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"oped@nytimes.com" is on my regular mass email list, along with the LA Times, NBC News, a bunch of friends and friends and spouses of friends, so the entire column AND the "luciantruscott.substack.com/p/new-york-times-you-should-be-ashamed" URL was sent, I have no idea who ever looks at them but the LA Times (similar "letters to the editor" address) acknowledges them, as do several of the progressive organizations. Just before that, I sent along this:


"A pair of Texas professors figured out that their female students have sex and, boy, they do not like it. So now the philosophy professor and finance professor are suing for the right to punish their students who, outside of class, have abortions.

"Pregnancy is not a disease, and elective abortions are not 'health care,'" University of Texas at Austin professor Daniel Bonevac sneers in a federal court filing with professor John Hatfield. Instead, Bonevac writes, because pregnancy is the result of "voluntary and consensual sexual intercourse," students should not be allowed time off to get abortions. If the students disobey and miss class for abortion care, the filing continues, the professors should be allowed to flunk students. Additionally, Bonevac asserts that he has a right to refuse to employ a teaching assistant who has had an abortion, calling such women "criminals." ******* {More, it gets even weirder and even more disturbing because far right Trump cult bilge is in action, at it again}.

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No woman will enroll in Bonevac’s classes. He doesn’t mention the men who impregnated these women who had abortions. Does he also flunk them? Or do only the women deserve punishment?

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