Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Well. Is there a word better than “appalled” to describe my feelings about the House Speaker and his traitorous party? I can’t think of one that doesn’t begin with “f”.

Ukrainians are fighting for their absolute right to survive as a free and independent nation. The unwillingness of the House Speaker and his far right buddies to supply them with enough bullets and artillery has demonstrated one clear thing: they are Fascists, deep in Putins pocket.

Yes, I know what a fascist is. I know who 45 and Putin are. I know who Stalin was (not a communist). I know what Hitler was. This has nothing to do with border security, or budgets, or anything other than the destruction of our United States government.

I’m an old woman. I’ve been fighting this idiocy since 1965. Who will take my place at the barricades? I’ll be in the rear shoving cartridges into mags when I’m not holding the hands of the dying.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I’m with you all the way

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I’ll be beside you, though I’m much getter at barking orders and holding hands.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

We need to create a Grouchy Old Person Division that would shout orders, fill mags, and hold hands.

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I'm in

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I hit the like button Lucian but there was nothing you said that I liked. I made another donation to Ukraine today if I was younger and in better health I would have been there to help in the fight long ago. I’m in a hospital now and will hopefully be going home tomorrow, I find it inconceivable that we haven’t given them more aid. This is so simple, we side with a democracy against unspeakable evil, if you were raised with any kind of morals, this is a no brainer. Thank you for saying what is happening that MSM refuses to touch.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I’m sorry to hear you’re in the hospital. I hope you can go home tomorrow. Take care of yourself Dick, and I agree with everything you said.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Hope you are home tomorrow. Take care. One of Lucian's best and most discouraging substacks. Dark days ahead. The battle at home has started.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I find it so telling that you are supporting Ukraine from your hospital sickbed, Dick, while our healthy Republicons in CONGRESS are not. Thank You.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

When I learned of the fall of Avdiivka I had the sinking feeling of game over. I also had the sinking feeling that the moronic Trump tools in the House have no concern for what they have been doing -- or not doing. Its all a political game to them. I would not be surprised if the Trump loving Congressmen are being "gifted" with money, just as Darryl Isa was. It is all disgraceful and disgusting. The Trump crowd seem too dumb to understand they are sticking a knife into the heart of America ... and a very sharp one.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I don't think they care. As long as they have Drumpf to entertain them with his circus act and the libs are outraged they're happy and servile. The ones in the House and Senate know what they're doing and are willing to sacrifice the country as long as they can stay in power. Has their ever been a bigger group of cowards and turncoats?

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Exactly. Calculated behavior.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I don’t see this as game over. Time for a few republicans to become independents and show some courage. Time to be inspired by Navalny and put more effort into defeating fascism and oligarch autocracy. It won’t be easy but we cannot give up

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Thank you, and I devoutly hope you’re right … and I cautiously agree.

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I understand why we’re not seeing it yet, but I hope and pray that someone is “following the money.” Would love to see a bunch of these idiots, with Johnson in the lead, walked out of The People’s House in handcuffs. I. Am. Furious!

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Yes, you are right about Russian Air being able to sit about 25 miles aways and lob guided bombs. The shortage of Patriot missiles, their need to defend the cities and infrastructure with what they have left, leaves them vulnerable on the front. Thanks Johnson, minion of The Defendant.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I feel as if the US defense contractors (Raytheon, Lockheed, Boeing, Northrop Grumman…..) should send the shit they manufacture it anyway, call it good will, citizenship, patriotism, enlightened self interest bc if UKR goes, so go y’all’s sweetheart deals within US gov. They could do that tomorrow.

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Yeah, where is God when thousands of Ukrainians are being murdered? Where was God while Navalny reportedly was murdered? Where is God while innocent Palestinians are murdered? Where was God when Hamas attacked and raped innocent women & children? I will tell you….NOWHERE! But we are still here! We must fight together to rid ourselves of the tyranny that our country is seeing. Vote for the best of us!

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I am not sure whether this is a repeat of the Hungarian Revolution or the German invasion of Poland (Putin covets Poland, hell, he covets the world) but I am certain that the cowardice of the GOP is only encouraging Putin, and that he is deliberately poking NATO in the eye hoping to get more favorable (non-) responses. Denmark has stepped up and other countries are weighing their risks and may quickly follow suit, realizing that it is most likely Putin now or WWIII later. Over here we hear the Isolationists' clarion call, It is Europe's problem, not ours. Much blood will be spilled.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Yes. And our Republican legislators are just doing what they are paid to do - by Putin.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Joe Biden and the Democrats need to make the Republicans' abject failure in foreign relations a major campaign issue. Vladimir Putin's Russia is very much the equivalent of Nazi Germany, if not in specific detail, then certainly in its tone. A substantial portion of the American population owes its ancestry to people who came here from Eastern Europe, including Russia. Listening to their grandparents and great-grandparents stories about the oppression that they suffered prior to coming to America ought to be remembered, and acted upon by their descendents who have the good fortune to have been born in America. Certainly those children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors remember the risks that they took, simply by staying where they were. Within my lifetime, boat people who came from Vietnam and Cambodia remember the harshness of life where they came from, and the opportunities that America afforded them, simply because they were now Americans.

The MAGAhats are a minority within a minority of Republican ignoramuses who like Trump because he sounds like them! The rest of us know better, and we need to act on that knowledge.

To those immigrant families three and four generations ago, America was a beacon of freedom and offered an opportunity to earn a good living, and to pass on their wealth to their children. This is a world apart from Russia and Eastern European countries that Russia dominated from time to time. Russia is nobody's friend here, not even Donald Trump. To Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump is a sorry-ass stooge, a "useful idiot" who, with his following on Fox News and elsewhere, exist only to advance Russia's interests. We need to demonstrate to the world, again, that we are better than that!

Back in the late 1930s, and up through 1941, then-President Franklin D Roosevelt understood the need to prepare the American people for the eventuality that we would need to go to war to protect civilization against Nazi Germany and its allies, and those homegrown fascists who seem to come out of the woodwork like infectious pests when things are not going well for people.

American proto-fascists bitterly resent the social and economic progress that American immigrants have made for themselves, and by virtue of that success, contributed to the betterment of all of us. They need to be taught a lesson that they will not forget anytime soon, that all of us together, working together and living together, have made America the destination for those who want free air to breathe, and a place where tyranny does not exist. That used to be taken for granted, but that is a lesson that each generation must learn for itself, and that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance against those who would take it away.

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It's probably best to understand Red Maga's real concerns, than to dismiss them. It doesn't do much good to label them all as imbeciles who need to be taught a lesson.

Waves of illegal immigration puts pressure on affordable housing, or appear to. And though beneficial in all ways, (in the mid to long term), initially, there is a massive cost to taxpayers.

The Democrats can highlight the Republican's failures all they like, but they can't overcome an unfairly bifurcated economy, social stress and inflation that the lower rungs of society are more affected by, regardless of cause, who should shoulder the blame, etc...

Not that it matters to Maga, but Biden can't win the election currently. He could dispel apparent weakness by not being weak. He can't have his rep on the security council vote in an unprincipled way that makes the US look like its under radical Zionist control, and whitewash it through lame attempts to "look strong."

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You raise legitimate concerns, and how not to approach the problem. The fundamental rule is to avoid gratuitous and avoidable cruelty. It's the difference in social events between requiring advance ticket purchase and not creating a mob scene at the entranceway, and not using hired muscle to beat down on people behind the velvet ropes. Creating safe zones where lives can be saved, families can stay together, pending repatriation to their home countries, or negotiating alternative diversion to available third party alternatives. Telling people beforehand that they will not be admitted, and not caving in to public pressure absent congressional authoization may be a hard and firm requirement. At the same time, an aging American population may require new admittees to be allowed.

Climate change may create untenible conditions for life in the equitorial zone. That's where international cooperation comes in. We cannot allow a minority of angry, bigotted nativists to call the shots. All of us are the product of past immigration. Our Midwest is emptying out to the point where the line of settlement closely resemble the conditions of the continental frontier, some areas reverting to the conditions of the Nineteenth Century measure of six people per square mile. Of course, civilization itself has not abandoned this land, but more and more we're seeing areas that an only be made accessible through remote control, meaning self-contained automatic operation, and which can be maintained only by helicpter or similar measures. Vast areas of once populated land are gradually emptying out of the descenders of the original pioneers. In some places, the land is reverting to its original prairie ecology and landscape. It's not surprising, because frontier land was made free to homesteaders who would work the land in exchange for title ownership. The economics of agriculture have long since changed, and much of the scarcity has much to do with hard-to-replace sources of fresh, clean water.

This is not about economics or even demography -- Much of this is conscious racism at work. The proof lies in observing who the most virulent MAGA are and where they come from. Mostly, it's the old slaveholding Confederacy kicking the neighbors' dog. Dumb as a sack of hammers. Critical thinking skills cannot be imparted through electomagnetic energy waves. Then, we got the old Nazis back; and who do they target but immigrants.

Is this something YOU want to be identified with. I hope for your sake you wouldn't want that to be true.

I live in a state that doesn't allow that to be done, at least from the 1950s. We get along with one another. Maybe ya'all should try that, and start thinking through the implication of their Evangelical theologically-driven social values and political prescriptions. You don't need to like California to observe and appreciate our success as a place to live and work in social harmony.

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"Dumb as a sack of hammers. Critical thinking skills cannot be imparted through electomagnetic energy waves. Then, we got the old Nazis back; and who do they target but immigrants. Is this something YOU want to be identified with?"

I consider Blue and Red Maga limited in almost equal measure. I'm an older Canadian and a Socialist, so no I don't identify with Americans much at all. But I try to understand how and why they think.

You bring up a good point about the Midwes emptying out. Unfortunately, it's not the point you were trying to make.

Where are Midwesterners going? They've landed in warmer states; places like Texas, Arizona, Florida - where immigrants are also landing. That doubles the pressure on these areas.

I'm suggesting you put yourself in the shoes of your fellow citizens, who are on the lower rungs. No healthcare, lower income, all kinds of stress and possibly trying to raise kids. Blowing them off as racist morons, (though I'm sure its true in some cases) won't help the situation.

"You don't need to like California to observe and appreciate our success as a place to live and work in social harmony."

Oh, I've been there. Seen the homeless, the drug addicted, the mentally ill left to fend for themselves.

I've experienced first hand the craven capitalism that rewards 'winners' and punishes losers. I know all about Pelican Bay Prison because I read about it and watched videos. Do you?

Love THAT social harmony. Just because you don't see this, doesn't mean its not happening.

"Maybe ya'all should try that, and start thinking through the implication of their Evangelical theologically-driven social values and political prescriptions."

Maybe that's all they've got left, all that holds them together. You have a better alternative? As dopey and dangerous as Evangelical Christianity is, imagine what kind of dystopia they would be in without this social glue.

That kind of belief, where they are at least esteemed by a weird version of Christ, works as an antidote to what they feel is the withering contempt coming from American liberals like yourself.

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Looking for someone to blame seems a lot easier than understanding that most of us were not brought up to anticipate a different future where our existing skill sets might not be adequate for tomorrow's economy. That's why I stress learning critical thinking skills, and ability to learn new skills. All too often we instinctively work to master the skills needed to do just the job we're hired to do. Companies often have an array of jobs that may have some skills in common, but require something extra. Doing agood job in one position builds a reservoir of good will for related jobs that might pay more, or offer better hours, as for example, a stocker or checker might also qualify as a fork-lift oprrator with a bit more training. Being willing and available to work different hours or multiple rotating shifts allows a candidate to stand out. Putting yourself in the position of a supervisor, who would you hire, and hiring from within basically means that the prospective candidate already knows most of what is desirable in a reliable and responsible employee. The buy-in is already done.

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"Being willing and available to work different hours or multiple rotating shifts allows a candidate to stand out"

You seem to be offering prescriptions for success to an entirely different generation, closer to your own age.

Telling people to work harder is a blinkered approach based on critic's age and class.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Russia, Russia, Russia...yeah, that's truly a thing. Russia is definitely helping out the worst guys. I don't think Red Maga has any idea what kind of sh**show they will be in for, along with everybody else (and I mean that globally) if Trump is elected.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

They gobble up whatever shit the Mango Mamzer throws at them.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Thank you, Lucian. Excellent, if agonizing, column. We have seen the betrayal of democracy by House Republicans repeated so many times now, and seen their consequences, that I've lost track of the difference between tragedy and evil farce. It is beyond me why anyone charged with protecting the interests of the United States, as members of the House of Representatives are, cannot see that Putin is already planning to take Poland, which he will claim attacked Russia. When Russian troops are massing in Lviv, Poland will not have a lot of choice, and NATO will have to decide whether Article 5 means what it says it means. Our parents and grandparents saw what happened when Hitler wasn't stopped early. Do we have to see it with Putin?

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Very discouraging. You also write the truth about the situation in this country with Trump/Putin. OUR fate is becoming much more uncertain. The Oligarchs of America are IN CONTROL of much more that is readily apparent. So much hangs in the balance, and things really do look dismal. The Democrats finally have a stronger and more aggressive campaign going now---but it is not doing any good in the present----A way much be found to aid Ukraine---our future and the future of the world depends on that. I'm just repeating much of what you said or implied, Lucian. Shared grief, I suppose, over the crumbling present.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Why can’t Biden invoke the Defense Procurement Act, and compel the production of more armaments for Ukraine? There is no question that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a national security threat to the U.S. Putin is the modern-day Hitler seeking lebensraum to revive the Russian Empire by invading neighboring countries, starting with Ukraine.

Biden needs to sidestep this craven GQP House and do what is necessary to turn the tide in Ukraine’s favor and halt Putin in his tracks. That action will not be lost on other authoritarian rulers, like Xi and Erdogan who may also think they could act like Putin, domestically or internationally.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Lucian, thank you once more for making clear the military consequences of the Make America God Awful mob. God help Ukraine, God help the United States, indeed. The so-called religious right have erased Galatians 6:28 from their Bibles and the so-called Christian piety in what they deem to be their souls: "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I was in a Hawk air defense battery watching the Czech border when the Russians moved in back in 68. I had made it a kind of hobby to find the myriad of very simple things that could make the battery virtually air defenseless. There were more than a couple - we would have been a bunch of techies with M14s we hadn’t fired since Basic Training against Russian tanks and artillery.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

The last sentence says it all: “God help Ukraine and God help us.” I wonder if the House Republicans even have a twinge of guilt while they are basking during their two week vacation.

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Feb 20Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Trump doesn’t need to talk on the phone with any GOP members either. Message sent…message received.

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