My deep belief is that Drumpf and now his henchman Musk are setting out to loot the US Treasury completely and disguise it somehow. Nothing else makes sense for those two crooks.
My deep belief is that Drumpf and now his henchman Musk are setting out to loot the US Treasury completely and disguise it somehow. Nothing else makes sense for those two crooks.
They won't need to. Computer hacks transferring funds to secret accounts elsewhere and then all the new crypto Ponzi schemes will be good enough, physical objects too unwieldy and too easy to trace!
My deep belief is that Drumpf and now his henchman Musk are setting out to loot the US Treasury completely and disguise it somehow. Nothing else makes sense for those two crooks.
And after that Kosmo? Fort Knox and all that gold? Nah, that would be too obvious..
They won't need to. Computer hacks transferring funds to secret accounts elsewhere and then all the new crypto Ponzi schemes will be good enough, physical objects too unwieldy and too easy to trace!
Yes, of course. You are right Kozmo.