I honestly cannot understand it. Its not just the NYT. It's corporate media in general. No one has been able to explain coherently and understandably the media's double standard in "reporting" on Trump v Harris and on dems v repubs generally. It's almost like they, like right wing haters, want to "own the libs." It's sick. It's dangerous.

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I’ve come to believe that the leadership, and some of the writers, involved in corporate media share ConOLD’s beliefs.

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How can anyone doubt it?

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Scary and Dangerous.

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I have read column after column outlining the legion reasons why Trump should never get anywhere near anything or anyone ever. He’s a terminal cancer for our nation if he is somehow elected. I still cannot fathom why the NYT and others have devoted so much ink to sanewashing everything he does and says, when anyone else with half a functioning brain can see he is deeply disturbed and getting worse. What will it take for them to be rehabilitated to at minimum tell the fucking truth to their readers? They are no better than Fox. Worse, really, because most people know Fox is not a news organization.

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If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it is a duck! The corporate media is misogynist White Supremacist, masquerading as normal! Well, while it might be normal it is not good, and therefore I do not support it. I know that Substack also has a lot of Nazi and White Supremacist writers, but I do not support them, and it provides me with good alternatives. That is not true of the NYT. I have to pay not for the writers I like, but the whole racist kit 'n' caboodle.

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Why does anyone like or want a pit bull dog?

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They aren't all terrible (most are sweet) and can be trained using edible rewards. Give the Donald a sandwich and he's still his sexist, repugnant, stupid self.

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Great comment!

As Andy Rooney said, "the average dog is a nicer person than the average person".

And Trump hates dogs, so there you go.

It's unfair to pit bulls to compare them to him.

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All the bully breed dogs I've met are sweethearts.

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It’s not the dog that is the problem…

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Anyone who trains dogs will agree that the owner is typically the source of any problems.

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What is this an analogy for?

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In Berkeley, in my neighborhood, people like to prove they are very sweet dogs. They are walked on leashes, love their treats, and I've never seen one bark in over 30 years.

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For their personality?

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I've never met a Pit Bull who wasn't extraordinarily sweet, unless it was tortured into brutality. when I lived in Washington Heights, there was a good-sized park right on my corner and there fifteen or twenty dogs who used it regularly. but at ten pm, the crack dealers entered the park, where they'd beat their dogs with chains and trained them with bloody t-shirts. there was a large Staffordshire Terrier across the street from where I am now whose people referred to him as a "Pit Bull," but Pit Bulls don't come that big. now THAT was a killer dog. my late friend finally poisoned that dog after it tore up one of his dogs after killing two or three others.

I'm sorry to get so exercised about this, but I'm a dog person and it bugs me when people start to trash whole breeds based on what is nothing more than mythology. I'm a fancier of herding dogs myself, but I've fostered Pit Bull and American Bully (a huge, terrifying-looking breed known to have had all the aggressiveness bred out of it) rescues while they waited to find permanent "owners" (I don't like talking about "owning" dogs...it's much more the other way around).

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Selling papers more important than TRUTH...Gray Lady is DOWN!!!

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Saying that the Melon Felon has a "fascination" with genetics is like saying Jack the Ripper had a "fascination" with human anatomy. The MSM is trying to "sane wash" him right into the White House - again.

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good analogy!

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excellent! I might just have to steal it.

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Please feel free!

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At this moment, the Times' website has this headline: "Former President Trump is blaming the housing crisis on a surge in immigration. Most economists disagree." It makes it appear that a genuine debate exists on the issue, and that Trump is on one side of it. Of course, Trump is not expressing an economic opinion, which he would be incapable of doing. He is expressing xenophobia and racism, which he is quite capable of doing. And the Times' saying "Most" economists disagree is merely its way of covering itself in case there is a lying MAGA economist out there.

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That is such a good point. Trump just says this stuff. It's not like he's studied anything or done any research. He's too lazy and too ADHD (no offense to people who have ADHD meant). But he's never asked to expound, clarify or cite sources. Never.

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If The NY Times provided context to make it easier for people to understand, Republicans would accuse them of election interference. Rebutting lies would be called out-of-control election interference.

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I emailed my above comment to the Times and received this reply: "Yes, one can criticize Donald J. Trump's housing plans, which are really deportation plans, on moral, humanitarian and civil rights grounds, but our editors also think it's worth scrutinizing them on the merits, because it's not unreasonable to expect that Mr. Trump's supporters will argue that his plans are a reasonable housing proposal. Our editors believe it's important to help our readers understand that it is not. Knowing that, our readers might then argue with those people in their lives who may believe this and say, 'Not only is his plan bad on ethical grounds, but it also doesn't even address the concern you say it does.'"

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I doubt very much whether any MAGA voters read the NYT. No matter what we think some 40-45% of the voters support this idiot, so I can see why the Times reports what he's saying. Setting aside the headlines, which are terrible, the stories themselves generally do a decent job of showing how Trump is lying. We can readily identify the columnists who support Trump and just avoid reading them. We need to know however what Trump is claiming in order to rebut it, as Kamala, Tim, and all the surrogates are doing on a daily basis. Cults are so dangerous, all we can do it treat it like a rabid animal and destroy it by an overwhelming vote.

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I agree that MAGA voters don’t read the NYT. Many of them do not trust the mainstream media at all. Perhaps the Times and others are using the language they do so these people will find the truth more believable?

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Does anybody read the NYT anymore? They're a joke.

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The problem is that while the times is supposedly scrutinizing his plans on the ‘merits’ they are giving a megaphone to his racism and normalizing his ‘plans’ AS IF they are going to be questioned by his followers and enablers who are merely lemmings running over a cliff with the scumbag.

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We must all vote blue. I do not understand why anyone can support this traitor or let his criminal activity slide.

The Atlantic supports Harris/Walz and has only endorsed 3 presidents: Abraham Lincoln, Lyndon Johnson, and, now Kamala Harris. Vote blue!

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My cousin’s brother-in-law is a trumpy. Posted a list of the orange marmalade’s presidential accomplishments on FB. No mention of character. Totally blind.

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That would have to be a short list, saves typing.

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Yes. Trump has been torpedoed (and hopefully sunk) in the Atlantic.....

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Trumped don’t read the Atlantic, unfortunately.

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Well said, Lucian. Alexandra Petri -- my sole reason for continuing my WaPo subscription -- has a great piece today about this very phenomenon. The NYT acts as if Trump has a little lab at Mar-a Lago where he has been crossbreeding fruit flies for years in order to study their eye color, when he actually is an old-fashioned white supremacist embracing the same crackpot eugenics theories that have been discredited for decades. VOTE BLUE!!!

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I have written these assholes multiple times about their coverage. The Times likes the money he brings from his daily outbursts. It's good for their bottom line. They are corrupt. I unsubscribed a long time ago.

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I bet all journalism professors who lauded the Times over the years are spinning in their graves!

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Oct 11
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He's a danger to Democracy

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Racehorse theory my shiny metal ass. Just look at the triple crown, those races are won just as often by the cheaper horses as the million dollar ones.

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(love the Bender quote!) The only problem with Trump's theory is that HE isn't the winning horsey, is he?. He's not even a horse; he's an lazy, confused, old jackass with no special "breeding" whatsoever. If we took him to the abattoir, he wouldn't even make the grade for dog food.

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Jackass ... Putin mule

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Good plan!!!

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Do you get the AARP Bulletin? "Where They Stand...In Their Own Words." Airbrushed photo of Trump from about 20 years ago. No editing, no corrections, they just let each candidate ramble at will, "on the issues most important to older Americans," according to AARP CEO JoAnnJenkins. No taking sides here, despite one glass serving poison, the other clean water. Pathetic non-effort.

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AARP is a right-wing outfit, posing as pro-seniors. Yet it is responsible for the $2500 "donut hole" in Medicare Rx coverage. That is when I exited AARP.

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Thanks for that.

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I'd thought that was Reagan, when he semi-privatized Medicare. how did that work with AARP? I have to admit that my knowledge of this stuff back then tended to be on a need-to-know basis. and--let's face it--I wasn't thinking a lot about Medicare back in the '80s.

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Here is what I recall: Some, mostly GOP, feared that some medicare recipients were, basically, abusing the system by pestering doctors to give them unnecessary Rx's. So they made the first $2500 ok, but between $2500 and $5000 ALL recipients would have to pay themselves, with benefits resuming after the "donut" (the hole in benefits) was covered by them. AARP was all for creating this donut, which was definitely anti-senior. AARP should have backed going after fraudsters and hypochondriacs, not everybody.

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P.S. I must confess that I really don't understand, or even want to understand, Medicare and all these expensive medical insurance plans. That is because the only good thing I got out of military service 1964-9 was VA benefits. I rely on them for medical stuff. I have, to this day, not spent a night in a hospital since birth, but a few times I've almost crawled out rather than stay!

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@Margaret Sullivan

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MSM in the tank for Trump - the reasons don't matter anymore. What's really terrifying is that the firehose of hate about immigrants and FEMA seems to be having an effect. I fear that the pig is going to be re-elected on the back of his lies. Speaks volumes about the ignorance and bigotry of the American public. We live in a country in which half of the population is mentally ill and proud of it. The ironic thing is that if he seizes power again, he will hurt his followers as well but they all seem to think that they'll somehow be protected and that only The Others will pay. By the time they realize they've been had it will be too late. I wish I could leave this disgusting excuse for a nation but I can't - too old and too poor.

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Just as many people are realizing how dangerous the felon rapist is and are changing their minds and switching to VP Harris. Think positive!

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I'm trying to, but it's really difficult lately. The fascists are gearing up to steal this election and I fear that we won't be able to stop them.

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Stay strong Linda. There are an army of lawyers ready to defend our democracy. The new congress get inaugurated Jan 3 so hopefully we will have the house as well as the senate.Since the felon rapist is not in office Biden can help protect us. I am totally confident VP Harris is going to win and win big! Women have had it with this criminal rapist. If even the Cheneys are voting for her many others will follow. We can do this!

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The problem is that all the lawyers in the world won't be of any use since the judiciary has been packed with Trump judges and the Supreme Court is ready to throw the election. Maybe there are still enough sane judges to prevent the next coup.

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Come on, people—try to have some hope! When I hear people repeatedly saying that everyone is corrupt, against us, etc, it sounds like a bunch of Republicans! Democrats are realistic but have hope that things can get better!

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Charlie Warzel in The Atlantic wrote about this very thing - many of Trump's followers are NOT merely duped sheep. They are active participants in Trump's lies because, long story short, they are more comfortable living in their MAGA fantasy world and listen to Trump to reinforce their beliefs, rather than live in the world of reality with those in the center and on the left.....

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Trump hates the same people they hate. Realty means nothing to these assholes. They are interested in punishing everyone they can get their hands on, under the delusion that somehow their lives will become wonderful once their enemies have been destroyed. They are hideous and dangerous and itching to kill.

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I have recently completely renovated my Florida home with flipping it in mind if Orange Foolius wins.

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Best of luck to you. I hope you get out safely if the worst happens.

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Ooh. Like that idea. I live in Texas. Hmm…

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Mango Mussolini. Tax evader.

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Oct 11
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Hope you're right.

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Consider the rampant apathy that is undermining the election process. With so much distrust being spewed by hackers and election doubters, the number of disenfranchised voters is troubling.

But we might resist cynicism and the lure that is reducing the number of registered voters .

Sitting back and watching the ship sinks is not an option!

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The normalizing and sane-washing of Trump by the media miust stop. He’s a white supremacist, full-on racist, misogynist, and a blatant liar. And, yes, he’s a grifter and convicted criminal.

His comments on bad and good genes are Hilterarian, full stop. He lies constantly but he also shows who he is, every single day.

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I'm just afraid that the racism and anti-immigrant hysteria will work. There's so little time left to try to counter the evil. I guess we'll find out just how sick and bigoted this country really is.

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We all know...the Drones don't...sad times.

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I'm starting to think that there is a segment of the Lamestream Media that you would think would be against Trump being anywhere near the Resolute Desk again that secretly want him to win for the sheer chaos that he would bring in a second term.

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Of course, the entertainment value of an incompetent loose cannon in the White House, why didn't we see this coming?

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The NYT has been so cowed by Trump that they are unable to call out his lies and cognitive decline in a consistent way. Peter baker recently had a pretty hard hitting article about Trump's cognitive decline but other than that they just normalize the consistently abnormal. It's the old liberal story of being afraid to be an aggressive advocate for what you believe in I read several of my favorite opinion columnists, several of whom are Conservative but not Trump apologists, the arts and book sections, and articles about climate change and climate technology, which they do a good job with. Other than that, I have no more use for the NYT

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This is on the Publisher. He just wants to be on the dictator's good side when it all comes crashing down.

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There is no "good side" of a dictator. Sooner or later, everyone, including allies, are used, abused, degraded, imprisoned, exiled, demeaned, or killed.

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Trump will turn on them quicker than a pissed off mama grizzly bear. The NYT is quite mistaken if they think that Trump "has a good side" that will "save" them.

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Silly Sulzberger, Do not obey in advance. You teach the dictator what he can get away with.

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He won't be, no matter how he goosesteps now. Half the media will be in a gulag in Alaska if he doesn't wise up fast.

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They're just refs who let themselves get worked so hard they've swallowed their whistles. They're bad enough to work the NBA Finals by now.

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Brother Truscott, I apologize in advance for "giving you advice." Your postings are very valuable because you call out media failures and hopefully they will start listening (though the hour is late). But I have recently realized that there is a disturbing trend among many "young men" who seem drawn to Trump and since they are young they probably do not remember how Trump literally caused the deaths of thousands of Americans by mis-handling COVID in 2020.

Your experience as a West Point graduate and your journalistic work make you a perfect person (in my opinion) to reach out to those young men and (try to) explain to them that BEING A MAN means NOT to emulate Donald Trump --- that you've seen the best and the worst of young me in your West Point generation.

It might work --- and it might have an even bigger impact than trying to make the NYI Times behave responsibly (remember, they LOVE having Trump to report on because it increases their subscriptions!).

Apologies again for giving you advice -- Thanks as always for your writings

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Thank you for speaking the truth to power. It is hard not to fear that another, somehow worse?, hurricane is headed towards us.

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I find the campaign signs here in Pennsylvania enormously insulting, and of course dog whistle complicit:

"TRUMP An American for Americans"

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Thank you for speaking up (in writing) about the tabloid that once was a newspaper of some merit. I cancelled my subscription to the NYT long ago, when it constantly harped on Biden and NEVER said a word about the many, many heinous actions of the convicted felon.

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