Couldn't. Make. This. Stuff. Up.

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DeSantistan is chock full of surprises! We Dems here have thrilled to Ron DeSantis's 2023 total crash and burn.

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Next she’ll tell us she had no idea that a three-way included lesbian sex. She was heard to exclaim, “Is THAT what it is!!!!”

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This is exactly what happens when you don’t have sex ed in schools. You do perverted things when you’re an adult, have no idea what you’re doing and then you point the finger at everybody else for being perverts.

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Holy Tribadism Batman!

The only serious "perversion" is (1) Unsafe sex, and (2) Not getting the alleged fun and games going consensually in the first place, with all consensual adults agreed, so that none of it escalated to (3) the godawful , really vicious traumatizing of the unnamed third party, i.e., criminal (allegedly) behavior that goes far beyond some experimentation - or whatever you want to call it - that's been around for millennia, but if proven in a fair judicial process, what the idiot GOP Chairman did is rightly punishable by prison time, case closed!

All the sex ed you recommend is well and good and we need to stop demonizing the age-appropriate versions in our schools, or in other ways that are safe for everyone concerned, but seems like Christian (!) Ziegler might have been very unchristian indeed, not sure sex ed would help, though.

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I am being facetious. Nothings perverted. But to these people everything is perverted. Watching her tap dance away from sex with a woman being lesbian is hilarious.

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Exactly! I can't always tell when someone is going to start suddenly injecting terms like "perverted" in a more literal sense, even despite their political views!

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Nothing consensual is perverted...easy peasy!

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it's funny, Richard...all the Zeiglers I've known were Jewish, but I assume that's not the case in this particular instance. because I have a nephew named Justin Goldberg, however, nothing along these lines would surprise me.

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Maybe somewhere along the line, the ancestors became converts?

It's an interesting side issue, reminds me again: organized religion is so open to the worst aspects of "thought control," psycho-sexual repression far beyond what's necessary to peacefully reside in a larger community where "Super-ego must integrate the Id so one doesn't run amok" (if so inclined, maybe that's not an issue with most people, that is, actually "running amok," but these ranting, hypocritical evangelicals seem to pose all sorts of potential dangers, not just sexual appetites leading to bad consequences), grifting off the gullible, some of whom are perhaps very well-meaning and charitable congregants, making it all the worse,.

You and I definitely both know by now, and likely have since we were fairly young - the hierarchies are obstinate, obscurantist, can be incredibly hermetic and sneaky, covering up abuses, financial scams, you name it!

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You really can’t make this shite up.

Hypocrites are never honest, and all of them are, I suspect, criminal or want to be. To rapists and the fringe right, it seems everything is hopefully non-consensual. It’s punishment.

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Patris, another nice insight from you, that they actually HOPE for rotten, coerced outcomes, evidently the guilt /shame trip foisted on them about sex in particular reaches that intense a degree of wackadoodledom (no pun intended!) - this case should get into the national news pretty soon, too.

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Well, to be specific: the GOP doesn't really want anyone who is gay/trans or other to have sex. It's perfectly fine for the Republicans to have sex with whomever they want, including using forcible means-because they're entitled, you know.

They're the party of "family values", fine, upstanding moral Christians.

The GOP: come for the sex, leave with the sexual assault charges.

The leader of the party is a sexual predator, what do you expect?

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Hi Mary, ref the line, "They're the party of "family values", fine, upstanding moral Christians." You might say Christian in name only (CINO). I read a while back that when the Evangelicals have a convention, the bars in town and the red light district really rake in the dough :)

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I don't doubt it!

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I know that the last few times there were Republican Conventions in NYC, ALL the people involved in sex work were very happy. to be fair, I don't know whether they prosper more during Republican Conventions, but I like to think they do.

and I'd even place a modest wager on that. of course, I have no idea how to prove it one way or another.

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There is a book--out of print now, but I bet it can still be found--written by a young man who grew up wanting nothing more than to be a Evangelical/Pentecostal preacher; a third generation Pentecostal true believer....until he finally faced the truth about himself and came out to his parents.

Most of the book was about his nostagia for growing up in what he remembers as a tightly bonded church community, but much of the latter part of the book was about the dark side of the Evangelistic churches that Mr. Davis discovered after he came out as gay and learned how his community treats gays and perhaps why. The name of the book is "Strange Angel; The Gospel According to Benny Joe" written by Benjamin J. Davis.

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I’d really like to read that book, although I likely know much of what his story is. Their motto of ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’ is really, ‘hate the sinner, and the sin’ when it involves being gay.

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It's even worse--it's more like hate the sin; shun the sinner. The contrast of the love and longing in Mr Davis recounting his early years in the comforting palm of his Pentecostal family and the bitter loneliness of being ostracized was heartbreaking.

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I shared an office (and, alas, a whole school-wide program) with a devoutly Pentecostal young woman. she told me about a conversation she'd had with a friend in her church who was gay and dying of AIDS (this was about 1992). they were talking and he started out feeling like a sinner, but as he talked, the underlying rage began to surface and, she told me, as he got angrier and angrier, she looked at his face and (I swear she said this) "his face turned into the face of the Devil!"

this was so nuts, I had to call her on it and asked her how she could possibly know what the Devil looked like. "oh you know what he looks like," she told me, "he has a pointy beard and little horns..."

I told her she was describing a Halloween costume or that famous Twilight Zone episode when the Devil is locked up in a monastery and asked her if she thought the Devil would be that obvious, but it became apparent in two minutes that I was punching in the wrong weight class, as it were.

and she was a nice woman even if she was weird enough to marry the guy who sold her a car two weeks after that she bought that car. the marriage was done in five months.

but all of that is another story.

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yeah, but there are also the guys whose shtick is "do the sin, enjoy the sin, hate the sinner and the sin, continue to enjoy the sin which has been made extra-exciting by the introduction of "transgression" into the bargain. what's a bigger turn-on than transgression?

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Well, David, I'd be surprised if you were wrong :)

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Since Trump is a RINO and a CINO which everyone knows, why shouldn't everyone else join in the fun?

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Robert Evans, Many years ago I was at a convention in a midwestern city, where a Christian pastors' convention was also taking place. We overheard the maids in the hotel complaining about the weight of the trash -- all those empty glass liquor bottles.

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Hi Andrea. Yep! Figures. they are such hypocrites.

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amazingly sordid hypocrites. I don't care what they do in bed with each other, and with whom, consensually, but their hypocrisy about sex, sexual orientation, etc., is really stunning. And of course, the leader of the Repug party is a convicted sexual predator and a rapist, so his followers are just following their leader.... They are completely disgusting people.

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It is really not hyperbolic to say that every GOP accusation, is an admission.

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I like that...alot: every accusation, an admission!

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There must be something in Florida's water. Between this debauched 'Christian' couple with their self-agrandizing Christian morals and the Falwells with their videos of the Mrs with the 20-something Florida pool boy Mr Falwell fancied while she was having sex with this boy, they should create a production house. I'll bet there are plenty of right-wing videos out there.

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Perfect. They could produce porn and call it, maybe, Fascists for Sexual Deviancy?

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Wonder if Mikey J would consider that acceptable since it’s a Christian 3-way

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There might really be something odd in Florida's water. Veteran Miami columnist Carl Hiassen wrote many columns about Florida's . . . well . . . odd characters, and he wrote many novels about them too. Excellent works, short, light and hilarious. Great reads for traveling, especially "Skinny Dip". Today's hilarious political Republican three-way could have come straight from Hiassen.

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is so great and there’s a VIDEO! Can’t get out of that charge is certainly delicious, Lucian. Oh thank you so much for this reveal. Good to laugh and have it directed to Ronnie Two-Boots-Were-Made-for-Walking.

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I wouldn't bet the rent that there's video ...

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I live in Chino Hills, CA and you might have seen reports about our School Board and Sonja Shaw’s affiliation with MFL. I figured it was only time before their hypocritical behavior would be unearthed.

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I'm having a lot of fun expanding MFL to more appropriate, spelled out names.

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My first thought when I read this!

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Lots of good choices!

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Yeah we could just go with the rather sedate "Moms For Libertinism," but what's the fun in that!

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Oh, dear. So am I.

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Emeffing Liars. That’d do it.

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Responses to reports of these Christo-fascists engaging in adult activities that they want to ban for others have been epic on Twitter/X, and unrepeatable here. The problem with these two is that they cannot be shamed and so far DeSantis and others have not acted to remove them from positions of power, although Karens for Fascism did disappear her from their website.

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Living in Sarasota, I've been reading about this for DAYS! It seems we could use a new word for "hypocrisy." But I may have something new to add that, I admit, I did not know before l'affaire Ziegler. It is re: “Sorry, I was mostly in for her.” A worldy gay gentleman of my acquaintance said the construction of this three-way is often a lesbian cover, or a seriously bi-curious situation. Anyway, Porky Ziegler and his Mom for Liberty have made a grand mess for themselves, and the Mr. may wind up defending a rape charge. You can always count on the Republicans!

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Men who want to watch lesbian sex is a really common fetish.

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Hey at least one might learn something useful, so there's that!

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… Introducing a note of rationality.

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Even though I typed that while wearing a "Surfin' Santa" Hawaiian shirt and enjoying mordant humor from Project Gutenberg's EPUB download of Nietzsche's amazing autobiography Ecce Homo : How One Becomes What One Is, it's as serious as I get online!

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Ah. If wishes could only come true.

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FOOTNOTE: Aha! There you go, Margo—my favorite, apparently most elusive English language typo. The Voice at one point repeatedly ran a full-page house ad with a 72pt hed proclaiming it "THE HOUSE ORGAN OF THE WORLDY." I started a collection; it and variations (often otherworldy) were everywhere, often in the Times, year after year. "Miniscule" was a common spelling error, "worldy" typographical. One rarely sees either since spellchecks started looking over our shoulders. Me, I'm flying blind for technical reasons too boring to explain. I must admit I do miss having a spellcheck, even the goofy errors they introduce at times.

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OK, Dif - what's the word that gained a "y"?

I, too, had a collection for a while. It started with a friend who told me her father, when head of an ad agency, was visiting Al Steele (then head of Pepsi) at home. He was married, at the time, to Joan Crawford. Dear Joan had married up (movie star or no movie star) and had little education but loads of beaver shots floating around. But I digress. Friend's father heard her answer the phone, the "hello" followed by "Whom is calling?

My next addition to the list (that I can remember) is a manicurist saying she stopped smoking because she knew she was becoming a piraña.

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Oh! I thought what I wrote made it self-evident. It's not a general added Y, is an L omitted in only one word and its variants.

To wit: your "worldy gay gentleman." See how hard it is to notice the missing second L in "worldy"? I collected a few dozen instances of that one typo. Typesetters simply couldn't type it accurately and editors and proofreaders couldn't see the omission—an unwitting collaboration.

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Well, I’ll be. 😏

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Totally irrelevant to anything, just amusing to me and rarely seen anymore.

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Classic self-righteous religious/ conservative/political hypocrisy. I think they have three young daughters and, if true, I feel very sorry for them because of the pain and stress their parents have now inflicted on them.

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This Christmas Season, I’m going to include “The Bird Cage” with the annual, traditional movies.

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That was an absolutely wonderful film. I wish there were a special Christmas version.

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(1) Read about it when the story first broke however haven't seen it appear on broadcast or cable networks. Anyone and when?

(2) Story itself reaffirms Rs/cons conflict in thought and contradiction in words and deeds. The sex simply adds a dash of spice.

(3) So-called religious (not to be confused with spiritual) folk often are sexually repressed or oppressed. That is until they're not. Doesn't impede them from spitting out the word perverted at others though.

(4) The worst kept secret in R/con politics is CPAC is the number one hookup destination.

(5) Any and all of those R/con astroturf orgs crack me up. The same old-same old big name megadonors show up in them. Yet somehow SCOTUS (the R majority) insist money is same-same with speech led by AJ Clarence Comp Thomas. GTFOOH with that shit.

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I’ve been howling with laughter since this broke - schadenfreude, indeed. Can’t waste energy being angry at the hypocrisy...that’s a given with this ugly crowd. Vote.

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"Can't waste energy being angry," period full stop!

Distinguish "righteous - carefully calibrated as much as possible - moral outrage" from "anger simpliciter," and it makes sense.

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Moms for Libertines...projection, always

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Only now do I see you got here first, albeit I did turn it into an entire hedonistic philosophy.

Either way, they are only reaping what they sow, and Christian the Un-Christian (Alleged) Rapist, well, he could definitely do some prison time, it's incredible he went straight into serious violence in the apparent belief the victim wouldn't dare report it.

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A story older than time itself.

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Enforcing any kind of contract once one or both parties want to "journey outside the four corners" and don't want courts involved, already tricky, and with marriage vows, sex, some power dynamics, possible scandal (we definitely have that) involved, maybe the marriage itself is gone?

Hah, just clowning around as usual, Christian and Bridget will weasel out of this unless there really are carefully curated incriminating transcripts of Christian and Woman #2, alleged rape victim, and in prison women will write him offering marriage to replace that evil slut Bridget, or else they'll both do a "Repentance and Forgiveness Great God Awmighty Our Faith is Stronger than Ever Hallelujah Washed in the Blood of the Lamb" Tour, 2024, grifting with all their might, titillating gullible rubes and cynics alike with PG-13 versions of their dastardly For-Knee-Kay-Shun with that evil spawn of the Whore of Babylon, Woman #2!

Can I get a witness?!


0:00 / 10:10

Far Right Pastor MELTS DOWN in unhinged tirade against Democrats


1.82M subscribers

38,621 views May 17, 2022 #141

Far right preacher Greg Locke told the followers in his church today, "You cannot be a Christian and vote Democrat in this nation!" Tony Michaels and Gabe Sanchez react!

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Thanks Richard Turnbull but I knew it was going to be a mistake to watch the Greg Locke video you posted. He makes Elmer Gantry look like a misunderstood choirboy.

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ROFL, I have to watch that film again, just received DVD of this last week and haven't scheduled time for it yet, either...

Local Hero is a 1983 Scottish comedy-drama film written and directed by Bill Forsyth and starring Peter Riegert, Peter Capaldi, Denis Lawson, Fulton Mackay and Burt Lancaster. Produced by David Puttnam, the film is about an American oil company representative who is sent to the fictional village of Ferness on the west coast of Scotland to purchase the town and surrounding property for his company. For his work on the film, Forsyth won the 1984 BAFTA Award for Best Direction. *******

Critical response

In his Chicago Sun-Times review, Roger Ebert gave the film his highest four stars, calling it "a small film to treasure". He gave particular praise to writer-director Bill Forsyth for his abilities as a storyteller.

What makes this material really work is the low-key approach of the writer-director, Bill Forsyth, who also made the charming Gregory's Girl and has the patience to let his characters gradually reveal themselves to the camera. He never hurries, and as a result, Local Hero never drags: Nothing is more absorbing than human personalities, developed with love and humor. Some of the payoffs in this film are sly and subtle, and others generate big laughs. Forsyth's big scenes are his little ones, including a heartfelt, whisky-soaked talk between the American and the innkeeper, and a scene where the visitors walk on the beach and talk about the meaning of life. By the time Burt Lancaster reappears at the end of the film, to personally handle the negotiations with old Ben, Local Hero could hardly have anything but a happy ending.[10]


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Sadly, I'm sure you are correct and money will be gleaned and marriage offers will flow. WTF is wrong with these people?

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One idea is ....{Wait "Welcome to the Fritz 19 64-bit Setup Wizard" is doing that circling vortex - whirlpool - ok, installing later} the idea is if they were any more superficial they would blow away like leaves. NO GRAVITAS, none, it's terrifying to consider!

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Thruples R Us?

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