The so-called privatization of military and other fundamental national security capabilities has long been a vulnerability. And we have Congress and corporate influence (read oligarchy) to thank for transferring our tax dollars to the military industrial complex... and at this point, not only is it a transfer of dollars, but a transfer of national security itself to the likes of "General Musk."
The so-called privatization of military and other fundamental national security capabilities has long been a vulnerability. And we have Congress and corporate influence (read oligarchy) to thank for transferring our tax dollars to the military industrial complex... and at this point, not only is it a transfer of dollars, but a transfer of national security itself to the likes of "General Musk."
The so-called privatization of military and other fundamental national security capabilities has long been a vulnerability. And we have Congress and corporate influence (read oligarchy) to thank for transferring our tax dollars to the military industrial complex... and at this point, not only is it a transfer of dollars, but a transfer of national security itself to the likes of "General Musk."
Was the military-industrial complex gifted to us by Eisenhower? I can’t remember.
No, Eisenhower warned of its dangerous and expensive power: "The Military Industrial Congressional Complex."
yes, he did. the fact that he warned about it on his way out can't negate that fact.
In the same way that Oppenheimer regretted what he created?
I've never thought about it that way. I suppose it's possible.
Thank you.