Apart from having been his shadow when we were little and him being deputized as my babysitter on ocean parkway, teaching me lacrosse and how to place a football pass, one of my proudest moments with my big brother was that he was invited to join the Federalist Society out of law school and he declined.
Apart from having been his shadow when we were little and him being deputized as my babysitter on ocean parkway, teaching me lacrosse and how to place a football pass, one of my proudest moments with my big brother was that he was invited to join the Federalist Society out of law school and he declined.
Apart from having been his shadow when we were little and him being deputized as my babysitter on ocean parkway, teaching me lacrosse and how to place a football pass, one of my proudest moments with my big brother was that he was invited to join the Federalist Society out of law school and he declined.
Here! Here! Again! Your brother obviously has a soul.
A real human, not a fascist, racist, f┼лkstik. YouтАЩre very fortunate, as you know. Awesome!!!
Would your brother consider running for office? We need him!