax and made not wearing a mask or getting vaccinated a sign of allegiance to him.

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Unthinkable. Possible. Probable? I hope not. I think there's people out there who actually hope it will happen. I see on FB posts such as, "All Republicans must Die!" I see hate posts and insult posts (mostly from my liberal friends directed at conservatives---more than my conservative friends doing it to them). If one uses the dictionary definition of 'Bigot,' it's amazing how many there are on both sides. I think the world may be going crazy, anyway. Here's one: "Footwear brand Minnetonka Moccasin is issuing an apology for having "appropriated" Native American culture with their shoes." Maybe this is fake. Maybe it isn't. But it's just a visible symptom of the cancer that's infected the rectum of our society.

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The right wing nuts are practicing just down the road from me - in Northern NV. A group of us track these morons. They are truly scary. I was taking pix (on public property) and eight armed jerks in ATV’s came roaring out to scare me away (unsuccessful), plus I hot close up pix for our group.

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Your description of a USA civil war at present sounds like a lucrative subject for a novel. Knock it out in 6 weeks - self publish - promote over social media. There is great machinery in place for high-quality self-publishing. The reason to self publish such a novel is that it will reach readers 18 months sooner than tradional Big-5 publisher. my daughter is now in the final steps of publishing her 3d book and doing this new one by alternate route from her old Random House / Penguin/ Portfolio deal. Before you know it, you're show-running your HBO series.

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Facebook popped up a messsge I posted one year ago, in which I accurately predicted the insurrection. Ever since, I have been predicting civil war. I HATE being right.

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