Powerfully said, Lucian, and very, very well said as well. Thank you! I’ve been aghast at some of the post debate commentary in the MSM being as shallow and vapid as it’s been. Last night was truly about people’s lives and freedoms, not who sounded more polished or was able to blatantly ignore the truth.
Powerfully said, Lucian, and very, very well said as well. Thank you! I’ve been aghast at some of the post debate commentary in the MSM being as shallow and vapid as it’s been. Last night was truly about people’s lives and freedoms, not who sounded more polished or was able to blatantly ignore the truth.
Powerfully said, Lucian, and very, very well said as well. Thank you! I’ve been aghast at some of the post debate commentary in the MSM being as shallow and vapid as it’s been. Last night was truly about people’s lives and freedoms, not who sounded more polished or was able to blatantly ignore the truth.