Let’s see…since the armistice ending the Korean War, the ruling Kim family has pretty much had to use hostage-taking to convince world leaders to visit their notoriously impoverished and grim country. Fidel Castro was a notable exception, visiting in 1986 to pay his respects to North Korean founder Kim Il Sung. Castro looked around and announced that his politics and North Korea’s were “completely identical on everything.” North Korea couldn’t convince fellow disgusting dictator Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to visit, but in 2013, he sent members of his cabinet to establish diplomatic relations. In 1994, at the height of tensions over North Korea’s nuclear program, Former President Jimmy Carter traveled to Pyongyang for a private meeting with Kim Il Sung and negotiated a pause in the North Korean nuclear program and the release of an American hostage. Former President Bill Clinton visited in 2009 and met with Kim Jong Il to negotiate the release of imprisoned American journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling. The next year, Jimmy Carter returned to Pyongyang to secure the release of an American educator, Aijalon Mahli Gomes, who had illegally crossed the border from China and was being held by the North Korean regime.
Well, perhaps we ought to send Tucker Carlson to visit North Korea, so he can blog about how wondrous the country is and how it is not at all what we have been told it it's like. We'll even let Kim keep the lying little elitist.
The first thing I noticed? Even Kim Jong Un is taller than Putin. Now that the cattiness pounced out of the bag.
North Korea is not known for the accuracy of their weaponry but that's not a real issue here. The real issue is this: On one hand, we give one ally what ever instruments of war they request - and claim it's not a "real giving of weapons," because the armaments are being manufactured by US companies, paid for with the money we have advanced them, so the money never really leaves US circulation. Then we have the other ally. This ally is actually is much more important to our and Europe's continued freedoms. We give them used, out dated, decommissioned equipment because, well, because Putin's personal c*ckholder (not mine, I'm quoting Stephen Colbert) controls the minority party and and that party won't honor agreements. So here we are - on one had we are backing an age old spat and will be on the wrong side of history; on the other we are denying an ally, who is most important to us, the weapons needed to protect its sovereignty and Europe because of Quislings in Congress. Again, we will be on the wrong side of history. What a heritage we are leaving the next generations, if there is even a United States.
It is a great dream, but if we get a majority in both houses with Biden winning, it would be a miracle. We need to elect Biden. We all need to do our part to get the vote out. trump is talking like he is already the winner, but he is an asshole.
Whatever you do, don't read Robert A Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress." Especially with the Chinese planning to build a base on the dark side of the moon and the rest of us all at the bottom of this gravity well.
I have for a while now wanted to put together a retrospective on what was the Required Reading List for counterculture aspirants of the late sixties and early seventies. I would submit that “Stranger in a Strange Land” would have to be on it. Also “Be Here Now” and anything by Alan Watts.
I have a confession: I've been in North Korea. When I was at Camp Hovey the USO offered a tour of Panmunjon where the peace talks were held. In the room where negotiations were held there was a big white line running through the middle of the room actually demarcating North and South Korea. When no one was looking I stuck my foot over the line.
Seriously, they briefed us that outside if you wandered over the line, the North Korean guards would snatch you up. I stayed away because I could see that the guards were looking because they gave me the finger whenever I looked over.
Such a savvy perspective - thank you, Lucian. If only we could convince the Putin- and Russia-enabling Republicans in Congress to speak the truth publicly - and Fox News viewers to believe the truth - about these threats to Europe, the US, and the world order.
Crazy lunatic dictators seek their own level...as in water...However, it certainly shows how desperate Putin is and how he will go to any extreme to accomplish his mission. Plus, how well suited for each other TFG Felon is with Putin.
The gaping maw of the military industrial complex will never accept the cancellation of their waste and fraud filled outdated weapons systems, nor will the Senators and Congressmen in the districts where this useless hardware is produced. And that is the reason why we cannot have nice things in this country. Cut the Pentagon budget by 50% and there is still plenty left for artillery shells, bullets and guns. Heck, most new recruits probably already own AR-15s anyway, just give em a bump stock and let them have at it. Refocus on real threats, not those that pad the bank accounts of the CEOs of Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics and others.
Since Eisenhower’s ominous warning about the military-industrial complex, the Titans of the Universe have slowly and carefully honed their tactics until it’s become a reverberating feedback loop like it is today. One key feature (not bug) is spreading the contracts and subcontracts across so many states and Congressional districts that no member of Congress would dare to challenge—let alone kill—a major weapons program like the F-35. In today’s world, it’s political suicide. Meaning…what’s the word for it?…Oh, yeah: We’re all f*cked.
Imperialism rarely has a positive outcome (long term, at least), does it? Algeria was, and continues to be, a disaster for France. Let’s hope Putin’s Ukraine aspirations are quashed sooner rather than later. Speaking of DeGaulle, I’m currently reading France on Trial: The Case of Marshal Pétain, by Julian Jackson.
'[B]ig guns and big bullets and tactical missiles' aren't all we’re going to need. Cyberweaponry demands priority too. Not for use in NoKo, of course. What a disgusting country, fit only for Putin, the big liar, and their kind.
Ugh. Life on planet earth just gets more fucking ridiculous by the minute. This movie seems to be on AI hallucination cruise control. What's the next weird development? When do the fucking Martians show up for christ sake? I still think Trump's partly faking the blithering moron act for a golden parachute and a pack of pardons when he graciously passes the baton to some rabid youthful going for blood candidate that will rip the hell out of our nice old guy in the debate. I can't see why Harlan and Leo would be all in on the performance Trump's providing unless it was in the plan all along. Play the deteriorating doofus and then pass the baton to life on easy street. Right up Trumps' aisle. But that's just me.
"start up factories making more big guns and big bullets and tactical missiles. "
If those factories start up, I'll be first in line. My mom ran security for a GE factory during WWII. Doing my part now would pretty well bring life full circle. She was one hell of a gal. First woman stock car driver on the circuit while raising all her siblings. Life could provide nothing better than to give me the chance to stand next to her again.
She taught Jersey City fire truck drivers for year. Drove a Model T across country in her 20s. I'm pretty well humbled by all the rest. In my 70s I'd love to start making real useable munitions for Ukraine right now. Nothing better.
So here many of us are in our sixth (or more) decade of life and I feel like I know what my parents were going through when I was too young to worry about it.
The Existence of Kim Jon Un and Vladimir Putin is the result of vast continuing intelligence failures since the boys sailed the Adriatic with a movie star. (1946).
We never came close to knocking of the Castro Brothers but managed to get the Kennedy Brothers assassinated?
At the risk of an imperfect parallel, I liken this situation to be that of a bully, in my case the high school principal's son, getting away with bad behavior. Everyone knows what's going on, but no one can do anything about it. Obviously, the ultimate response is to go to war to stop Putin, and by extension North Korea. But bullies like Putin and Kim Jon Un have honed their skills to a point where they know which line not to cross. Unfortunately, I only see the deaths of both being the opportunity of change.
I’ve been saying it for years ,we have shipped our manufacturing abilities over seas and couldn’t produce enough arms or ammunition for a really big war,to do what we did in the 40’s is impossible now .Are we to depend on China’s manufacturing capacity to provide us with the weapons we need to fight THEM ?W.TF. Is wrong with this picture?
Gee whizz ,think Georgie Patton is rolling in his grave ,screaming I told the stupid sons of bitches We were going to have to fight the bastards sooner or later ,let’s do it now while we have the Armies and equipment here !
Not only did The Melon Felon slobber all over Kim (after all a bigly diktater can't have enough golf courses, hotels and casinos while his subjects eat tree bark) but The MF wound up saluting some of the NK generals thus probably giving them more respect than our own military leaders ever got.
If the war in Ukraine has shown anything it's that so called "modern" weapon systems can be neutered by a bunch of relatively cheap drones and small explosives. Sadly we better get back to basics.
Of course you are right. Unfortunately the DoD loves its big toys. And Senators and Representatives of districts where those big toys are manufactured scream bloody murder when anyone suggests production should be curtailed. I hold out little hope.
Well, perhaps we ought to send Tucker Carlson to visit North Korea, so he can blog about how wondrous the country is and how it is not at all what we have been told it it's like. We'll even let Kim keep the lying little elitist.
I’ll chip in.
Correction: Clinton met with Kim Jong Il, not with Kim Il Sung, who died in '94. These Kims get confusing.
Meet the new Kim
Same as the old Kim.
The first thing I noticed? Even Kim Jong Un is taller than Putin. Now that the cattiness pounced out of the bag.
North Korea is not known for the accuracy of their weaponry but that's not a real issue here. The real issue is this: On one hand, we give one ally what ever instruments of war they request - and claim it's not a "real giving of weapons," because the armaments are being manufactured by US companies, paid for with the money we have advanced them, so the money never really leaves US circulation. Then we have the other ally. This ally is actually is much more important to our and Europe's continued freedoms. We give them used, out dated, decommissioned equipment because, well, because Putin's personal c*ckholder (not mine, I'm quoting Stephen Colbert) controls the minority party and and that party won't honor agreements. So here we are - on one had we are backing an age old spat and will be on the wrong side of history; on the other we are denying an ally, who is most important to us, the weapons needed to protect its sovereignty and Europe because of Quislings in Congress. Again, we will be on the wrong side of history. What a heritage we are leaving the next generations, if there is even a United States.
Well said and too sad. I'm imagining a Joe Biden win with a Dem senate 60 vote majority and a dem H of R....imagining and dreaming.
It is a great dream, but if we get a majority in both houses with Biden winning, it would be a miracle. We need to elect Biden. We all need to do our part to get the vote out. trump is talking like he is already the winner, but he is an asshole.
Whatever you do, don't read Robert A Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress." Especially with the Chinese planning to build a base on the dark side of the moon and the rest of us all at the bottom of this gravity well.
I have for a while now wanted to put together a retrospective on what was the Required Reading List for counterculture aspirants of the late sixties and early seventies. I would submit that “Stranger in a Strange Land” would have to be on it. Also “Be Here Now” and anything by Alan Watts.
I grok you. (In a literary sense.)
In our Central Florida “commune “ we spent hours, days and nights arguing about how that word should be pronounced, let alone what it might mean.
I have a confession: I've been in North Korea. When I was at Camp Hovey the USO offered a tour of Panmunjon where the peace talks were held. In the room where negotiations were held there was a big white line running through the middle of the room actually demarcating North and South Korea. When no one was looking I stuck my foot over the line.
Seriously, they briefed us that outside if you wandered over the line, the North Korean guards would snatch you up. I stayed away because I could see that the guards were looking because they gave me the finger whenever I looked over.
Ha the universal wave
Such a savvy perspective - thank you, Lucian. If only we could convince the Putin- and Russia-enabling Republicans in Congress to speak the truth publicly - and Fox News viewers to believe the truth - about these threats to Europe, the US, and the world order.
That is a big If Only.
Crazy lunatic dictators seek their own level...as in water...However, it certainly shows how desperate Putin is and how he will go to any extreme to accomplish his mission. Plus, how well suited for each other TFG Felon is with Putin.
The gaping maw of the military industrial complex will never accept the cancellation of their waste and fraud filled outdated weapons systems, nor will the Senators and Congressmen in the districts where this useless hardware is produced. And that is the reason why we cannot have nice things in this country. Cut the Pentagon budget by 50% and there is still plenty left for artillery shells, bullets and guns. Heck, most new recruits probably already own AR-15s anyway, just give em a bump stock and let them have at it. Refocus on real threats, not those that pad the bank accounts of the CEOs of Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics and others.
Since Eisenhower’s ominous warning about the military-industrial complex, the Titans of the Universe have slowly and carefully honed their tactics until it’s become a reverberating feedback loop like it is today. One key feature (not bug) is spreading the contracts and subcontracts across so many states and Congressional districts that no member of Congress would dare to challenge—let alone kill—a major weapons program like the F-35. In today’s world, it’s political suicide. Meaning…what’s the word for it?…Oh, yeah: We’re all f*cked.
So David, Was Degaulle or the OAS right about Algeria?
Which side would have CAMUS gone with?
Imperialism rarely has a positive outcome (long term, at least), does it? Algeria was, and continues to be, a disaster for France. Let’s hope Putin’s Ukraine aspirations are quashed sooner rather than later. Speaking of DeGaulle, I’m currently reading France on Trial: The Case of Marshal Pétain, by Julian Jackson.
'[B]ig guns and big bullets and tactical missiles' aren't all we’re going to need. Cyberweaponry demands priority too. Not for use in NoKo, of course. What a disgusting country, fit only for Putin, the big liar, and their kind.
Ugh. Life on planet earth just gets more fucking ridiculous by the minute. This movie seems to be on AI hallucination cruise control. What's the next weird development? When do the fucking Martians show up for christ sake? I still think Trump's partly faking the blithering moron act for a golden parachute and a pack of pardons when he graciously passes the baton to some rabid youthful going for blood candidate that will rip the hell out of our nice old guy in the debate. I can't see why Harlan and Leo would be all in on the performance Trump's providing unless it was in the plan all along. Play the deteriorating doofus and then pass the baton to life on easy street. Right up Trumps' aisle. But that's just me.
"start up factories making more big guns and big bullets and tactical missiles. "
If those factories start up, I'll be first in line. My mom ran security for a GE factory during WWII. Doing my part now would pretty well bring life full circle. She was one hell of a gal. First woman stock car driver on the circuit while raising all her siblings. Life could provide nothing better than to give me the chance to stand next to her again.
A Krupp descendant?
Burke, but she couldn't use her name because her mother would have tossed her out of the house, even though she did all work.
She taught Jersey City fire truck drivers for year. Drove a Model T across country in her 20s. I'm pretty well humbled by all the rest. In my 70s I'd love to start making real useable munitions for Ukraine right now. Nothing better.
So here many of us are in our sixth (or more) decade of life and I feel like I know what my parents were going through when I was too young to worry about it.
The Existence of Kim Jon Un and Vladimir Putin is the result of vast continuing intelligence failures since the boys sailed the Adriatic with a movie star. (1946).
We never came close to knocking of the Castro Brothers but managed to get the Kennedy Brothers assassinated?
Never why but how, where and when.
At the risk of an imperfect parallel, I liken this situation to be that of a bully, in my case the high school principal's son, getting away with bad behavior. Everyone knows what's going on, but no one can do anything about it. Obviously, the ultimate response is to go to war to stop Putin, and by extension North Korea. But bullies like Putin and Kim Jon Un have honed their skills to a point where they know which line not to cross. Unfortunately, I only see the deaths of both being the opportunity of change.
Plus one other.
I'm ok with that trifecta
whoa! good one!
Damn, I'm having trouble trimming my "make this word a better place" list down to a dozen.
I’ve been saying it for years ,we have shipped our manufacturing abilities over seas and couldn’t produce enough arms or ammunition for a really big war,to do what we did in the 40’s is impossible now .Are we to depend on China’s manufacturing capacity to provide us with the weapons we need to fight THEM ?W.TF. Is wrong with this picture?
Gee whizz ,think Georgie Patton is rolling in his grave ,screaming I told the stupid sons of bitches We were going to have to fight the bastards sooner or later ,let’s do it now while we have the Armies and equipment here !
He is.
Not only did The Melon Felon slobber all over Kim (after all a bigly diktater can't have enough golf courses, hotels and casinos while his subjects eat tree bark) but The MF wound up saluting some of the NK generals thus probably giving them more respect than our own military leaders ever got.
If the war in Ukraine has shown anything it's that so called "modern" weapon systems can be neutered by a bunch of relatively cheap drones and small explosives. Sadly we better get back to basics.
Of course you are right. Unfortunately the DoD loves its big toys. And Senators and Representatives of districts where those big toys are manufactured scream bloody murder when anyone suggests production should be curtailed. I hold out little hope.