One of the first rules prosecutors follow when pursuing people suspected of committing a crime is this one: there are no coincidences. That very well may be why prosecutors from the office of Special Counsel Jack Smith have empaneled a new grand jury in Florida to take testimony from Florida residents about the circumstances surrounding Donald Trump’s theft of classified documents and his attempts to obstruct the Department of Justice’s investigation.
the circle grows wider...and charges will be piling up. I suspect, despite the fact they currently have tRump furnished legal representation, when push comes to shove, these guys will not be going to prison for DJT. He has the hubris to expect any and all with in - and with out - his orbit will honor the fealty he feels is owed to him while he will throw anybody he can to the wolves to save his orange hide. I am from southwestern CT and knew of his propensity to defraud, steal, scam, lie, cheat and more. He bankrupted two small construction businesses in my hometown who were foolish enough to provide labor and services on his casinos. As is his wont, DJT never paid them knowing they did not have the means to challenge him in court. I am so sick of seeing his face and having his unhinged, all caps screeds shouted at me by the media. He needs to be put away, permanently. The only future sound I want to hear concerning him is the clang of prison doors as he is remanded to custody. And it can't happen soon enough...
"The process of draining the pool also flooded the room where the servers containing surveillance footage of Mar a Lago were kept. " This makes me wonder whether it was a known fact that one could flood the room with the footage. Of course Lardass would think nothing of involving employees in criminal acts. And too bad for this group of Mara-Loco employees that they're taking the "free" lawyering. But like Cassidy Hutchinson, they may figure that one out and get their own lawyers.
And if this isn't a case of "Go to bed with dogs, get up with fleas." I don't know what is.
I disagree slightly, insofar as the 1/6 shit really is a significant crime, as opposed to the bonehead "Watergate Operation," which made the people involved look stupid; if they hadn't been caught, the implications were, fundamentally, nil. had the 1/6 plot been successful...uhh...
"The death of James McCord, of Watergate renown, was entirely kept out of the press. Jim DiEugenio looks at McCord's life and activities in order to suggest why.
Usually when a high profile person in the field of entertainment, politics or news passes away, it is noted with almost lighting-like immediacy. We live in the Internet world, one with a 24/7 news cycle. That cycle does not sleep. It doesn’t even nap.
For some reason it did in June of 2017.
On June 15, 2017, James W. McCord of Watergate fame passed away. That’s correct. He passed on nearly two years ago. (here is one confirmation; here is another) If one can believe it, you will not find an obituary for him on the web. If one checks, say Wikipedia, he is still alive. You will only find a date of death through Ancestry or Find a Grave. *****
"Caufield was a former New York City police detective. He was invited by John Ehrlichman to set up a private security agency to provide intelligence on Nixon’s political opponents. It was Caufield who first suggested forming Operation Sandwedge: illegal electronic surveillance of Nixon’s political opponents focusing on their sex lives, drinking habits, tax records and marital problems. (The Telegraph, July 11, 2012) Later on, when the so-called Plumbers Unit was formed, McCord migrated there and joined Howard Hunt for their break-ins of the Democratic National Committee. It was called the Plumbers Unit because it was partly designed to plug leaks, like the Pentagon Papers. In fact, one of the first missions the unit executed was a raid on the Los Angeles office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist. Ellsberg had leaked the Pentagon Papers to the NY Times and Washington Post. The objective was to dig up dirt on him and smear his character in the press.
To say that McCord was a secretive and odd person understates both his character and career.
He was one of the several personages who were involved in both the John F. Kennedy assassination and the Watergate caper: two seismic shocks to the system that occurred within a decade of each other. They were both so colossal in their impact that complex and multi level cover-ups ensued afterwards to conceal their true natures. In the JFK case, it took about three years to fully expose the official Warren Report as a cover-up.
With Watergate, where McCord’s role was much more front-and-center, it took quite a bit longer. Most analysts of that expansive and complicated phenomenon would date the beginning of its true elucidation to 1984, ten years after Richard Nixon resigned the presidency. That was the year Jim Hougan published Secret Agenda, his watershed book on Watergate. Secret Agenda is now recognized as a classic in the field. Some would go even further and deem it as one of the finest pieces of investigative political reporting in the last 40 years. No objective observer can read the book without feeling the official story handed to them on Watergate was, to say the least, both faulty and incomplete. *****
You'll have the read further in the extensively researched piece by Jim DiEugenio to see the scope and magnitude of the "third rate burglary," had it not been "bungled." Here's one more segment out of the article, much too long to briefly summarize without distorting the implications:
"As more than one person said later, James McCord was not just a technician. He was an operator. But it’s something he tried to conceal. For instance, after he moved to Pennsylvania, a reader of this site got in contact with him. He asked him about his service with David Phillips and their campaign against the FPCC. McCord said he was not a part of that; it was the FBI’s function. Since the ARRB had released those documents, I said he should question him again with the papers in hand.
But beyond that, when Lisa Pease and I were publishing Probe magazine in the nineties, we met up with former CIA pilot Carl McNabb. He said that prior to the Bay of Pigs, he had been briefed at the Miami CIA station, since he was part of the aerial facet. He noticed that McCord was in the room and he was struck by how taciturn he was. Afterward, he asked the briefer who he was. He told him his name. He then added that he was Helms’ Zap Man. McNabb later showed me the very old notes with this information recorded on it. I asked him what the term meant. He replied McCord was his liquidator."
As someone once wrote, "There are no coincidences."
So we either have another batch of obstruction of justice charges being piled up or someone fucked up big time while trying to obstruct justice.
Either way, the odds that Trump himself are behind these 'not so coincidental coincidences" is pretty damn high and that'll be yet another charge that is corroborated by stupid pool people who think they're just so special that their boss tells them to do what they're told and not to question it until the feds come asking really pointed and probing questions about what they were doing.
The other side of this is what happens to these people when they finally are questioned...the boss decides that they're no longer worth their paycheck and they're thrown out on their butts because pool boys can be replaced so easily.
The only question I really have is if Trump is found guilty of all the charges, is that room formerly occupied by the late Robert Hanssen ready for occupancy? Because I want him in it ASAP. That way we'll be rid of the SOB for a long time.
We have the pool boy, the Florida setting, the politician running from scandal. Sadly Robin Williams is gone else we would have a shot at "Birdcage presents MAGA" and I would pay to watch.
This is unfolding like one of those savagely funny Hiaasen novels...or a D. Barry farce. Enough already! Throw the orange cretin in a media-free cell, lock it and throw away the key. No phones, no interviews, no more all-caps "truths" that are anything but.
Sure isn't a coincidence that your latest is copiously crafted.
There is a Carlos [Deoliveira] in most organizations, a low-level employee who makes his bones snitching on others as well as taking credit for the work of others which results in getting the big boss's attention. From there is tested with other tasks, each one getting closer, if not over the proverbial line. Wouldn't be surprised if Carlos's motor vehicle is a Trump Org or paid for by the Trump Org. Gotta' give that type some meat to go along with his bones. And if anyone has keys to every door at Mar-A-Lago, it is Carlos. That might come back to haunt him, whether via the SC or Trump throwing Carlos under the bus.
A nod for the secondary crimes committed In Florida by those not involved with DC staying in Florida. Allows the SC to dictate the tempo in all the probes when the indictments come down.. While SC doesn't have unlimited resources, he does have more than Trump. Trump doesn't have the legal firepower to keep ahead of any of the ongoing criminal probes never mind NY state, Manhattan, Fulton County, Florida and two in DC.
If the reports are to be believed Trump's entire USSS detail testified under oath. Still waiting to read/hear if Tony Ornato has regarding 6Jan and Boxes Hoax. Nice to read the snake belly Meadows is talking regarding both matters and as well as the fake elector schemes.
Gonna' be a long, hot summer for Trump and Carlos.
The flood in the server room might be the tipping point as the federal government sees it as proof positive of malicious intent to steal things and if necessary to destroy them if needed. Trump is in more trouble today than ever before and one day he may regret that he didn’t give the pool boy a decent payoff.
....or the secretary. Why does this piece make me think of Rose Mary Woods and the 18 1/2 minute gap on the tape?
Great minds . . .
the circle grows wider...and charges will be piling up. I suspect, despite the fact they currently have tRump furnished legal representation, when push comes to shove, these guys will not be going to prison for DJT. He has the hubris to expect any and all with in - and with out - his orbit will honor the fealty he feels is owed to him while he will throw anybody he can to the wolves to save his orange hide. I am from southwestern CT and knew of his propensity to defraud, steal, scam, lie, cheat and more. He bankrupted two small construction businesses in my hometown who were foolish enough to provide labor and services on his casinos. As is his wont, DJT never paid them knowing they did not have the means to challenge him in court. I am so sick of seeing his face and having his unhinged, all caps screeds shouted at me by the media. He needs to be put away, permanently. The only future sound I want to hear concerning him is the clang of prison doors as he is remanded to custody. And it can't happen soon enough...
"The process of draining the pool also flooded the room where the servers containing surveillance footage of Mar a Lago were kept. " This makes me wonder whether it was a known fact that one could flood the room with the footage. Of course Lardass would think nothing of involving employees in criminal acts. And too bad for this group of Mara-Loco employees that they're taking the "free" lawyering. But like Cassidy Hutchinson, they may figure that one out and get their own lawyers.
And if this isn't a case of "Go to bed with dogs, get up with fleas." I don't know what is.
Only Peter Sellers is missing from these stories. Amazing
If Deoliveira ultimately gives up the goods on drumph, how ironic that the Donald would be f..ked by a lowly pool boy. Oh, let it come true.
It’s always the pool boy. It’s vague but I kind of recall Kato from the OJ trial. OJ tried to blame him. And don’t forget the Falwell’s pool boy.
They probably rejected Cheesus’ suggestion to just flush the tapes down the toilet.
What else do pool boys do?
They have long poles for dipping.
Again, as in Watergate, its the cover-up that becomes the crime. And it gets worse and deeper and worse as more is uncovered.
I disagree slightly, insofar as the 1/6 shit really is a significant crime, as opposed to the bonehead "Watergate Operation," which made the people involved look stupid; if they hadn't been caught, the implications were, fundamentally, nil. had the 1/6 plot been successful...uhh...
Glad you made that connection, despite the notion that even
"if they hadn't been caught, the implications were, fundamentally, nil...."
is subject to serious doubts, after all, the Watergate Plumbers included "former" CIA agents like James W. McCord and E. Howard Hunt:
***** Sunday, 31 March 2019 22:14
"The death of James McCord, of Watergate renown, was entirely kept out of the press. Jim DiEugenio looks at McCord's life and activities in order to suggest why.
Usually when a high profile person in the field of entertainment, politics or news passes away, it is noted with almost lighting-like immediacy. We live in the Internet world, one with a 24/7 news cycle. That cycle does not sleep. It doesn’t even nap.
For some reason it did in June of 2017.
On June 15, 2017, James W. McCord of Watergate fame passed away. That’s correct. He passed on nearly two years ago. (here is one confirmation; here is another) If one can believe it, you will not find an obituary for him on the web. If one checks, say Wikipedia, he is still alive. You will only find a date of death through Ancestry or Find a Grave. *****
"Caufield was a former New York City police detective. He was invited by John Ehrlichman to set up a private security agency to provide intelligence on Nixon’s political opponents. It was Caufield who first suggested forming Operation Sandwedge: illegal electronic surveillance of Nixon’s political opponents focusing on their sex lives, drinking habits, tax records and marital problems. (The Telegraph, July 11, 2012) Later on, when the so-called Plumbers Unit was formed, McCord migrated there and joined Howard Hunt for their break-ins of the Democratic National Committee. It was called the Plumbers Unit because it was partly designed to plug leaks, like the Pentagon Papers. In fact, one of the first missions the unit executed was a raid on the Los Angeles office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist. Ellsberg had leaked the Pentagon Papers to the NY Times and Washington Post. The objective was to dig up dirt on him and smear his character in the press.
To say that McCord was a secretive and odd person understates both his character and career.
He was one of the several personages who were involved in both the John F. Kennedy assassination and the Watergate caper: two seismic shocks to the system that occurred within a decade of each other. They were both so colossal in their impact that complex and multi level cover-ups ensued afterwards to conceal their true natures. In the JFK case, it took about three years to fully expose the official Warren Report as a cover-up.
With Watergate, where McCord’s role was much more front-and-center, it took quite a bit longer. Most analysts of that expansive and complicated phenomenon would date the beginning of its true elucidation to 1984, ten years after Richard Nixon resigned the presidency. That was the year Jim Hougan published Secret Agenda, his watershed book on Watergate. Secret Agenda is now recognized as a classic in the field. Some would go even further and deem it as one of the finest pieces of investigative political reporting in the last 40 years. No objective observer can read the book without feeling the official story handed to them on Watergate was, to say the least, both faulty and incomplete. *****
You'll have the read further in the extensively researched piece by Jim DiEugenio to see the scope and magnitude of the "third rate burglary," had it not been "bungled." Here's one more segment out of the article, much too long to briefly summarize without distorting the implications:
"As more than one person said later, James McCord was not just a technician. He was an operator. But it’s something he tried to conceal. For instance, after he moved to Pennsylvania, a reader of this site got in contact with him. He asked him about his service with David Phillips and their campaign against the FPCC. McCord said he was not a part of that; it was the FBI’s function. Since the ARRB had released those documents, I said he should question him again with the papers in hand.
But beyond that, when Lisa Pease and I were publishing Probe magazine in the nineties, we met up with former CIA pilot Carl McNabb. He said that prior to the Bay of Pigs, he had been briefed at the Miami CIA station, since he was part of the aerial facet. He noticed that McCord was in the room and he was struck by how taciturn he was. Afterward, he asked the briefer who he was. He told him his name. He then added that he was Helms’ Zap Man. McNabb later showed me the very old notes with this information recorded on it. I asked him what the term meant. He replied McCord was his liquidator."
As someone once wrote, "There are no coincidences."
So we either have another batch of obstruction of justice charges being piled up or someone fucked up big time while trying to obstruct justice.
Either way, the odds that Trump himself are behind these 'not so coincidental coincidences" is pretty damn high and that'll be yet another charge that is corroborated by stupid pool people who think they're just so special that their boss tells them to do what they're told and not to question it until the feds come asking really pointed and probing questions about what they were doing.
The other side of this is what happens to these people when they finally are questioned...the boss decides that they're no longer worth their paycheck and they're thrown out on their butts because pool boys can be replaced so easily.
The only question I really have is if Trump is found guilty of all the charges, is that room formerly occupied by the late Robert Hanssen ready for occupancy? Because I want him in it ASAP. That way we'll be rid of the SOB for a long time.
And it can't come too damn soon for my taste.
We have the pool boy, the Florida setting, the politician running from scandal. Sadly Robin Williams is gone else we would have a shot at "Birdcage presents MAGA" and I would pay to watch.
This is unfolding like one of those savagely funny Hiaasen novels...or a D. Barry farce. Enough already! Throw the orange cretin in a media-free cell, lock it and throw away the key. No phones, no interviews, no more all-caps "truths" that are anything but.
Carl Hiassen or Dave Barry...brilliant!
Please please please Carl Hiaasen: write the book.
"Flush II"
Probably thought that lane ass excuse worked better than blaming it on a dog since he is known to hate dogs and homework!
Sure isn't a coincidence that your latest is copiously crafted.
There is a Carlos [Deoliveira] in most organizations, a low-level employee who makes his bones snitching on others as well as taking credit for the work of others which results in getting the big boss's attention. From there is tested with other tasks, each one getting closer, if not over the proverbial line. Wouldn't be surprised if Carlos's motor vehicle is a Trump Org or paid for by the Trump Org. Gotta' give that type some meat to go along with his bones. And if anyone has keys to every door at Mar-A-Lago, it is Carlos. That might come back to haunt him, whether via the SC or Trump throwing Carlos under the bus.
A nod for the secondary crimes committed In Florida by those not involved with DC staying in Florida. Allows the SC to dictate the tempo in all the probes when the indictments come down.. While SC doesn't have unlimited resources, he does have more than Trump. Trump doesn't have the legal firepower to keep ahead of any of the ongoing criminal probes never mind NY state, Manhattan, Fulton County, Florida and two in DC.
If the reports are to be believed Trump's entire USSS detail testified under oath. Still waiting to read/hear if Tony Ornato has regarding 6Jan and Boxes Hoax. Nice to read the snake belly Meadows is talking regarding both matters and as well as the fake elector schemes.
Gonna' be a long, hot summer for Trump and Carlos.
It is always the lower level employee that you have to watch out for. They know where the bodies are buried.
Leroy Jethro Gibbs’ Rule #39 There’s no such thing as a coincidence.
And Carl Hiaasen is thinking that either his plots need to get way wilder or he’ll need to switch to straight nonfiction.
I just wrote that this hot mess was unfolding exactly like a Hiaasen book--before I read your comment! Apologies!
No worries. The only real difference is that Hiaasen’s books always have a good guy in them. We could sure use one here. i said to TL Mills. You can share the reward!
The flood in the server room might be the tipping point as the federal government sees it as proof positive of malicious intent to steal things and if necessary to destroy them if needed. Trump is in more trouble today than ever before and one day he may regret that he didn’t give the pool boy a decent payoff.
Don’t worry, the shithouse of the south will become a tourist attraction much like the Watergate hotel
You can’t trust those Pool Boys. I wonder if he’s the same one that got kinky with Jerry Falwell Jr. And his wife
I suspect it’s Jerry who’s the freak
You think? 😎