My husband walked into the room the other night and told me that Biden had pardoned Hunter.

Mind you he had to tell me since I stopped torturing myself with news aside from this newsletter the day after the election. I’ll admit there’s even times where I just deleted immediately because I just can’t deal at the moment with more disappointment.

Anyways, he said “Biden pardoned his son “

I said, “good for him, fuck those guys “

Done I’m freaking done. Scorched earth bitches.

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Good for you, Robyn. That was my response as well. After all the execrable criminals Drumpf pardoned to save his sorry, fat ass, Biden's pardon of his son pales in comparison.

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Mine too, on last nights letter. Fk'm, Atlantic and New Yorker too.

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The commenters on the Substacks I follow are about 99% in agreement -- even on Dan Pfeiffer's Substack. Pfeiffer is established Dem to the core, but his subscribers are basically telling him he's wrong on this one. The pundits and professors are mostly making fools of themselves.

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Yes, they are (making fools of themselves.) I turned off Ari yesterday after a mere two minutes of his perspective. What kind of father would allow his son to be persecuted by an incoming bunch of criminals, especially when the son was facing penalties that NO OTHER person would have been facing.

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And when the incoming "law-enforcement" officials have no respect whatsoever for the law?

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I stopped watching TV news around 2017. Yes the pundits, talking heads, are fools.

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It is crucial to remember that in olden days (when a glimpse of stocking was thought of as something shocking) newspapermen and, as they were called, newshens, that is, reporters who actually left the building to see things and talk to people F2F, those often-raffish characters called newspaper opinion writers "thumb-suckers."

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As usual. One can only split a hair so many times.

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Yep! So done.

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Great idea LTK, Joe can see what's coming, he should use his power now as you say and pardon Jack Smith and all of the J6 investigators. Maga is smirking about Joe going meekly along with the regime change, I'd like to see Joe and all of the Dems let people know what they think about the horrorshow that's coming and refuse to participate in the inauguration or give it any legitimacy.

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I SO want to see some Democrat savvy to counter the Republican raw unmitigated nerve!!!

So done with Dems baring their bellies to the Republican knife!

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Excellent idea, Lucian. As bad as we think the shitstorm is looking, I fear it will be even worse.

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Truly, Biden needs to get moving. As a non American, I simply don’t understand what this reticence is about. It is blindingly obvious what will happen post Jan 20th. FFS Biden.

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Is it so "blindingly obvious"? It's clear what Trump and his puppeteers *want* to happen, but the variables are many and the omens mixed.

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With the compromised Extreme Court, the House and Senate subservient, and having been granted virtual immunity for anything the Dumpty does, where are the obstacles after 1/20?

Here it is


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Fortunately for all of us, the women's suffrage movement, the labor movement, the civil rights movement, the women's movement, the gay liberation movement (etc.) didn't think like that.

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Lucian, it scares the bejabbers out of me as I watch the early destruction of our democracy. Just the criminal insurrection's picks for the worst assemblage of sycophants, oligarchs, and criminals in US history to serve in a president's administration, designed purposely to destroy what is left of our nation, making it a dictatorship with a president made king by our SCOTUS, in total violation of the US Constitution let alone what the founders clearly wanted with a check and balance system. Now gone!

So yes, I totally agree with your thoughts on how to do battle.

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It is only gone if we let go of it. The job will be tough, and some battles will be lost, but some can be won. We MUST hold on, and try like crazy to make 2026 an election of consequence.

People who counsel doom with no way out worry me… That way lies capitulation, and then the Rs have no opposition to overcome on their way to installing their agenda.

We have NO other option but to hold on and TRY to be savvy and not surrender.

In game theory, we know the first guys who are willing to cheat and break the rules have an initial advantage over those who follow rules… but then exacting penalties and consequences begins to even the score…

Please, people on the left, find ways to USE what is left of our democracy to defend that democracy!

And between now and Jan 20, find ways to strengthen our position…

Lucian has suggestions today…

Let’s keep finding more…

I have always f-ing hated giving up.

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right on!

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The "early destruction of our democracy"? Democracy has been under attack since the founding, and the attack has been center stage at least since the Civil War. I'm still struggling to understand why so many people didn't catch on till Trump was elected the first time.

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Susanna, of course our "democracy" has always been in danger as all the democracies of history have been! That is why Franklin said, "A Republic, if you can keep it!" But the two greatest crises we have faced were the Civil War and now electing a convicted felon. The other struggles were minor struggles in comparison. Never before did we have a candidate deny the legitimacy of the election, unless he won. Never before did we have a man who led an insurrection trying to overthrow our nation and actually declare he was out to destroy the government he was elected to and declare he would not obey the parts of the US Constitution he did not like. Not sure what you are confused about since America NEVER experienced this previously since the Civil War. When did SCOTUS ever violate the founders' check and balances like this, making a president immune?!?!?Your note makes little sense. And it all gives meaning to Mencken's "You will never lose money underestimating the intelligence of the American voter." [paraphrased]

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You do know you're talking like a white person, yes? You're right, Trump is unique in how openly anti-democratic he is, but the history of anti-democracy in the U.S. goes back to the founding. Democracy showed strength after the Civil War, before the same old suspects shut it down by killing Reconstruction and instituting Jim Crow in the South and a dressed-up version in most other places. Democracy made a comeback after WWII, culminating in the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of the mid-1960s -- after which the real long-term backlash got underway. There have been some steps forward in the course of the long slide back to a (long-gone if not totally imaginary) world where white Christian men were in charge, but it's not hard to see how we got to where we are.

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Maybe I missed it, but I’ve been waiting for someone to put in print that “when they go low, we go high” is bullshit, so thank you for making my day!

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It wasn't like he pardoned a serial killer or someone who never admitted guilt or hadn't already paid dues.

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When Michelle campaigned for Kamala I think it was noted that her new combative style tacitly refuted that earlier passivity. (Granted, without a memorable slogan.)

[LATER Whoops. With passing time 'Do something!' may seem more memorable.]

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My recollection of hearing it for the first time was it coming from the mouth of either Barack and Michelle Obama, and it sure sounded appealing --- then.

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Trump makes Nixon's infamous The enemies list look quaint and almost charming in comparison. Trump's actions also remind me of the McCarthy era. While I agree with your assessment, I think what will really bring down Trump is when he overreaches, which he will do because he can't help himself. When will it happen? My guess is within twelve months, probably nine. The first 100 days will be a tornado of destructive activity, after that? His minions will look past the immediate carnage and spread their malicious net wider and wider--similar to what Joe McCarthy did--until finally someone will have the Joseph Welch moment and say 'Until this moment . . . I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?"

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If McCarthy had written a book, it would be on Trump's nightstand along with Mein Kampf.

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Wasn't Roy Cohn also •his• mentor? Or am I confusing things?

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You are right.

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Necessary correction: Trump NEVER had a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand or anywhere else. He did have (sworn to under oath in divorce proceedings by first wife) a copy of My New Order, a collection of 1923-42) speeches by Hitler, annotated by a scholar, first published in 1942-3.

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To Trump's inevitable overreaching I add the equally inevitable squabbling and fallings-out among his inner circles. These people have conflicting priorities, some of them have monstrous egos, and many of them have little to no experience in government (or in cooperating with others). In the first 100 days (I just mistyped "the first 100 years" -- oops), we'll have a clearer idea of which elected and appointed officials have spines and which have noodles where their spines should be.

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Agree cuz ur so right.

The only leader in the modern era who intentionally and successfully surrounded himself with that type of people was Hitler*. When people draw Trump-Hitler comparisons they skip over the one area the two are comparable. That is to say, enjoying members of the inner circle going at it, full-throttle. And the fact the people in the inner circle didn't like one another no matter how much fealty they demonstrated to Hitler.

And by Trump bringing the ultimate ego-maniac Musk and his new minion into the fold is exactly what Hitler did. There isn't a single long-time Trump supporter/friend in the inner circle. One is hard-pressed to name two who have long-term friendships or alliances. There are more with histories of friction with others and that includes w/Trump. Hitler did it first and best. Yet best didn't result in what he was absolutely certain of.

One thing today's press/media is quite good at is bonding w/players to get inside dirt. That is a backhand compliment for what is political Page6 journalism.

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My favorite college history professor (the late Jack Reece, University of Pennsylvania, never forget) pointed out something about the Nuremberg rallies that's stuck with me ever since: Everyone is facing front, facing the Führer; no one is connecting to the people on either side of them. This is one thing that worries me about the U.S.: for so many of us, it seems the only thing that connects (unites?) us is the distant celebrity on the stage. Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, etc. -- and Trump. The small town I live in, and the island it's part of, have serious problems, but at least I have connections with people at the post office, the grocery store, out on the trail, that have nothing to do with who we vote for.

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Yes, that's true about Hitler "rallies" . Aint true at Taylor Swift shows. A simple ticket announcement brings many into the streets where they mix and converse and exchange friendship bracelets. Doesn't matter the age or gender, class or anything else. Inside concert goers whether celebs or royals do the same w/audience members. And that audience is as diverse as you will ever find and is repeated country by country, city by city.

So Hilter and TS are polar opposites.

I too speak with nearly all. There are a few wxceptions that are rooted in their hatred of O and Michelle and one over their hatred of Pete B cuz he is 2spirit. I am not political (said it so many times I bore myself) and listen politely w/o comment to politics; hooman to hooman discussion all in silence.

There is NO upside to contributing to the vitriol and histrionics that mark today's political discourse which continues to bleed into everything under the sun. Expressing self on an internet thread is free speech. Never expect a rational discussion from anything I've ever written in OPEN forums. Nor expect anything I write to be read or read slowly enough to stimulate thoughts rather than emotions. OPEN forums thrive on emotions. Chuckle when folk bring up algorithms and blame algorithms rather than accept responsibility for their words. Then excuse others for their actions because of political leaning.

This substack has become a stove pipe inside of an echo chamber. Lots of smoke circulating around and around dulling the minds of more and more making more and more unrecognizable.

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I can think of another part of the anatomy where T***p's male minions exhibit noodles, and, just to keep the food image accurate, dem noodles ain't al dente.

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But it took years before anyone stood up to McCarthy, and his colleagues knew he was a pathetic lying alcoholic.

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He was also a *dangerous* pathetic lying alcoholic who was willing and able to wreck reputations and entire careers. It's also hard to overestimate how freaked out the political world was by the "loss of China." The political and journalistic upper crust in the '40s, '50s, and well into the '60s (remember "the best and the brightest"?) was overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly male. That's no longer the case, although speaking as a white woman, I believe that white people continue to be a big problem.

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Worth repeating and more so worth remembering

"... (remember "the best and the brightest"?) was overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly male. That's no longer the case, although speaking as a white woman, I believe that white people continue to be a big problem."

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These days the answer to the question “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?” Would be a resounding ‘NO!

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Either that or "Decency? What does that mean?"

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Lucian you are SO RIGHT. How do we build up a drumfire of pressure on President Biden to blanket pardon all the people Trump promises to go after? Your sub stack is a great first step. Letters to the editor? Petition campaigns??

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Yes - please - let’s keep the discussion going, and fast, about how to best apply pressure. Lucian - your ideas most welcome!

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Thank you for this! Why do I continue to hope that the MSM will one day find a conscience or a soul or at least a sense of what is moral and what isn't. When and if they do wake up, it's definitely going to be too late. What part of what has happened to Hunter don't they understand? Hunter Biden and his family have paid in spades for a "crime" that most others wouldn't even have been prosecuted for. He's had his name dragged through the slime of congressional "hearings" and photographs of his genitals shown in public on the House floor by chortling Trump worshippers. On top of this, Trump's would be FBI director has vowed to take even more revenge on Hunter, and to lock him up for life. And they scream "BUT BIDEN LIED!!" You could laugh if it didn't mean the future of America going down in flames...

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I don't have a huge beef with PBS Newshour but I had to turn it off last night and watch an Irish crime show where right and wrong is more straighforward, even if its fiction! :)

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I hear you. I’ve been binge watching the original CSI. I’m into season 5. I used to make a point of watching the news, but I need a break, too.

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For me, it's the original NCIS. And Gunsmoke + Tales of Wells Fargo (ethical Jim Hardie, Wells Fargo agent).

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Follow California. Insist your local governments stand up for law and order, and against Donald Trump and his band of merry men. More info:


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Grateful to live in California and to have a governor, mind you, he’s not perfect, but he has stood up to Asswipe and his regime for all us 40 million!

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I'm not a huge fan of Newsom but he does occasionally get things right. (Not rooftop solar though.)

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It's not just Newsom but our California Attorney General, Rob Bonta. Saw him on Lawrence O'Donnell last week where he laid out, in detail, all of the preparation by his office for potential litigation. Here's a link: https://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/rob-bonta-i-will-fight-with-you-to-make-sure-justice-is-done-109408837506

I believe the Legislature and/or Gov. Newsom have already set aside a pot of $25,000,000 in anticipation of needed legal action.

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Washington State's new Governor and Attorney General are gearing up as well. Bob Ferguson, the new governor, has been the AG for the last 8 years and filed many successful lawsuits against Trump in round one.

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Our assignment for the next four years is clear, we need to say NO to Trump, his goons, any and all Republican legislative proposals, etc. There can be no compromise, no middle ground just scorched earth obstruction. And when we see one of those red hatted asswipes in public, do as I did this morning. Thank them for advertising the fact that they are assholes and that we are looking forward to them losing everything because of Trump's policies. They are so used to being the bully that they are shocked when someone calls them out. The jerkoff I confronted this morning was still sputtering as I got in my car and drove off.

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The ground you scorch may be your own. That would be self-destructive. Resist the tsunami in every way possible, including a dive into self-slaughter!

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Lucian, did your education at West Point prepare you for any of this?

I fear for our cadets today.

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My education certainly did. So did my experience there. I took a year of excellent law from two great professors, one of whom was editor of Yale law review. Plus, at West Point, they teach you to FIGHT FOR YOUR COUNTRY.

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As it says in the Commissioned Officer's Oath, "I ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God." The bottom line: I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Did this every time the Army decided to promote me and even though the last promotion was way more than a few years ago, I still get shivers up and down the spine when I read the words.

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Good question!

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FINALLY! Something I have been talking about for a long time. I’m tired of Democrats being “right“ and losing. Time to take the gloves off and, we don’t have to be as nasty as Republicans because why go in that direction, but we need to fight with every ounce of our being to prevent the worst excesses of the Trump regime.Go Democrats!

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The only true way to stop this is to strive for 60% of the house and senate in 2026 to neutralize Trump. The way to do this is to point out, via the threatened free press, every time Trump goes against what he said he would do to graphically prove how insane it was to believe what Trump promised over what Biden delivered. A free press is the path to 60%!

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A much needed wake up call to action.

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I totally agree. Biden has six weeks to get a stuff done - preemptive strikes. The Democrats need to get their big boy pants on.

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I worry about Joe though. He can pardon lots of folks but who will pardon him?

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You forget, the President of the U.S. has almost absolute immunity from actions taken by him in his role as president. Doesn't mean that tfg and his administration won't harass the h... out of him in one way or another.

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Yes I did forget that. Thanks for the reminder. :)

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