Nancy, Iʼm a Californian from the Bay Area. Iʼm voting for Harris out of necessity, not supporting her with money. She will pretty much do anything to get votes so I donʼt think you have worry about her focusing on whatever it takes to get votes.
Nancy, Iʼm a Californian from the Bay Area. Iʼm voting for Harris out of necessity, not supporting her with money. She will pretty much do anything to get votes so I donʼt think you have worry about her focusing on whatever it takes to get votes.
Damning with faint praise? "She'll do pretty much anything to get votes..."? That is what is being said about the tangerine turd. NOT VP Harris. She will NOT do "pretty much anything to get votes." She will defend the Constitution, she will do what's best for the country. She is running against someone who will do anything to get votes. Please, don't treat her campaign as if it were a Maga campaign. That kind of statement borders on Swiftboating.
Saw a documentary about the Kerry campaign and that whole Swift Boat smear that the repubs ran against him. This was their burgeoning forte and blueprint for the future. We should have paid more attention to their ability to lie with such effectiveness. Kerry served with honor in a very dangerous situation while W stayed stateside in a "champagne unit" where the sons of privilege were sequestered. And yet the shitbags of the GOP were able to turn the narrative completely around to insinuate Kerry did not act honorably. What a monumental hit job. It got W the much undeserved second term.
Donʼt live here, do you? I said Iʼd vote for her, what more do you want? I like where she lived when she was young, and her version of Berkeley in the Sixties, is somewhat misleading, to say the least. My darling Barbara Lee, who supported her first presidential campaign, is a wonderful person. When I suggested her as a vice-presidential candidate, I got hit with people wonʼt accept a ticket with two black people on it. Excuse me? I look at whoʼs most qualified, and thatʼs Biden and Harris. But no, people want what makes them feel good, so apparently weʼre looking at Harris and a vice-presidential candidate who has no congressional experience. In my personal experience, the best presidents were Johnson and Biden, who had a wealth of congressional experience. Take a look at what Nancy Pelosi has achieved. Thatʼs what congressional experience does for you.
My family got "here" in 1632. So yes, I live here. I am reacting to what you wrote.
As for who you worked supported? Brava. But please, don't make your situation the prevalent and only one. There are many ways to support the candidate and she is no longer running in a solidly blue state. You needn't give financial support but running a national campaign is not the same as running in a safe state. It is bloody expensive. But I digress. You can help people register to vote, you can canvas, you can write post cards urging people to vote, you can phone bank. None of these things will effect your pocketbook, but they will help make the turnout better. This race will come down to two things: New voters and convincing those who are registered to vote.
Another point, why would someone with a position of power in Congress want to be VP? It is a ceremonial position. The VP breaks ties in the Senate, counts ballots when affirming the new president, and steps in when the president is incapacitated. The VP can only do as much as the President allows the VP to do.
Kamala Harris ran the second largest legal department in the United States, the first being US Justice. She knows how to deal with a large bureaucracy and how to delegate. Nancy Pelosi has accomplished what she has because of her innate ability to twist arms and count votes. But it took the young members of Congress to help her realize she had to step aside. Which she did. Congressional experience is wonderful. So tell me, why one would give it up for, at best, to be a stand in for some unfortunate happenstance. Pres. Biden was generous, Vice President Harris' portfolio was important and strong. She is more than capable and ready to assume the presidency.
I was referring to California, not the United States. My family arrived in Plymouth in 1633. The rest of them got here by 1754. I am well aware of how powerful California and the nine county bay area are. Since before 2000 I have been also well aware of what a national election means (itʼs the Supreme Court, stupid, is the way I have phrased it.) Since Kennedy was assassinated, the vice-presidency has hardly been a ceremonial position. Iʼm sorry I didnʼt also mention that I have suffered from long covid since May 2020. Also, having been very active in the Sixties and Seventies, Iʼve never been on social media and Iʼve never had a personal location device (cell phone). Now that you know my health and financial status, why donʼt you just give it up? I prefer the most qualified candidates, and thatʼs the way I vote (unless itʼs Bernie, they have to be Democrats.)
Curious as to why you will not donate to her campaign. The money collected not only helps her but other candidates, as well. She has pledged that. Please think again about your decision. I am in the Bay Area also. My best to you.
Oh, you must have missed my comment that I will be donating to Californian congressional candidates and a few out of state candidates. If sheʼs running, she will need every Californian congressperson she can pick up. Also, weʼre living on social security.
I rarely contribute to the presidential campaigns because I think they’re already pretty well funded. This year I did donate to ActBlue for Harris last Sunday because I did want to be counted as among her early supporters.
I mainly give to US House representatives races. They’re the ones who really need money (and to Senate campaigns).
Nancy, Iʼm a Californian from the Bay Area. Iʼm voting for Harris out of necessity, not supporting her with money. She will pretty much do anything to get votes so I donʼt think you have worry about her focusing on whatever it takes to get votes.
Damning with faint praise? "She'll do pretty much anything to get votes..."? That is what is being said about the tangerine turd. NOT VP Harris. She will NOT do "pretty much anything to get votes." She will defend the Constitution, she will do what's best for the country. She is running against someone who will do anything to get votes. Please, don't treat her campaign as if it were a Maga campaign. That kind of statement borders on Swiftboating.
It is nothing but swift boating. Period.
Saw a documentary about the Kerry campaign and that whole Swift Boat smear that the repubs ran against him. This was their burgeoning forte and blueprint for the future. We should have paid more attention to their ability to lie with such effectiveness. Kerry served with honor in a very dangerous situation while W stayed stateside in a "champagne unit" where the sons of privilege were sequestered. And yet the shitbags of the GOP were able to turn the narrative completely around to insinuate Kerry did not act honorably. What a monumental hit job. It got W the much undeserved second term.
Donʼt live here, do you? I said Iʼd vote for her, what more do you want? I like where she lived when she was young, and her version of Berkeley in the Sixties, is somewhat misleading, to say the least. My darling Barbara Lee, who supported her first presidential campaign, is a wonderful person. When I suggested her as a vice-presidential candidate, I got hit with people wonʼt accept a ticket with two black people on it. Excuse me? I look at whoʼs most qualified, and thatʼs Biden and Harris. But no, people want what makes them feel good, so apparently weʼre looking at Harris and a vice-presidential candidate who has no congressional experience. In my personal experience, the best presidents were Johnson and Biden, who had a wealth of congressional experience. Take a look at what Nancy Pelosi has achieved. Thatʼs what congressional experience does for you.
My family got "here" in 1632. So yes, I live here. I am reacting to what you wrote.
As for who you worked supported? Brava. But please, don't make your situation the prevalent and only one. There are many ways to support the candidate and she is no longer running in a solidly blue state. You needn't give financial support but running a national campaign is not the same as running in a safe state. It is bloody expensive. But I digress. You can help people register to vote, you can canvas, you can write post cards urging people to vote, you can phone bank. None of these things will effect your pocketbook, but they will help make the turnout better. This race will come down to two things: New voters and convincing those who are registered to vote.
Another point, why would someone with a position of power in Congress want to be VP? It is a ceremonial position. The VP breaks ties in the Senate, counts ballots when affirming the new president, and steps in when the president is incapacitated. The VP can only do as much as the President allows the VP to do.
Kamala Harris ran the second largest legal department in the United States, the first being US Justice. She knows how to deal with a large bureaucracy and how to delegate. Nancy Pelosi has accomplished what she has because of her innate ability to twist arms and count votes. But it took the young members of Congress to help her realize she had to step aside. Which she did. Congressional experience is wonderful. So tell me, why one would give it up for, at best, to be a stand in for some unfortunate happenstance. Pres. Biden was generous, Vice President Harris' portfolio was important and strong. She is more than capable and ready to assume the presidency.
I hope you decide to help in this effort.
I was referring to California, not the United States. My family arrived in Plymouth in 1633. The rest of them got here by 1754. I am well aware of how powerful California and the nine county bay area are. Since before 2000 I have been also well aware of what a national election means (itʼs the Supreme Court, stupid, is the way I have phrased it.) Since Kennedy was assassinated, the vice-presidency has hardly been a ceremonial position. Iʼm sorry I didnʼt also mention that I have suffered from long covid since May 2020. Also, having been very active in the Sixties and Seventies, Iʼve never been on social media and Iʼve never had a personal location device (cell phone). Now that you know my health and financial status, why donʼt you just give it up? I prefer the most qualified candidates, and thatʼs the way I vote (unless itʼs Bernie, they have to be Democrats.)
Curious as to why you will not donate to her campaign. The money collected not only helps her but other candidates, as well. She has pledged that. Please think again about your decision. I am in the Bay Area also. My best to you.
Oh, you must have missed my comment that I will be donating to Californian congressional candidates and a few out of state candidates. If sheʼs running, she will need every Californian congressperson she can pick up. Also, weʼre living on social security.
I did!! Thank you!!💕💪🏼
I rarely contribute to the presidential campaigns because I think they’re already pretty well funded. This year I did donate to ActBlue for Harris last Sunday because I did want to be counted as among her early supporters.
I mainly give to US House representatives races. They’re the ones who really need money (and to Senate campaigns).
What are your expectations from a politician? Realistically, they do want to get elected. How does one do that alienating voters?
Thank you for your vote.