Walt Kelly of Pogo fame wrote:

We have met the the enemy and he is us.

What did that simple observation cost the American taxpayers?

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I still think 45 is carrying out plans of internal conflict and race division ordered by comrade vlad from way back in Helsinki when everyone else was ordered out, and weekly updates continue.

The race war is their end game. Wasteful military spending is part of plan. Take down democracy from the inside.

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Wars are great business today. It has become as important as motherhood. Even those who might disagree with the government's strategy, have no idea of how to move the country away from this continuous expansion into other's issues.

White nationalist extremism has a huge following, and white male leaders are very reluctant to attack their family beliefs. I doubt this Administration will make much headway in improving our domestic national security needs.

Thanks for your excellent points, Lucian.

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We seem to have some sort of preprogrammed drive to plant the flag anywhere and everywhere, costs and consequences be damned.

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Only did a quick read...

Made me angry this country is so out of whack, need to think a proper response.....

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