Interesting that the article does not allow for comments. I've noticed that the Times is very picky about which articles readers can comment on. Stinks to high heaven.

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Yes, I m frustrated by how the NYT doesn't always allow comments. And when they do allow comments, they don't always print them. Last week I made a comment on an article about Justice Alito's bowing down to Mrs. Alito's "fondness for flags" . My comment was short and sweet - "grow a pair, Alito". It didn't get posted and I could give a rat's ass about having my comment posted, what bugged me was how they cull comments.

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I stopped writing comments a long time ago because of the NYT minders. Both sides-ism will be the death of our nation, I’m sure that the NYT management wouldn’t appreciate what we commonly discuss on Substack, that would be a little too much freedom for their tastes.

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The NYT will never publish a comment that criticizes either the writer of the piece or the editorial staff. I have written dozens of comments about Bret "I love Bibi" Stephens and Ross "I love Catholic Republican Jesus" Douthat, none of them have been published.

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I like to think of Bret as Bret "I Support War Crimes and Adore the Ghost of Milton Friedman" Stephens and poor Ross is Ross "In Every Column I Spend the WHOLE TIME Clearing My Throat and Being a Professional Catholic" Douthat.

I know...inelegant.

and what could I have meant by "poor Ross?" he's earning a lot more money doing virtually nothing than I ever earned in my life...

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And the NYT can take several hours to approve comments. I think that disturbs a lively flow of ideas and opinions.

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Douhat is the protected House Doofus!

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YES!!! I wrote that exact point to a friend. They are cowards and, as Lucian says so well, are a huge part of the problem. I read The Times to hate them. Pointless, I know...

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I think of it as keeping my eye on them.

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Like Watchung Fox...

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Lucian, did you send this response to Letters to the Editor of the NYT? If not, you should definitely send it right away.

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"oped@nytimes.com" is on my regular mass email list, along with the LA Times, NBC News, a bunch of friends and friends and spouses of friends, so the entire column AND the "luciantruscott.substack.com/p/new-york-times-you-should-be-ashamed" URL was sent, I have no idea who ever looks at them but the LA Times (similar "letters to the editor" address) acknowledges them, as do several of the progressive organizations. Just before that, I sent along this:


"A pair of Texas professors figured out that their female students have sex and, boy, they do not like it. So now the philosophy professor and finance professor are suing for the right to punish their students who, outside of class, have abortions.

"Pregnancy is not a disease, and elective abortions are not 'health care,'" University of Texas at Austin professor Daniel Bonevac sneers in a federal court filing with professor John Hatfield. Instead, Bonevac writes, because pregnancy is the result of "voluntary and consensual sexual intercourse," students should not be allowed time off to get abortions. If the students disobey and miss class for abortion care, the filing continues, the professors should be allowed to flunk students. Additionally, Bonevac asserts that he has a right to refuse to employ a teaching assistant who has had an abortion, calling such women "criminals." ******* {More, it gets even weirder and even more disturbing because far right Trump cult bilge is in action, at it again}.

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No woman will enroll in Bonevac’s classes. He doesn’t mention the men who impregnated these women who had abortions. Does he also flunk them? Or do only the women deserve punishment?

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I second this emoji. 🤬

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Jun 10
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I third it.

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Qiu has contributed nothing to one of the great issues of our time: does a serial liar and philanderer, a failure in business and a traitor to his country, deserve another stint as president (after he nearly destroyed us the first time). Instead, she heaps more pablum into the bowl the NYTimes feeds us every day [In the name of balance? Really?] I keep my subscription only out of a ghoulish interest in watching as journalism dies in real time. People like Qiu need to start seeing the forest despite all the trees in the way.

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I wouldn’t blame her too much. I doubt that she went to her editor and proposed this story. Infinitely more likely that they assigned it to her. What a DESPICABLE publication.

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Agree. And then heralded her “nearly a decade” of experience researching facts. Embarrassing.

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that might very well be the same reason I keep my subscription. I hadn't thought of it that way, so thanks, Stephen.

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I hadn't thought that either. Columnist Margaret Renkl is from Nashville, Tennessee and as a Tennessee resident I love to read her columns. So, I've said that's why I don't unsubscribe to NYTIMES.

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Hey at least you live right in their "local coverage area," plus they do sometimes publish other articles well worth reading. Look on the bright side, it's still gonna be f'ed up but less so!

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What is wrong with the Times? They have been undermining President Biden since he took office, and it’s only getting worse. Maureen Dowd and Frank Bruni aren’t doing him any favors either. Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post just wrote an article about the importance of good judgement for a president to have. On a judgement scale it would be Biden 100, trump 0. She is a small voice in the media wilderness.

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It’s due to the money controlling the Times and owning the Washington Post. Only the smart and educated will be able to discern their lies and the Republican Party has a plan for that, too. Ban books and control the learning of our real history to expand the ignorant and stupid.

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Yes I love Jennifer Rubin. Thank God for her at the Washington Post. She, Dana Milbank and Eugene Robinson are about the only ones I can tolerate reading anymore. Doubt I'll be renewing my Subscription come January.

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I canceled that one the other day after the Lewis furor started up. Now you already know the drift. Besides, instead of paying over a hundred a year for a subscription, I can now get the same thing for less than a third and every day they're dropping that number lower. I have a feeling there are tons of cancelations.

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I get WaPo for $.99/month. My subscription was recently coming up for renewal, I cancelled, and they reupped me at the $.99 rate for a year

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I really like Jennifer Rubin. She has a keen mind and a law degree, I believe.

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She graduated from the same law school I did (Berkeley Law) and is a refreshing voice at the national level. She was (and may still be) a Republican, but has a rational, analytical way of thinking and writing (as contrasted with the "Trump won!" MAGA crowd, who wouldn't know what evidence means even if a truckload of it hit them in the head). She is the reason I keep my WaPo subscription.

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You’re right, she was a Repub for many years but I think she has left the party. Nice to hear you’re a CAL grad!

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Interestingly enough, a few weeks ago I saw a surprising amount of criticism around of her because she was being so favorable to Joe, by the Democrats. This "purity" thing is going to kill all of us. Every side is now so "pure" in what they demand, we're in danger of losing everything. Living in this world successfully and peacefully demands we have more flexibility. I'm not saying give up on what's right but these idiots that want to "show Joe" if he doesn't do what they want because they think it's the only right, they don't seem to understand they will get the other guy who will make sure they don't get any of it. Show me anybody, here or Israel, who thinks Netanyahu is a good guy and should be in charge, outside of his "pure" group. And he's just running, like Trump, to stay out of prison.

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I’ve written to Frank Bruni about a few of his columns. No resonse

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And Times ZERO too.

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I was thinking of writing to Jennifer Rubin but then realized she is with WAPO! Maybe Frank Bruni could be persuaded to raise the issue?

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Jennifer Rubin may be one of the journalists at the WaPo who doesn't at all like what's going on. There's a mutiny gonig on over there.

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I ate in the same dining hall as Biden and his sister Val, at the University of Delaware, from 1962-1965. A handsome lad and not a picky eater, Joe definitely was there.

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Their coverage is why I cancelled the NY Times this year even though I admired many of its features and reporters. It is a sad decline for a once nationally acclaimed newspaper.

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Yes, I did as well. And am letting my WP expire this coming week at least until they sort themselves out. https://presswatchers.org/2024/06/beware-the-tory-takeover-of-the-washington-post/ Neither one of them can figure out which side they should be on.

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Apparently WP owner Bezos has done a "Catch and Kill' on the Washington Post: he has taken a liberal newspaper and turned it over to Murdoch's people to ruin. Much like the National Enquirer bought and buried Trump's sordid life.

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I assume bringing in the folks from Jolly Old was meant to fly below the radar. This is what Comcast and John Malone were attempting to do with CNN except it backfired after Trump's Town Hall. The right wingers just can't stand having anyone standing up to them, presenting a different view. All would be happier with Trump and Vlad. And I guess both WP and NYT have been sidling over to the Right in anticipation of Trump's win in the Fall.

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The WP and NYT are fools if they think going MAGA will get more subscribers. 1) MAGA crowd are not great readers of anything, and 2) for Trump there is no such thing as enough sucking up to him. Bezos and Sulzburgers are not fools.

Therefore, I think they simply want an extreme right-wing government which will be subject to their will. Well, the titans of Geman industry and banking thought they could control Hitler, too.

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One thing. I don't believe either Bezos or Sulzbergers imagine themselves dealing with Trump, rather the people who control Trump....the NAR writ large.

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And this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/06/08/gaza-protest-white-house-red-line/ -- Thousands circle White House to demand Biden enforce Gaza ‘red line’ -- Demonstrators said that if President Biden would not draw a “red line” after Israeli forces began an assault on Rafah, they would draw the red line for him.

...with ONE brief mention of ... oh yeah, Hamas' attack. No mention of THAT "red line" written in blood. And none about hostages.

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Hamas was worse to the Palestinians than the Israelis. No one protesting that!

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Are you looking for sympathy?

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I sympathize with anyone who has swallowed the endless lies and distortions about all sorts of issues in this mess, here's some corrective coverage:




Some people have figured out the "over 37,000 dead Palestinians" casualty figures are absurd - leaving out the over 12,000 Hamas terrorists, including every single civilian death from any cause whatsoever, systematically failing to note that Hamas has been arming children for over a decade (only one of their many war crimes), failing to clarify that about 12% of the thousands of missiles and mortars launched at Israel's civilians by Hamas and Islamic Jihad explode and fall INSIDE GAZA, failing to note that Hamas and IJ routinely murder their internal opponents, or Palestinians trying to stop them from stealing humanitarian food and medicine shipments, etc. It takes more effort to understand the deaths in context of a war where the aggressive genocidal terrorists embed themselves in every imaginable kind of civilian infrastructure - and that using their own civilians as human shields (more like `human sacrifices'!) is by no means a conclusive proof that if their victims legally seeking to exercise their right to self-defense kill the shields in the course of attempting to kill the terrorists have committed any kind of crime at all - especially the way the IDF has been trying to do it, warning the civilians, not required by the laws of war, leaflets, ditto.

May it end soon, but whoever comes after the godawful Netanyahu will still have to refuse to surrender to terrorists.

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I did the same.

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Great article once again, and thank you brother for reprinting yesterday's story. I enjoyed it immensely. You may recall, that story was what got me interested in your writings in the first place.

And now yours is the single most important email in my day. The one piece of writing I'm anxiously looking for.

Thanks sir, you're an amazing writer.

Corky in KC

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When will we see the 65 part series on the taller tales of Donald Trump?

Why would an institution like the Times choose to run a hit piece like this and give the right talking point ammunition by which it will attempt to equate these two men on their relative veracity?

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Speaking of ammo, Trump has DECLARED he is coming for journalists, and others. I have a mere fraction of the power of a journalist to affect this election. If I were a journalist facing prison time or worse, I wouldn't be comparing apples with bowling balls, I'd be trying to help Biden save democracy.

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One would think so, but, IMHO, these "young journalists" have, like too many Americans been infected with a disease for which there seems to be no cure. I call it "OH, THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN HERE ism."

For now going on fifty years our society has been sleep walking through life because of our economic prosperity and taken for granted Rights and Freedoms. There have now been four new generations since the now dying Greatest One and every one of them has been less well educated on the reality of economics and civics due to focus on short term governance and consumerism. A recent poll shows 58% of eligible voters believe we are in a "recession." Likely what they use for that metric is the price of eggs.

Slowly but surely, we have become a nation of really dumbed down consumers and citizes. It is about to catch up with all of us.

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The dumbing down has been a tragic observation. Why, who has time to study boring subjects like civics or economics?? I mean, really? There's just so much to do! Keeping up with Talylor and Travis, the Kardashians, and other celebrity must-knows! What are they are up to? What did he or she say?

What designers were they wearing? What is their workout routine? Did they have a fight?

And we must not forget. It requires a huge amount of time to endlessly post ad nauseum the scripted, glossy, airbrushed, made-up nonsense on social media that assures their many followers thst they are still gorgeous people who live envious lives.

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Isn't that the truth?! We all been so lazy. Me included. That's been my biggest lesson in all of this. Democracies must be nourished and protected. Or else we can lose them. And we are way too close for comfort right now.

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Superb as usual, but so enraging. One pictures them sitting back in smug satisfaction at how “fair and balanced“ they are.

In Krugman’s immortal phrase, “Views differ on shape of planet.”

Vomitous idiocy…

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Krugman is the main reason why I keep my Times subscription.

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I didn't get a chance to read the Opinion pages today so I missed this essay, but it fits the pattern. In the end the NYT fails every time to see what is staring them in the face, that this is not about their fairness--they take themselves far too seriously--but about the destruction of a way of life that had turned this country into the acknowledged leader of the free world. They hereby join the level of stupidity that the rest of the American people seem to love. How disgusting they are. They have a duty and it is not, I say not, to side with the enemy, the authoritarians on the far .right

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It wasn't an opinion piece. It was news analysis in the regular part of the paper.

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I really am ashamed of them too Lucian. Listen all, it is getting damn serious, if we don’t get everyone we know to the polls in November for Biden our Democracy and the freedoms its Constitution guarantees may very well be gone. Gone like the Unions of my father’s generation, gone like a large percentage of the Middle Class to the lower levels of our society. Joe Is on the road to right this ship the Republicans have built since 1981 to cast us aside. It’s a good policy and it needs him there to finish the job.

Imagine your Daughters and Granddaughters having no guarantee of access to birth control, having to have a man co-sign a loan for them to be funded. All while having to work alongside their spouse to make ends meet, no retirement, no Social Security and pregnant as often as an unspayed cat. All while the bulk of Americas wealth flows to the richest with no taxes paid back to support the roads they drive on or schools we go to nor the military that protects them. While your Sons and Daughters fight in that military while the next Generation of Dtumps rake in your potential wealth and you have to live in the squalid rental housing they give you.

Wake up America, wake up before you lose it all.

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Yep you said it!!!!

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Perhaps the columnist's own history could be parsed - I smell a GOP connection, whether philosophical or personal or monetized.

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Nice catch, but the Times has already disgraced itself. What's going on there sounds like "The problem of the 32-year-old editor." Publishing houses have these 32-year-old kid editors who are either trying to be woke (or is it the opposite? I don't know) who are putting the dead hand on established authors who dare to write fiction not from firsthand knowledge ... you know, like if you're not trans, you can't write a character who is.

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exactly. that was my first reaction. where were the adults - formerly known as editors - in this process?

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The stupidity reverberates, doesn’t it.

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The NYT political coverage has gone way downhill…why, who knows. I can’t begin to think of the number of times I’ve wanted to cancel because of the worthless pieces coming out of the Times. All the News that Fits to Print has become All the News that’s unfit we print.

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Your concluding sentence was exactly my thought when I read the NYT article earlier today. I was upset at its trivialities when compared to Trump's lies, promises of revenge, and stark, raving madness. This is not being even-handed; it is doing the work of MAGA for them. Does the NYT want another Trump presidency? They should be reporting non-stop about Project 2025 and what it means for America and Americans.

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After the election or next year even, the Times will redefine "nearly a decade" to a couple of weeks. WTAF. Pinch is still pissed Biden didn't give him an interview.

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