the circle grows wider...and charges will be piling up. I suspect, despite the fact they currently have tRump furnished legal representation, when push comes to shove, these guys will not be going to prison for DJT. He has the hubris to expect any and all with in - and with out - his orbit will honor the fealty he feels is owed to him wh…
the circle grows wider...and charges will be piling up. I suspect, despite the fact they currently have tRump furnished legal representation, when push comes to shove, these guys will not be going to prison for DJT. He has the hubris to expect any and all with in - and with out - his orbit will honor the fealty he feels is owed to him while he will throw anybody he can to the wolves to save his orange hide. I am from southwestern CT and knew of his propensity to defraud, steal, scam, lie, cheat and more. He bankrupted two small construction businesses in my hometown who were foolish enough to provide labor and services on his casinos. As is his wont, DJT never paid them knowing they did not have the means to challenge him in court. I am so sick of seeing his face and having his unhinged, all caps screeds shouted at me by the media. He needs to be put away, permanently. The only future sound I want to hear concerning him is the clang of prison doors as he is remanded to custody. And it can't happen soon enough...
the circle grows wider...and charges will be piling up. I suspect, despite the fact they currently have tRump furnished legal representation, when push comes to shove, these guys will not be going to prison for DJT. He has the hubris to expect any and all with in - and with out - his orbit will honor the fealty he feels is owed to him while he will throw anybody he can to the wolves to save his orange hide. I am from southwestern CT and knew of his propensity to defraud, steal, scam, lie, cheat and more. He bankrupted two small construction businesses in my hometown who were foolish enough to provide labor and services on his casinos. As is his wont, DJT never paid them knowing they did not have the means to challenge him in court. I am so sick of seeing his face and having his unhinged, all caps screeds shouted at me by the media. He needs to be put away, permanently. The only future sound I want to hear concerning him is the clang of prison doors as he is remanded to custody. And it can't happen soon enough...