
For "Palm Springs" in the fist graf, I have corrected it to "Palm Beach." A sign of Trumpian fatigue, I'm afraid, which is at least in part the subject of the column.

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Lucian, what would I do without you?! My level of trauma and exhaustion is so bad that I need you to make things easier to comprehend and digest. Thank you! I beseech the angels of truth and good to answer the DOJ’s filing with a slap down of the corrupt ass-licking Judge Cannon. It would be a redemption of overall justice if she were to feel humiliation, remorse and be a pariah for the rest of her life. Doing these evil things at a time when we might lose our democracy requires consequences.

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What would I do without readers like you, Sarah?

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Don’t expect her to feel any remorse or humiliation! Those corrupted to the core by t-Rump are incapable of shame or remorse.

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I saw that brief myself (before posting it here) and thought about downloading it, but after reading so many of these things, I trust the DOJ knows what they're talking about and they're as sick and tired of the orange mangaroo as we are-which is why their brief is saying in so many words,

"How many more fucking times do we have to keep telling everyone Donald Trump is guilty and just let us put him on trial...PLEASE!"

Because I've seen contempt in briefs and this one is literally drowning in it.

I hope the 11th approves their motion and stops this charade..plus put a gag order to Trump for the next 12 months.

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If the DOJ wins this appeal, won’t TFG try to appeal to the Supreme Court? He’d probably be shot down like he was in his previous appeal, but he could (again) stall for time and delay a prosecution.

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Oh, I'm sure that he will, and he will be shot down again-he just does not give the hell up, even when the winds of hell are pulling him in.

He's an idiot.

I've seen appealable issues, but he has none. He's been given more than adequate deference, and now it's time to knuckle down and PROSECUTE him for his crimes.

Anyone else would have been-by deferring to his lily white ass, we're encouraging him to hold all of the system in contempt.

We have to prove to the world and ourselves that what Merrick Garland said is true:

"No man is above the law."

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Mary, you left out a descriptive word in your response: "lily white FAT ass".

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I'm sorry, I thought it was already known. :)

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The exhaustion and confusion you're experiencing is the point. It's been tfg's M.O. his entire career, in which tiresome legal manipulations, burying "adversaries" (aka contractors or employees) in paperwork, or flooding the zone with shit reliably wears down opposition and enables his kind of victory.

Good on ya for staying the course, sir.

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A paid subscription to your newsletters is a genuine bargain! Your work and dedication leaves me in awe of your determination to shining the light on that useless, lying, cry baby from NYC. It takes a fair amount of effort for this humble reader just to compose a simple comment. The effort you put into composing these newsletters, sometimes twice a day, is awesome and commendable. Thank you for all your work!

P.S. The five bucks is more than worth it, everyone! If I can afford it on a meager fixed income, you probably can too. Peace.

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I concur that a subscription to Lucian's column is a bargain. He clarifies the legal language that to the average person is less than clear.

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As Lucian retires well-deservedly to his Fainting Couch, let us not forget after tonight’s “debate” in Georgia that Herschel Walker is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.

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I haven't seen the debate, but for sure if a "mensch" is someone with courage, gravitas, and a functioning moral compass, people like Walker, and of course Trump, are the anti-mensch, the terrible examples: with moral cowardice constantly exhibited, buffoonery on offer all the time, and either cluelessly amoral opportunism or downright malevolence their substitute for ethics.

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I too, saw the brief. They used polite legalese to say how utterly and completely FUBAR Traitor in Chief and his legal lackey are. They were direct and to the point. Not to mention tough to rebut. These traitors still belong in Florence SuperMAX!.

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Dern! There goes Cannon’s SC nomination!

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Let's hope trump's lawyers are even more exhausted than you sound.

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I'm not so tired of the whole thing that I didn't have a ton of fun with this column. Sometimes I surprise myself with how I see this stuff.

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I feel your pain. Successful lawyers need to have the stomach and savvy for rebutting the most absurd nonsense tricked out as legal arguments. For my money, a Motion to Dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction should have been the first order of business two months ago. The only reason I can think of is the exogenous character of the audience crowded into the cheap seats is addicted to 'whataboutism'. Nobody believes that Trump's arguments are being offered in good faith, and that they are supported by substantial evidence. Hold a protest rally outside the Federal Court House in Atlanta with signs reading "Free Occam's Razor".

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Yes, then stubborn philosophers can hold their own rally, arguing "Which version of Occam's Razor is to be freed? Some versions are very misleading!"

Looks like the DOJ lawyers are rehearsing for any possible last ditch bilge the Trump team tries to bring before the SCOTUS.

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Under that reading, 'Occam's Razor' becomes the Barber of Saville.

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Random Philosopher of Complexity: "With all due respect Mr. Billy Bob, all of your problems are not due to one factor and cause only, "The Other." It's far more complicated. For example..."

Mister Billy Bob: "But that college perfesser, Billy Ockam, told me and the whole damn class that we should never, not just rarely, but never, ever multiply entities in our explanations beyond what is necessary! And her you are sayin' ya gotta use as many damn enties and complex, interacting factors as ya need to make sense of things! What's a body to believe!?"

Random Philosopher of Complexity: "Believe Feyerabend, or rather, use his methods."

Mister Billy Bob: "Ok, that's simple enough! I will just believe that his methods are correct, thank you, Mr. RPOC! By the way, will his methods explain why "Bama is losing to Tennessee right now in the 2nd Quarter, 17 to 28?"

RPOC: "You need to study that more. We need more facts."

"Similarly, in science, Occam's razor is used as an abductive heuristic in the development of theoretical models rather than as a rigorous arbiter between candidate models.[4][5] In the scientific method, Occam's razor is not considered an irrefutable principle of logic or a scientific result; the preference for simplicity in the scientific method is based on the falsifiability criterion.

For each accepted explanation of a phenomenon, there may be an extremely large, perhaps even incomprehensible, number of possible and more complex alternatives. Since failing explanations can always be burdened with ad hoc hypotheses to prevent them from being falsified, simpler theories are preferable to more complex ones because they tend to be more testable.[6][7][8]"


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Bingo. You nailed it. If your answer requires resort to extrinsic connectors, fillers, and modifiers, the probabilities for satisfactory explanation diminish accordingly. Every illusory explanation raises a host of doubts. Appeals to authorities raises the spectre of legitimacy and relevance. Orthodoxy invites heresy and schism. Reason disconnected to anchored facts become mere speculation.

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You and Tracy should take Ruby down by the river for a picnic and a frolic .Even you need to get your mind off this stuff for a minute.

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Need I mention, in your Palmy correction your reference to "the fist graf"? (If intentional, allow me to applaud.)

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Unintentionally funny.

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Bless your heart (and NOT in the Southern way) for doing all this analysis. I get a migraine just reading all the craziness. I can't imagine putting all this together into a cohesive narrative. You are the BEST!

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Wow. Just wow. Kinda like those never ending late night TV ads: But wait, there’s more!

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Shades of Roy Cohn…just throw legal or questionably legal shit against the walls and see what sticks to gum up the proceedings. trump learned well from his Sith Lord…

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And so far t-Rump has been successful! By which I mean: he is still walking free and as yet unindicted.

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There is no requirement that a Supreme Court Justice be a lawyer; in fact, several non lawyers have served on the Court.

Therefore, should the Democrats keep control of the Senate and a Justice retires or dies, I propose: Truscott for the Supreme Court. The American Bar Association will, of course, feel compelled to say "unqualified" but their view hasn't always been determinative of the outcome.

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My head’s gonna explode

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Mr. Trump and his council have so infuriated DOJ attorney's and created a place of despair. Even once supportive officers of the court are tired of the whole thing. After the midterms, the first wave of charges will be filed. AG Garland knows he can't just whistle this thing away. History will show that Mr. Trump exhausted everyone and brought about his own fall.

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“the documents were handled by Trump aides and employees of his resort who were not cleared to even pick up much less see such sensitive national defense information.)”

Thank you for wading through all of that.

Trump recently, maybe at a rally, said how safe the documents were because there were so many people providing security on them. Can’t believe that even he’s so addled he thinks that’s a defense. I suppose many of his followers, and maybe Judge Cannon, swallow it, tho.

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I spent most of the afternoon hanging an art exhibit (which includes hammering nails into a specially prepared Gallery wall and then getting everything to hang properly). Yr Obt Rdr, like you, needed a bit of rest after that. As per usual, thank you for threading your way through the verbiage and distilling the essence.

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