What an absolute fucking Rogue's Gallery of assholes. They belong in a gulag, not in an American administration

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HI2thDoc, absolutely. Except "assholes" is too kind and doesn't capture their depravity, greed, malevolence, amorality, and power-seeking treason.

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All the more reason (as if we needed any more) to keep the Bloated Yam from ever holding office again. Once was far too much.

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Truer words were never spoken! To all who in 2016 said, I don't like Hillary, he's a businessman, what could it hurt to give him a chance, I don't like either one much, he says what others are afraid to say, all that stupidity ignoring his shady past and incompetent history, FUCK YOU ALL for elevating him to such prominence that he now refuses to go away.

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When Kamala Harris wins in November and she begins assembling a team to staff her administration, the first thing she needs to do is select an aggressive and patriotic prosecutor, full of the righteous anger of all decent Americans, to replace Merrick Garland as AG and put an end to the blatant and consequence-free lawlessness of the Trump era.

This new AG needs to take off the gloves and go after Trump, his inner circle, and all of those who've betrayed the nation through their activities with Russia and through their support of Trump's insurrection and coup-attempt. This should include all of the Trump/Nunes associates mentioned in this column (along with many others), but also the 147 elected congressional Republicans who were full and active partners in the events of January 6, 2021.

If we're to have a functioning and sustainable democracy, we need to assert the rule-of-law and make sure that those who betray the nation, like Trump and the rest of these creeps, pay the steepest of prices for their crimes.

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Oct 5·edited 17 hrs ago

You are SO right! Dems have got to stop being so damned terrified of t-Rump and go after him full force! A new, aggressive AG would be a great start.

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Elon Musk is the earths scariest human

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Elon Musk has turned Twitter into the world's greatest cesspool of misinformation. He has it so cluttered with fake and "parody" accounts asking the same questions over and over such as, "Did trump win the 2020 election," or variations thereof. It is propaganda in a very "Hitlerish" manner. It is intended to confuse and convert people to the MAGA mold of misdirection and distraction. Although Musk is on the autism spectrum, he is bright and he has trump wrapped around his little finger because trump is weak and insecure. He is easily manipulated by Musk and most world leaders. We must defeat trump with the vote; both men and women. We can't hold back. We must vote. After we do that, we have to bring Musk under control as he is blackmailing the US and other nations with his Internet network and his control of his rockets systems. If he gets too much control, he may well wind up controlling us. I agree that he is an extremely scary person.

I recall all the lawsuits regarding Nunes because of he Twitter handles @devinscow and @DevinNunesMom. He sued and appealed and was beaten to a pulp. He lost and no one knows who paid for the long and complex litigation. He may be dangerous, but he in not a bright man.

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Yes, I followed @devinscow and congratulated when he won. He was thrilled and If I remember correctly, @devinscow identity was kept a secret.

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C my reply to Shadowclouds

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Agree. Suspect he will want to nudge/shove his way in Trump's wake.

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Elon would be King and put Donnie in a rocket to outer space.

Elons Starlink has given him access and control over any government

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Musk is as close as it gets to a real-life Bond villain. Wouldn't be surprised if that's his ultimate ambition to be known as The Elon.

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I would like to see him in a space ship headed to Mars.

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Watch the people around Trump.(Grenell, Patel, Nunes,etc.) He's the front man. They're the ones that will do the real damage.

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It’s the Mogilevich Mob people are afraid of : https://allthatsinteresting.com/semion-mogilevich

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Jack Smith would be great at the job!

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

Exactly. A freshly inaugerated president Harris could talk to the AG with immunity and hand him a list of persons that she instructs him to prosecute immediately. Should he demur or equivocate, well then Kamala might just demand his immediate resignation and fire him if he refused. Which would be official acts and within her constitutional powers.

*edit* Autocorrupt struck again.

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Sounds like the band of incompetents and mental defectives Hitler surrounded himself with in the run-up to the 1923 beer hall putsch. It is noteworthy that people died in the putsch and Hitler did slap-on-the-wrist time in a German Hilton-caliber prison — long enough to dictate the fevered meanderings later published as “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle.) Those early Nazis could not find their asses with both hands and the Trump Media clowns appear to be similarity anatomy challenged.

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When Hitler came to power, he not only murdered everyone who stood in his way, he also murdered those who enabled him.

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Same with Stalin. Let’s hope we’ll never find out whether it’s the same with Trump.

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I am a happy subscriber... grateful for the hours, your dedication to bring the lies out of the darkness and into the light. Having informed friends..none of this surprises me. It's both and frustrating that America has so many poorly educated within its borders. And it looks to be getting worse in some ways.. and especially in some geo areas. Most americans hagen't travled abroad and the US education system continues to grow weaker. Thanks to those who are supporting the current system. My European friends continue to express astonishment. Of course DJT is not helping.. Thank you!

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I will not be angst free until Vice President Harris is sworn in as President. Until then I will keep on keeping on.

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A swamp wrapped in a toxic waste dump inside a cesspool

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Trump sure did empty the swamp. Right into the White House.

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No enigma here :D

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I hire only the best people -Donald J Trump.

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The grifting and corruption never ends with these guys. Trump runs everything like the Mafia boss he wants to be but fortunately he's too incompetent to be successful at it.

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If you yearn to be a victim, sidleup to Donald.

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This couldn't happen to a more deserving individual.

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Karen radiologist.

Thanks for the LIKE.

In about 2 weeks I'm going for chemo and some nuking. I'll think about you as the beams penetrative my esophagus.


From Somewhere in the Great Sonoran Desert.

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I hope you’ll be okay.

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Thanks Dawna.

At 84 quien sabe.

I've ran a lot of marathons

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cal, you need a few more marathons to run. The only good thing about chemo is that scientists have invented strong anti-nausea drugs. I know all about nuking. 2x breast cancer survivor here. My absolute best to you.

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Thanks Marlene

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Now is not the time to resign your position.😉 You are going for treatment.

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My step mother was a few years older than 84 when she beat stage 3 ovarian cancer. She still works and she’s trying to move back to NYC!! She has had enough of Florida!😂

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I'm sending my positive vibes into the ether, hoping some go your way Cal.

I believe you made the best choice, if you were given one, to take the science rather than surgery option. That was my decision four years ago, at the other end of my torso. I trusted in the RadOnc specialist and staff, followed all of their instructions to the letter (change to a boring prep diet and liquid regimen), and reported every issue during and after the treatment no matter how minor. Here's to wishing your venture's after and side effects being as manageable.

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So much for Drain the Swamp....they're trying to create a brand new swamp with THEIR people. Swamp Thing on steroids! Nunes is such a tool.

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There's a 50s style horror movie waiting to be written and produced

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Creature From the Black Lagoon!

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Devin Nunes could live 10ylifetimes and nevah reach the grift level of Jared Kushner. His Affinity Partners firm has collected $157M in fees from investors, including $87M from The Kingdom w/o making a single investment since its inception in 2021 nor returned any dividends/profits to any investor. (Source-Senate Finance Committee)

(tongue in cheek) Suppose Kushner is plowing through his book reading list while sitting on the john on how to invest other people's money.

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So how is this scam artist able to raise so much money? What's the rationale behind the grift that attracts so many dupes or collaborators?

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Ans: Kushner knows but he ain't telling how he stood up Affinity Partners. He had to file SEC paperwork.

Ans: Dunno and Kushner isn't talking. The Senate is investigating the firm.

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President Biden should announce tomorrow a 100% tariff (a financial tool so dear to T***p) on all the industrial-strength sleaze being imported from Russia, eastern Europe, and the Middle East for use by T***p, his family (yes, Jared) and their political/financial fellationists.

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But according to the Republicans, we should worry about the Biden crime family. Sigh.

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Classic projection again!

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Edit: for those who don't temeber Devin Nunes' Cow.

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I was wondering about the Bovine Star...heh

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