Corrected date of beginning of Civil War to 1861. Dumb mistake made by angry and speedy typing.

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You're forgiven...

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As was said in Jackson's dissent (more or less paraphrasing) - there is no connection between what the majority has ruled and reality. But that's not what Roberts was doing. Yes, he's a racist. His whole career has been one of racial animus. But what he was doing here was making higher education safe for the worthy - rich, white, preferably Christian, boys and girls - who, via legacy or cash payment, gain access via the Ivy League or other elite universities to an elite world where doors are always open to them and opportunities are always available, no matter how mediocre they are. Prime examples - GW Bush and Jared Kushner.

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Gee, Roberts and the other conservatives on the SCOTUS are racists. NOT a surprise. They belong to the Federalist Society, like their like-minded brethren. Truly a group of mean spirited, racist, misogynist fūkstiks, to say the least. They dishonor our country by their very existence. 😡‼️

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Apart from having been his shadow when we were little and him being deputized as my babysitter on ocean parkway, teaching me lacrosse and how to place a football pass, one of my proudest moments with my big brother was that he was invited to join the Federalist Society out of law school and he declined.

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Here! Here! Again! Your brother obviously has a soul.

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A real human, not a fascist, racist, fūkstik. You’re very fortunate, as you know. Awesome!!!

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Would your brother consider running for office? We need him!

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Here! Here! So true.

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This Robert’s court is moving us further back in time. It has relegated women as second class citizens with its Dobbs decision and is cementing in place continued racism and the prejudice that goes with it with this shameful decision today. I am very tired and bone-weary of the backward time traveling of this SCOTUS. Smfh.

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I'm sick to the teeth of lying hypocrites who "don't seeeeee raaace" while locking the cardoors and avoiding "those" neighborhoods, speeding the kids on to the good schools and the good jobs unimpeded.

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Then they grab their guns and shoot black kids who knock on their door by mistake.

Oh, racism doesn't exist, does it?

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I find it inexcusable that ordinary citizens must educate the 'elite' in our society - especially those appointed or elected to interpret and protect our Constitution and our laws. That the Chief Justice would scribe for history such a twisted version of truth elucidates that he, and the judges voting with him, care not a whit for anything but continued privilege and control by and for those they deem worthy. It is shameful and sickening.

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Bravo! Your writings on race are particularly moving … always. Sadly, I doubt the good Justice (or his right-wing cohorts, including that wannabe white Justice Thomas) will read it.

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Once again, as he did with Shelby v. Holder, Roberts neglects to look at the bigger picture or sense the big picture. I fear this will set back DEI efforts as well. We are going backwards.

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What 'big picture"? He sees only white people 99% of the time in legal circles, so what's the problem? He doesn't think anything's wrong with it..

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That’s not the big picture I was referring to…

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Thank you for posting the outrage we all should feel as Americans.

It's not enough that CJ Roberts said that "Racism is over and nothing else needs to be done" but that the Uncle Tom of the group, Clarence Thomas said he didn't know what diversity was and had never seen it in action. Perhaps he should look in the goddamn mirror. He might think diversity doesn't exist, but if he hadn't been really lucky, he would not have ended up on the Supreme Court in the first place.

Racism founded this country, by your ancestors and others-and that's why it was (and still is) necessary to make amends to those who were so unjustly affected by the laws and actions of former courts, laws and people.

I am disappointed that the white majority of the SC decided to just walk away and leave so many people in the lurch. It is disgusting that they're so high up in the clouds they have no idea what the hell this country looks like, nor do they really care.

A very sad, terrible day in this country when racism rules once again. Makes me sick to my stomach for all those people who will now never have the opportunity that Clarence Thomas had.

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You must have been at the next table as my lunch companions and I were saying exactly the same thing: Thomas not aware of the color of his skin?!However, Roberts abject stupidity over Constitutional History is appalling!!

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Thank you Lucien for your outrage and cogent essay.

Ann Bose

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It's infuriating. It IS a lie. But it seems like there are lots of lies associated with the Supreme Court these days. We just watched Frontline's "Clarence and Ginny." The confirmation hearing lies about not overturning Roe v Wade. But it's really no surprise that those oft-touted Christian values only apply to other people.

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"I’m talking to you, Chief Justice Roberts. Take off your robes and get off your ass"

Would anyone be offended if a lady in her 80s complimented Mr. T. on his brass balls?

Not too many journalists would revert to the vernacular when addressing the Chief Justice of the

High Court -- even though Roberts and Leonard Leo's billionaire influencers have managed to destroy

the formerly pristine reputation of SCOTUS.

Here's who The Federalist Society told Trump put on the High Court: A beer drunk, Kavanaugh by name, who credibly assaulted young women. A young woman (still in her 40s when nominated) I call Amy Coney Island, who is a member of a Catholic *cult* -- not even the mainstream Catholic Church. Her beliefs follow Catholicism ... which is close to saying they are anti-women. And Gorsuch, a fancy boy who was, to be fair, smart, but quite right-leaning. Let us not forget that all Trump's three nominees lied about their views on "settled law," and that is how Roe v. Wade and the right to choose abortion was taken away; and today affirmative action was axed, making life harder for Black young people than it already is.

Following their country club and religious beliefs, I would not be at all surprised if more safeguards are dismantled for LGBTQ people, Blacks, Jews, Latinos, and, of course, immigrants. The Supreme Court Justices are working on making an America that plays to their prejudices. How in hell was such a thing allowed to happen?

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You can thank Mitch McConnell as well as Trump

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Yes, indeedy. A power player with no scruples.

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His legacy will be that of the Chief Justice who ignored history and was blinded by Federalist Society money to turn back the clock. The “Robert’s Court” will be known as the one which resurrected Dred Scott.

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In 1916 Madison Grant published the racist bestseller THE PASSING OF THE GREAT RACE. This book had a profound influence on Hitler and he corresponded with Grant. Sadly American eugenics mumbo jumbo was also a key model for the Nazi party.

With all this provenance in mind it's not a stretch to call the current Supreme Court majority

Fascist and racist in its behavior.

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We have never reconciled our racist past. It will continue to haunt us until we do. Pretending that it doesn't exist doesn't make it go away.

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I absolutely agree. This is another example of the Sovietesque attempt to rewrite U.S. history. I consider it the Great Denial. What gives me hope is that the percentage of whites like me in the U.S. population is steadily shrinking, and these increasingly desperate and shrill attempts to rewrite history are the cries of a dying culture.

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