Please include activated young voters in this group — women and men! My cohort of 30-somethings is fired up and ready to go. They understand the stakes on all fronts, from personal autonomy to defending democracy. They will vote blue full ballot.

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I am so glad that younger voters seem roaring to go! It is a lot of their world that we all are voting for.

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Sheila, You are absolutely correct. This election will be won by crowd size and enthusiasm both at rallies and ultimately at the voting booth on November 5th!

Any polling expert that thinks crowd size doesn't matter is an idiot!

Bernie would have won in 16 if the DNC hadn't interfered in the process and let the people decide.

Thank you for confirming to this 70 year old that you have my back!

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Glad to hear it Sheila.

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Rosie the Riveter said it all - The only inequality that exists between the sexes is when it is applied to the benefit of the male.

With all Due Respect - YOU GO GIRL!!!!

(translate that to "we men have screwed things up enough. We NEED you to help sort this f'ing mess out")

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Still, I am super worried about the Tech Bros with their billions to throw at this election, and how they are not only backing Trump, and Vance, but rumor hath it that Peter Thiel is putting Vance in place to remove Trump via Article 25, by claiming Trump is incompetent. That does not sound too hard to do. Then they have their bought and paid for president that is mentally competent enough to do their bidding, which one cannot count on Trump to do. The Heritage Foundation also has a plan for running our nation through a proxy president, in keeping Trump in power and having the Chief of Staff run everything, at least that is what Chapter One of Project 2025 called White House Office seems to be telling us is planned. So, Harris should stick to going directly to the people and avoid the media, who are doing their own twisted ill advised thing. She is also rebutting the lies being told, which are flying faster and harder and all of the Republican MAGAs are in on it. However, we then have groups like this embracing Harris and Walz. Evangelicals for Harris. https://charlotteclymer.substack.com/p/wait-evangelicals-for-harris

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LOL. My sentiments exactly!

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We need more women in government at all levels...there would be less violence, racism, debt, war, greed, corporate capture, testosterone and dick measuring contests. Women can come to a consensus, problem solve, keep the peace - after all, we raise male children. It is high time the old, entrenched male politicos retire and let younger generations move into place. They are much more comfortable sharing responsibility between the sexes. I am so looking forward to Madame President!

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I actually think women can be just as obstinate and irrational as men. But I’m glad to see a woman at the top of the ticket who I think will be a competent and rational head of state … I’m hoping she brings a cadre of advisors along who are better than the Chicago school and the Wall Street bunch that came along with Barack.

I’m encouraged by her choice of Walz, and I hope she keeps Pete on in her cabinet, and she picks some others with real vision, when the time comes.

I’m not sanguine about the prospects for November, but I am much more optimistic than I was — Just, PLEASE, Democrats, keep your wits about you and don’t let the Dirty Tricks Gang trip you up this time …. Be ready for their shenanigans, and give ‘em a taste of their own medicine! Be more savvy than they are.

Everybody else, Vote Blue {and make sure the Blue you vote for is True Blue, too. No more Manchins and Sinemas… }

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I agree with you that women can be just as obstinate as men. But as a male, I believe that on the whole fewer women in positions of authority would be prone to the depredations all too common among men in power. Seems that testosterone and external genitalia often create ego or compensatory issues. Not many women exude small dick energy. Well, MTG does, but she's obviously a special case.

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Of course, one, if not the greatest, lines about MTG is “bleach-blonde bad-built butch-body.” Every time I think of that, I smile and laugh. It is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

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I suspect that a great deal of the “testosterone” behavior observed in men derives from the centuries-long cultural message given to all of us that “men are the superior sex and gender” {and in some circles, that there are only two genders, the male one being the best}, and they’re defending that old trope in the face of mounting evidence that it’s not true, and that women are as capable as men are at being “in charge of stuff,” especially in a modern world, where mere brawn is no longer much of an advantage. I have observed that, when women serve in positions of authority, they demonstrate similar personality traits to male authority figures, perhaps expressed slightly differently, but with quite similar effect. Some are stellar, and some are not. Same as men.

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Unless they're Republican woman.

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even some of those are flipping - and many support abortion and IVF.

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Like Susan Collins.

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Finally. After she voted to confirm the Federalist Society extremists

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Yeah....she's a weathervane and is hand-in-glove with Leonard Leo, that little *&%$@#, and everybody in Maine knows it. Unfortunately, she's the Repubbie's weathervane and we are a rural--and in some parts--very deep red, state.

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That is what Jessie Ventura was claiming in his interview recently where he says it is time for a woman president and that he backs the Harris-Walz ticket.


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I’m a man and I’m so ready for Kamala Harris to become our first Madam President next January. Not only is this about equality, bodily autonomy, and freedom for all, it’s about bringing a woman’s perspective to the highest levels of our government and beginning to change the paradigm of our politics.

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"[T]hat abortion will be on the ballot in at least two key swing states" may boost turnout, which we know tends to favor Democrats.

Trump's 3 SCOTUS picks may have inadvertently handed the Dems a trifecta.

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How ironic is it that Trump and his court defined what may well be the winning issue in the 2024 election, legalizing abortion again in the general election (not in gerrymandered states' legislatures)?

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It's way overdue that we have a woman as president, women get things done! Trump's entire 50 years in public life has been based on one lie after another. It's worked for him so it's understandable why he won't change, but at long last maybe, just maybe, it's getting old and stale. We need to just keep ignoring him and like the Wicked Witch he'll just gradually melt away.

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Nancy Pelosi is a good example of a woman who gets things done.

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Don't forget the rest of the movie!

I'm Melting! - The Wizard of Oz (7/8) Movie CLIP (1939) HD

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The Magas will "hail to Kamala?" I think Niki Hailey is standing by to pick up the pieces.

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tRump is poster boy for toxic masculinity due to small dick energy and overcompensation for deep seated insecurities

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Perfect song to complement your comment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FciQeRGYFlw

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Kamala has energized the masses of all ages, races, and creed! Her positivity, her smiles, her extensive legal background, her love of country and everything about fairness, give us a renewed life jacket. We were sinking into the abyss but like a phoenix, she rises. We will win but we have to be aware of the election deniers that the R’s have dispersed throughout the swing states. Marc Elias of the Elias Law Firm and the author of Democracy Docket is working on that as we speak. Thanks, Lucian, for being so open-minded.

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How can we expect our children to grow up with good values when they see grown men like Trump insulting women, speak crudely about them kake racist remarks, and lie over an over?

Jt's good though that the people in these states will get to vote on the abortion issues. They had no say when the people they elected to office voted to criminalise women and their doctors over newly prohibited medical care and treatments. The Supreme Court letting the states decide didn't mean the people but the legislatures who didn't even consult with the people they claimed to represent and who placed them in office.

I see now Bill Barr covered up an investigation that could have led to another impeachment for Trump or criminal prosecution: "According to new reporting by The Washington Post, the Egyptian government attempted to funnel $10 million in cash to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, leading to a previously undisclosed Department of Justice investigation into the transaction. The investigation went nowhere, with Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr ordering it closed due to “a lack of sufficient evidence.” Meanwhile, Trump approved millions of dollars of military aid to the government of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who has been in power since 2013. Carol Leonnig, the reporter who broke the story at The Washington Post, explains that the money, if it did reach the at-the-time “cash-starved” Trump campaign, will have amounted to bribery. However, notes Leonnig, the window for prosecuting anyone involved in the transaction has largely passed following the aborted investigation.Transcript"

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“Lack of evidence” is bullshit! Apparently Trump donated $10 million to his campaign. All they had to do was ‘follow the money’ from Egypt to Trump’s account to his campaign’s account. Barr should come clean.

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Men have rarely if ever set a good example or instilled good values in their seeds.

Most duties and responsibilities fall on the shoulders of wimmin, from raising children to taking care of the male spouse's elder parents while holding down a paying job, making certain the kids are nourished, have clean clothes, wash, sleep, involved in their education, see to it they have transportation and on and on, then on and on and on for years and years and years. There is an umbilical connection that doesn't end when the cord is cut.

And even now men reduce/shorthand wimmin's reproductive health care to the A-word as if a woman is a mere baby machine that never malfunctions, doesn't require specialized care and monitoring during and after and on and on and on. The A-word reduces everything down to birth it or kill it. How fuckin ignorant of a woman's life can one be?

Ignorance alone would be bad enough. Add hubris by insisting they can speak to the subject, all of it, without turning the mic or pen over to a woman is what makes me ashamed to be a man.

Never ceases to amaze me when a man says a woman has the right to choose as if he was bestowing a right wimmin already don't have. Those men are the same lot who at one time engaged in date rape, engaged in spousal rape or both.

Any law singling out wimmin is absurd. It's not very different than laws that singled out POC as to what they could and could not do. It's the exact same mindset of male supremacy.

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So well said, Sadowcoud, They seem to care more about a microscopic clump of cells which at six weeks and for a time beyoned than the heath and even life of the mother. Apparently no concern either for grown kids who are killed every year by assault weapons and oter guns.

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They don't 'care' about anything but being dominating, as if their physical strength were the only statement to make and expand on, caveman style. It's been a long damn time and we're fucking sick of it and I'm glad to see that men are waking up. It's not like you have just your own world to protect and defend, you actually live in the bigger world where we women are 1/2 the population and 3/4 of the workers.

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Patriarchal societies and institutions do NOT value life nor place sustaining life as a first principle.

Just one example: Sure dafuq wasn't males who said, hmmmmm drinking and driving is stoopid, let's change the laws. It's women who organized around gun safety and gun control. It wasn't men who woke up one morning and said, women should be "given" the vote. It wasn't men who first embraced Kamala and organized the first ZOOM calls. Men remain the most likely to continue to blame others for Joe sucking as a candidate and most likely to remain of the mind an aging 81year old man can govern this nation better than any woman because only a man can defeat another man at anything.

Another example is happening before our eyes and ears. The male-dominated media is demanding Kamala come to them, sit before them, and answer their questions. Yet, do not make the same demand on Trump. Then follow that up with it would be better for her and for the voters if she obeyed us. This is also known as Father Knows Best.

What did man ever do to lay claim to be entitled to dominance over wimmin?

As a man am ashamed of human male history. Sadly few men are.

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I believe at one of her appearances, where she was being badgered by reporters, she asked them "ok, whatcha got?" Every question, save one, was about the orange turd. Nothing about what she would do. I wouldn't sit for them either

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The media wants her to adhere to their (emphasis) definition of a presidential candidate. Haven't ever come across a FEC rule that states when and where a candidate must do interviews with the media. Nor aware of any political party rule stating the same or the media has a say in the campaign's media strategy and tactics.

Media went from Kamala should do a sit down to Kamala must do a sit down. Guarantee one of the first questions will be iithah Trump says this about you or your critics say that about you, what say you?

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So true.

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Yes, forgot about that. he's an animal a liar a cheat a con man and a altogether a worthless POS! His MAGA followers don't care. They have no idea they've been conned.

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And not to forget, Drumpf was accused of spousal rape by Ivana, along with his other crimes.

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Add JD Vance's (paraphrasing) wimmin in abusive marriages should stay in them. WT AF

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Felonious Trump is also an adjudicated sexual assailant, which should further reduce his popularity among women voters no members of Cult 45.

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John Kerry got ‘Swift Boated’ in 2004, not 2006.

That women are leading the battle to preserve their bodily autonomy, and as a result becoming a political force to be reckoned with, is the best news we have had in quite a while on that front. I have maintained for some years that if this country survives as a democracy it will likely be because of women. More than ever that seems to be true now. *Rump has released the demons of racism and misogyny in his very toxic male-oriented rants and rages. Perhaps it is better to know the dimensions of these sad human failings in the population than pretending they don’t exist. However, now out in the open, they have become part of the wide political divide that plagues us. Democrats winning the trifecta in November will not unite us, as that is likely impossible, but we may be able to restore our democratic institutions that have been under attack for over 40 years. And women are leading the charge. How wonderful is that.

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Trump and his henchmen are uniquely evil. The country has a lot of healing to do.

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Now I hear there's a bunch Drumpf loving, lonely, women-hating young 'men' who are banding together on line (of course) against a woman president. There can't be that many of them, can there?

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I am coming to terms with the idea that there may be an awful lot of four inch limp hot dogs in this world than I might have suspected.

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Perhaps the number of Cat Ladies showing up at our doors on Halloween will be an indicator of which way the election is going.

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I haven't been so energized about a presidential election since . . . . well, maybe never!! And it's a woman who stands a better-than-even chance of becoming the first female president of this country. It should have been Hillary but the Bloated Yam managed to hose that up. Now it's a mixed-race woman (not that being mixed-race is important) and a lot of other women in this country that are shaking things up. I'm excited!!

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And she keeps gaining momentum!

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For me, it's since JFK, then RFK. It's such a great feeling!

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Plus George McGovern.

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Yes. That was a sad one. He let himself be defined by the opposition. Even I didn't know he was a decorated WWII veteran. He never even mentioned it to my knowledge.

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Modesty about personal accomplishments was sorta characteristic of those Greatest Generation heros, wasn't it?—not a useful trait though in a politician. But U.S. Vietnam war divisions too probably discouraged emphasizing his combat background.

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You are absolutely right, Lucian.

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⟡ Your vote:

small act, big consequences.

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What a photo. Counting the boxes, appears to be at least 72 boxes piled high. Look closely at the very human group standing in front, just having made the delivery. That truly human group of women positively screams the abject cruelty of forcing women and girls go through pregnancies against their will.

Thanks Lucian. Another fine one.

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"Trump proved that if you tell enough lies again and again and again, something will stick, and then you can run with it" I think it was Goebbels that proved that

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