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PS to the photos. Putin is not a large man, but is he riding a Shetland pony? The scale is off there.

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It’s a cat in a horse suit.

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LMRAO. Putin goes shirtless in pics to avoid the temptation to insert his hand into his "blouse" aka Napoleon Complex. Male masculinity is a thing in Mother Russia and was well-mocked by the Pussy Riot.

Didn't surprise me when American conservatives and right wingers went after the wimmin for demonstrating true courage. What's funnier is the cons/right wingers think and believe people don't remember and don't know to this day the Ru Orthodox Church is a facade and a tool of the state.

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Those small but doughty Highland garrons were tough! I'd gladly ride one, and feel privileged. I doubt Putin would -- not big enough steed for his ego.

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Party pooper.

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Putin is a master of propaganda, so making himself look more than he is would seem perfectly in line with his way.

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I have to wonder if this is real. It looks strange. Any number of people might have created a fake picture.

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This is actually an old picture.

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Been around for years...surprised Trump never duplicated...NOT!!!

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Shirtless Trump riding a shirtless Bannon or the other way around? (No way Trump could ever mount anything w/4legs and stay on more than 30sec. Yes, you can draw inferences from his other escapades)

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Ha! Now I have to go back ns look at the photos.

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He is 5' 7" and yes, the key is finding a really small horse so he looks like a stud on it. Kind of like when I wear a t-shirt that tight up top and baggy on the bottom :)

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That’s the first thing I thought as well Margo, I’m sure he didn’t want too big a horse that would make him look small.

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That does make sense - except for people like me, who found both horse and rider small. One poster, however, identified the horse's breed, and said it was tough. However ... I'd bet anything that the horse's toughness did not factor in.

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