The Natalie Harp story is like the flip side of the Roman emperors who had the guy behind them telling them they were mortal. Trump has someone telling him he’s a god.

Apparently, he’s Donnie Dogfart now in addition to being the Nodfather.

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Donnie Dogfart!!! OMG that is the best name yet invented for a humanoid who pollutes the air wherever he goes!

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I wonder, if someone agrees to sleep with him do they have to remove the diaper or does he take care of that? It's a puzzle to me.

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I'm betting he hasn't had sex with anyone other than Mary Five-Fingers in YEARS!

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And them's BADD!!

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The worst!!

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Trump seems to have about as much control over his words and deeds as an unconscious airline pilot has over his plane at 30,000 feet. I don't know if it's a deep psychological failing, .a God complex or just sheer stupidity. He is one of those people (like MTG) who is always wrong but never in doubt.

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Being never in doubt is not a sign of intelligence. <g>

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It is a sign of insecurity. He is the most insecure person I have ever known of, and I've been around a while.

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Like Drs. Dunning and Kruger discovered— competent people underestimate their abilities and incompetent people overestimate their abilities. IOW, smart people realize what they don’t know but the fumducks among us think they already know everything.

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Mary, I am going to commit GTS* and steal "fumducks" Brava!

GTS* = Grand Theft Spoonerism

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So true Susanna. But after a disagreement very rare for the other person to say "Oh, yeah, you are right! I just didn't see it at first, you are right." Although now I think of it my wife used used to say that all the time to me. (See, Susanna, I can lie as good as Trump :),

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I usually need to go off and think about it before I realize I was wrong. In the heat of an argument adrenaline gets in the way of reason.

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Yes, I think that's true for a lot of us, Susanna. There's something about human nature that makes us think we know better that the other person. But as you say when things cool down and we reflect on what was said we may begin to see their point, but even then we hate to admit we were wrong even to ourselves but especially to them :) so will tend to stubbornly stick to the same argument. And in a heated discussion people tend not to listen to each other. Then there's the old joke based on when a tree falls in the forest and there's no one there to hear it, etc, etc, So the joke goes, "If a man speaks in the forest and there's no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong? .

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We may have nailed the difference between an argument and a discussion. <g>

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He has as much impulse control as a coked-up squirrel. Credit given to Jeff Tiedrich

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A child in a man's body.

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In an obese old man’s body.

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I stand corrected, shee-rah :)

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Like Rex Tillerson said, 'he's as dumb as a box of rocks!'

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Haha, that's right, he did. He has street cunning and is manipulative, but stupid, no common sense. His own worse enemy.

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The violence he stokes is one of the worst things he does every day. He has 24/7 Secret Service protection, at taxpayer expense, yet, he puts innocent people at risk with his hate, lies, and talk of bloodshed. He's is shameless.

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Very good point, Alex, As you say, he has round the clock protection but no concern for the safety of others he puts in harms way. by his hateful rhetoric.

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All of the above and soooo much more

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Yep! That about sums it up. L can understand people who feel they don't fit into regular society likey the J6 crowd. voting for him, but how do you explain intelligent educated people voting for him?

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Cynical opportunism at its worst?

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The other day I saw the hashtag #ETTD for the first time - Everything Trump Touches Dies. Let's hope his "hands-on" clown show approach to this trial kills his chances of getting an acquittal.

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I have that book.

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FOX has been called a 'cancer on democracy'. See how Jesse Waters spreading conspiracy theories about the NY trial jury fits in the Murdoch play book with this infographic. "FOX cancer claims another victim"


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To us, cancer; to Fox, a triumph.

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He dreams of being a dictator, but is only a dick.

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Now, now! Okay…you’re absolutely right!

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Good one!

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Good of you to dig up the Gotti trials (the men aren't all that different in some ways, but Gotti was smarter.) The difference to me is that seeing Gotti on television didn't make me sick. Perhaps because he was more genuine.

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Gotti made no phony excuses about who and what he was .Trump has manufactured every bit of his tough guy persona,Gotti was the real deal ,a hard core murdering Mafioso who was what he appeared to be!Trump has always been a wanna be N.Y. Gangster ,to which he is the exact opposite,in reality he is a cowardly,insecure cartoon character who has created a delusional fantasy of what he could never be! Embellishing himself in his own mind as a genuine one of a kind phenomenon never to be equaled is his reason for being! What a sad ,sorry existence it must be to have to constantly lie to your self to make your lack of any true commendable qualities a reality that will never be!

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Isn't it peculiar to think better of Gotti than a former POTUS?!!

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Point being at least Gotti was honest about who he was !

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Just so.

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When he was in prison, he became friends with Denny McLain, the former Tigers pitcher and the last to win 30 in a season in 1968. McLain was serving time for raiding a pension fund in Mid-Michigan. They were in on a phone card scam. A friend of mine, first time in Europe a few years ago, used one of those cards $100. He found out the card was drained when he went to make a call. People ask me why I can't stand McLain. I tell them, it would take years.

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I remember it well. 68 and the pension fund. A complete and thoroughly disgusting human

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And people gave him chance after chance because of who he was. A TV show, radio gig, even did a few Tigers broadcasts after George Kell and Kaline left. Funny thing, when he got out from the Federal Fun House, he worked the graveyard shift at a 7-11 a mile away from me. 2005-06.

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Excellent distinction!

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One man’s opinion. He looks tired,worn out And despondent. His musings lack the normal intensity of vitriol he is famous for. The words are the same but the energy level is depressed.

If this trial goes eight weeks he will be totally burned out when a verdict comes. Also to be taken into account is his required presence will reduce the number of “rallies” he will attend. These are like opening a blood bank for a vampire so I am betting he will continue to fade as it wears on.

So long as the judge keeps reining him in he will continue to be the incredible shrinking candidate. And should the jury find him guilty get ready for the implosion.

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Your comment is so on target it could apply to any day in the last 9 frickin years.

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Gotti was too brutal to relate to—I stopped reading news of him early. So the parallels you draw are startling. The crudest gangster was classier than the big liar. My favorite MSNBC squib today was when he stood to leave before he was dismissed and Judge Merchan stopped him unceremoniously, “Sir, would you please have a seat?" He did. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/16/opinion/thepoint#trump-trial-trapped-courtroom "Stormed out," indeed. He is a bit more diminished every day. (Yesterday being the whining about the cold courthouse day.) Favorite news from you today, Natalie Harp's only-in-trumpworld job description.

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Was just listening to Joyce Vance on The Last Word. She said that tffg was the only person who did not rise when the jury entered or left the room. Wish she had asked whoever reported that whether tffg had stood when the judge entered or left the bench. I suspect not.

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You'd think he'd have learned by now he simply cannot provoke this judge into reversible errors. But noooo …

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This is all sooooo true.

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Yes, difny, that picture of Natalie Harp says EVERYTHING about the maga world. The short skirt, bare legs, high heels and bleach blond hair.

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At least the Borg differed in form—they couldn't all be Jeri Ryan.

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He needs size 48 Pampers, designed for 260-pound infants who were never potty trained.

Maybe he can auction off trial-worn, fully-loaded ones to the highest MAGA-phile bidders.

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Now that truth social stock is down, the bidding has already commenced.

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Over the past fifty years, I’ve had an opportunity to watch quite a few criminal defendants in court. What I think we’re seeing here, is a criminal defendant who is scared shitless.

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Let us hope he is scared shitless. He certainly deserves whatever suffering comes upon him for all the misery he has showered on our country.

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Ah, the poor baby. Maybe he can stay awake under his blankie while sucking his thumb.

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Fumm, you spelled it wong!

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I'm so sick of that racist, woman-hating, criminal, traitor POS.

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So big baby Donnie needs a blankie and a binkie, too?

Put a cradle in the judge's chambers and let him sleep there.

Oh, and make sure his diapers are changed as well..because from what I've read, he farts and it stinks up the courtroom and I actually wonder if that was gas that passed or something more solid.

Because someone stated that it smelled in the courtroom after that.

I just wish he would pass out and stay passed out. We can use the silence. I'd hate to be on the jury there because they have to see him every day-but at least they got their licks in before they were seated when they had emails and texts they wrote described in court as part of voir dire.

Those were very enlightening and amusing. Especially the ones that trashed the defendant in every single way possible.

And Trump had to listen in silence to that. I love that image-hearing the fond nicknames people have come up with for him. Now he knows how it feels to have people dump on you.

I wonder if his itty bitty feelings were hurt? If they were, I don't give a rat's ass.

It's about time he got what is coming to him and this trial promises to dish it out in spades for him.

He can't order hits on people, like Gotti did. He should also remember that Gotti died in prison ,

Such a justified end to a mobster, one that would not be remiss for Trump.

We can only hope and pray the jury will render a just verdict.

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He's no longer in his bubble full of adoring fans - most of whom have probably been paid to be there behind him on the stage. Welcome to the real world Donnie P01135890!

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I have an image of him in just his diaper in a high chair holding a baby bottle of milk and screaming, “It’s a disgrace! Wah wah!”

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I have to wonder to what lengths the court has gone, or will go, to protect the identities of the jurors? With outsiders like Fox and others trying to subvert those efforts it would seem like a cat-and-mouse routine with dire consequences for the jurors who become known.

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I think it very likely that the jury & alternates will be sequestered. The danger isn't limited to them only but to their families.

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The Wizard of Oz keeps coming to mind, right after Toto pulled back the curtain.

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The smallest of doggos is still the Top Dog. 'Tis the reason Trump hates dogs.

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