Thank you. Anyone who supports this man in any way is a traitor, and that includes six members of the Supreme Court and the Speaker of the House. Is this speech legal?

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SCOTUS is the key. No doubt the maga/republicans are planning around every possible angle to get the result they want, and it begins with the certainty that they cannot win the popular vote. I'm not concerned so much with coup, insurrection or elector certification in themselves. I fear they will fabricate some way of bringing an appeal to the Supine Court, who will pretzelize their legal arguments to deliver as required.

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Colin, grave, important thoughts. Maybe I’ve been nuts for not showing up to protest in front of SCOTUS after “immunity”. They’re closing in on a ruling like you suggest where it just won’t matter any more. Oh, and thank you for “pretzelize”!

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Yes - we understand that democracy is at risk - BUT Harris needs to remember that focusing on “It’s the economy, stupid” that WILL turn the swing voters

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I think she's been REALLY good so far at pushing both messages equally. She prosecutes Trump, then pivots to the future. I think it's an effective tactic, but I'm not a swing voter. I'd be curious to see how it plays with undecideds, and whether or not the media will cover both of her messages or focus more on one.

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Abortion rights are just as powerful at getting swing votes. The misogyny pouring out of Vance and other Republicans has to be a huge booster too.

Republicans want women— white women — to be breeders and have lots of kids but they won’t protect those kids once they are born. Guns are the leading cause of death for kids in America— a national disgrace that they refuse to address. They are also anti-vaccination which will kill a lot of kids too sooner or later. My grandfather lost 6 younger siblings in a diphtheria epidemic before the DPT vaccine we all get existed. Those are the the good ol’ days Republicans want to return us to.

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Nancy, Iʼm a Californian from the Bay Area. Iʼm voting for Harris out of necessity, not supporting her with money. She will pretty much do anything to get votes so I donʼt think you have worry about her focusing on whatever it takes to get votes.

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Damning with faint praise? "She'll do pretty much anything to get votes..."? That is what is being said about the tangerine turd. NOT VP Harris. She will NOT do "pretty much anything to get votes." She will defend the Constitution, she will do what's best for the country. She is running against someone who will do anything to get votes. Please, don't treat her campaign as if it were a Maga campaign. That kind of statement borders on Swiftboating.

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It is nothing but swift boating. Period.

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Saw a documentary about the Kerry campaign and that whole Swift Boat smear that the repubs ran against him. This was their burgeoning forte and blueprint for the future. We should have paid more attention to their ability to lie with such effectiveness. Kerry served with honor in a very dangerous situation while W stayed stateside in a "champagne unit" where the sons of privilege were sequestered. And yet the shitbags of the GOP were able to turn the narrative completely around to insinuate Kerry did not act honorably. What a monumental hit job. It got W the much undeserved second term.

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Donʼt live here, do you? I said Iʼd vote for her, what more do you want? I like where she lived when she was young, and her version of Berkeley in the Sixties, is somewhat misleading, to say the least. My darling Barbara Lee, who supported her first presidential campaign, is a wonderful person. When I suggested her as a vice-presidential candidate, I got hit with people wonʼt accept a ticket with two black people on it. Excuse me? I look at whoʼs most qualified, and thatʼs Biden and Harris. But no, people want what makes them feel good, so apparently weʼre looking at Harris and a vice-presidential candidate who has no congressional experience. In my personal experience, the best presidents were Johnson and Biden, who had a wealth of congressional experience. Take a look at what Nancy Pelosi has achieved. Thatʼs what congressional experience does for you.

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My family got "here" in 1632. So yes, I live here. I am reacting to what you wrote.

As for who you worked supported? Brava. But please, don't make your situation the prevalent and only one. There are many ways to support the candidate and she is no longer running in a solidly blue state. You needn't give financial support but running a national campaign is not the same as running in a safe state. It is bloody expensive. But I digress. You can help people register to vote, you can canvas, you can write post cards urging people to vote, you can phone bank. None of these things will effect your pocketbook, but they will help make the turnout better. This race will come down to two things: New voters and convincing those who are registered to vote.

Another point, why would someone with a position of power in Congress want to be VP? It is a ceremonial position. The VP breaks ties in the Senate, counts ballots when affirming the new president, and steps in when the president is incapacitated. The VP can only do as much as the President allows the VP to do.

Kamala Harris ran the second largest legal department in the United States, the first being US Justice. She knows how to deal with a large bureaucracy and how to delegate. Nancy Pelosi has accomplished what she has because of her innate ability to twist arms and count votes. But it took the young members of Congress to help her realize she had to step aside. Which she did. Congressional experience is wonderful. So tell me, why one would give it up for, at best, to be a stand in for some unfortunate happenstance. Pres. Biden was generous, Vice President Harris' portfolio was important and strong. She is more than capable and ready to assume the presidency.

I hope you decide to help in this effort.

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I was referring to California, not the United States. My family arrived in Plymouth in 1633. The rest of them got here by 1754. I am well aware of how powerful California and the nine county bay area are. Since before 2000 I have been also well aware of what a national election means (itʼs the Supreme Court, stupid, is the way I have phrased it.) Since Kennedy was assassinated, the vice-presidency has hardly been a ceremonial position. Iʼm sorry I didnʼt also mention that I have suffered from long covid since May 2020. Also, having been very active in the Sixties and Seventies, Iʼve never been on social media and Iʼve never had a personal location device (cell phone). Now that you know my health and financial status, why donʼt you just give it up? I prefer the most qualified candidates, and thatʼs the way I vote (unless itʼs Bernie, they have to be Democrats.)

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Curious as to why you will not donate to her campaign. The money collected not only helps her but other candidates, as well. She has pledged that. Please think again about your decision. I am in the Bay Area also. My best to you.

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Oh, you must have missed my comment that I will be donating to Californian congressional candidates and a few out of state candidates. If sheʼs running, she will need every Californian congressperson she can pick up. Also, weʼre living on social security.

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I did!! Thank you!!💕💪🏼

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I rarely contribute to the presidential campaigns because I think they’re already pretty well funded. This year I did donate to ActBlue for Harris last Sunday because I did want to be counted as among her early supporters.

I mainly give to US House representatives races. They’re the ones who really need money (and to Senate campaigns).

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What are your expectations from a politician? Realistically, they do want to get elected. How does one do that alienating voters?

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Thank you for your vote.

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Why wouldn't it be legal? Trump didn't call for the violent overthrow of the government, which IIRC *is* illegal. And saying "you won't have to vote anymore" stops short of saying "There won't be any more elections." I'm not sure that's illegal either.

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Maybe they all want the apocalypse in four years so they won’t have to try to be good people anymore either.

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You know, I didn't consider that but it's a definite possibility -- at least for the evangelicals.

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It explains their embrace of Israel too. And it’s part of the dominion theory - use it up! Get it over with!

What a way to live.

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The Israel-Palestine group I'm in showed the film 'TIL KINGDOM COME (2020) earlier this year -- it's about exactly that, "Christian Zionism." Some Israelis welcome them, even though there is no place for Jews in their endgame (unless they convert). https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11405250/

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Yes, I thought it was probably legal, but just barely.

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Something like "almost pregnant?"

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More than "just barely," I hope. I was coming of age politically when "respectable" people were declaring that protesting the Vietnam War was treason -- even though the war hadn't been declared by Congress. It made an impression. Most of the time I'm with Sir Thomas More in A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS, declaring that he'd give the Devil himself benefit of law for his own safety's sake.

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Fun but I didn’t see that statement make headlines in the WaPo or NYT

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And I doubt if you will. They're not interested in exposing Trump but are in the tank for his return to power. They don't even care if everyone knows it. Maybe they're hoping to be official propaganda mouthpieces for the new fascist regime.

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He is bonkers and I am not being facetious. We need to stop him with our votes once and for all. Please everyone donate and volunteer. Get involved and vote and get others to vote

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I would like for you to be right, and I will most certainly vote, but I’m starting to see how voting might not be enough. If it comes to that, we need to be prepared to support the president, this whole scenario is taking us into some very dark places, but if we find ourselves in them without asking to be there, what are we supposed to do, hand over our government to a band of thieves? The free world is going to be holding their breaths and hoping we don’t fuck this up, this could presage centuries of world wars as a benign order is lost for generations.

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If we vote and get others to vote like our lives depended on it we’ll be fine.

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That scenario can play out in close swing or in red states. Most cities are blue. We need a sharp legal team and a proactive DOJ as this election will be "watched" by losers that are there to intimidate voters and election results.

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I worry about relying on Merrick Garland. I doubt his commitment to a free and fair election, given that he's done nothing but drag his feet on prosecuting the seditionists in Congress.

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He's just incompetent and one of Biden's biggest mistakes. Judges shouldn't be prosecutors.

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Watch CNN’s clip of Trump making this outrageous statement. The expert being interviewed works really hard to dismiss the seriousness of what Trump said by giving an alternate interpretation. This man has repeatedly told us who he is and what he intends to do and these fools still refuse to believe he means it even after his failed, very violent coup attempt.


I will give CNN credit for at least making this their top headline. The rest of the media is reacting the way that “expert” did. Just Trump being Trump as if that isn’t as dangerous as it gets. At least he’s not really old, amirite? That would deserve obsessive coverage unlike his overt pledges to do away with our democracy.

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When Mike Johnson became speaker, there was serious thought that he would hold up certification and force it to go the the House, where their 2022 majority would throw it to Trump. The possibility has been there for two whole years now and the nicy nice Dems are in denial of that scenario. It has been in front of our faces for two motherfu////years.Their SCOTUS has the Alito memo ready and waiting for a challenge.

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Unfortunately, you did not consult the calendar. Each season of congress begins on Jan 3 of odd numbered years. That means that our current VPOTUS will swear in ALL new elected representatives on that day. Mike Johnson has no way to stop it, because the swearing in can occur wherever, it’s traditionally been done in Congress. But it just has to be done on Jan 3- three days before the certifications from the states are counted by the sitting VPOTUS. And, VPOTUS will do her duty on the 6th of January, just as has every one before her.

So, make people understand that the real battle is to turn the House BLUE!!!! And all the machinations of the christofascists are for nothing. That’s the real fight- BLUE House of Representatives defangs any executive powers. Because ALL funding MUST originate in the House of Representatives. The best case is swearing in Harris on January 20, which a BLUE House will ensure.

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If you are going to spend your time throwing shade instead of checking to see what the Harris campaign is doing.....maybe it's time for you to research her responses to the close on to traitorous declarations the turd is making.

“Tonight, Donald Trump couldn’t pronounce words [he mispronounced “landslide” as “land slade], insulted the faith of Jewish and Catholic Americans, lied about the election (again), lied about other stuff, bragged about repealing Roe, proposed cutting billions in education funding, announced he would appoint more extremist judges, revealed he planned to fill a second Trump term with more criminals like himself, attacked lawful voting, went on and on and on, and generally sounded like someone you wouldn’t want to sit near at a restaurant—let alone be President of the United States.

“America can do better than the bitter, bizarre, and backward looking delusions of criminal Donald Trump. Vice President Kamala Harris offers a vision for America's future focused on freedom, opportunity, and security.”

And stop being snarky about the Democrats. That's Democrats, not Dems. You know the party of freedom, the Constitution, and voting against Project 2025 and Maga?

By the way, we understand the assignment.

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Carol-Ann Dearnaley: Have you been given authority to address other subscribers in this snotty tone? Mutual respect has always dominated the atmosphere here, and I deplore the breach.

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Yes - hostile and inappropriate. Like a steamroller.

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Nothing like echoing others equally inappropriate sentiments, is there? Good for you!

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Have you been chosen to be the monitor? Or did you just take it upon yourself? After all, making snarky comments about the only political party defending democracy right now should always be mocked, don't you think?

Deplore away. By the way, your pearls are scattered all over. You shouldn't have clutched them so hard. Deplore indeed. Where is that smelling salts when you need it?

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Show some respect for others.

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I do, when they treat others with respect. Practice what you preach.

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I suggest anger management classes.

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My pleasure. Have a nice day - full of joy.

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Give her the last word, bluerainbow. Replying to trolls just gives them an excuse to spew more bile.

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Totally agree.

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Oh please.

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It might be a good idea for everyone in this chain of comments and replies to chill out a little. You're all Democrats. By the way, saying "Dems" in a context like these comments is fine. Everyone knows what is being referred to.

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I think we could tone down the insults a little here, Carol-Ann. We're all on the same side, right?

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I think maybe all of the comments should be looked at, don't you? I didn't insult anyone. I was responding to what was written. I pointed out some of the phraseology was insulting to the Vice President. That was my "insult. "

What would like me to "tone down?" Responding to being told "You're not from here"? Or called a steam roller, a troll, or just flat insulted? Please note, if you review the entire dialogue, I am lectured on the politics of California, the Democratic party, and how the person would like it in the best of all personal worlds, and the pièce de résistance? Then insulted by the writer as if I had wrenched this information from her.

Am I to be the "goat." in the West Point sense, of this scenario, Mr. Truscott? There always has to be one, doesn't there? I do suggest you reread the entire thread and maybe, just maybe pass the same suggestion on to all who chose to pile on.

I respectfully disagree.

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The Dems aren't nicey nice as much as they have their own form of arrogance. They simply can't believe that a bunch of "hillbillies" have outsmarted them.

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Oh? Really? Huh. I can't believe you just wrote that comment. We Democrats don't take anything for granted. Or don't you realize we won in 2020 and 2022 by NOT taking anything for granted. Where were you? As for your "hillbillies" term? Are you a Maga plant?

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Carol-Ann Dearnaley—I'm reporting the next insulting ad hominum reply I read here.

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Thanks difny. Carol Ann has blocked me so I can't respond to her repeated attacks.

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That's just as well. Response just encourages trolls. How do you block somebody on substack? I didn't know you could.

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Just checked, you can block 'likes' but at least in C-A D's case, my responses aren't blocked.

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Look up ad hominem. You're way off base I'm directly responding to belittling comment. Not insulting, just accurate.

Unclutch the pearls.

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I'm not Maga and the suggestion is kind of funny. So, carry on, if you wish. You brighten my day.

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Democrats are not "nicey nice". Anyone with experience on a central committee knows that. Trump's strategy is not coming from hillbillies, and most of his votes will not come from hillbillies, either. Can a hillbilly outsmart people? Sure - a lot of them outsmart people on a daily basis.

What is a hillbilly, anyway? This is a derogatory term used to refer to those of us who live in the countryside instead of a city or the 'burbs. I doubt many "hillbillies" read Vance's book claiming some sort of hillbilly affinity. He wants to think we are stupid. We ain't.

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Greg, I appreciate what you're saying and I agree with you, for the most part. I do think though, that class stereotypes have been engaged in a propaganda war by both parties.

Every strata of society uses stereotypes as shorthand to delineate 'friend or foe"

Canadians have their own hillbillies and I lived with them when I was growing up. They conformed to the stereotype, most often. Unfortunately many of them are dumb as rocks. Sorry, but it's the truth.

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Have you ever heard such a sniveling incompetent insecure shallow human being in your life?

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Have you ever heard such a dangerous human being in this country in this century?

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I saw that quote on Twitter earlier this evening and hope it doesn't get lost among all the other crazed ramblings of our Stable Genius. You're right, he always telegraphs what he intends to do and voters need to start realizing it. Kamala won't miss it, time to stop joking around about cat ladies and crush this menace.

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Kamala has already been fast and smart about using Trump's own words caught on video against him. I don't think for a minute that she'll let this go by. She's a smart attorney with hope, compassion, and a terrific vision for our future, but she also has a tough prosecutor's instincts about not letting criminals get away with it. She'll pick right up on his clear plan to eliminate elections and she'll nail him to the wall with it. We just need to keep donating to, working for, and planning to vote and turn others out to vote for her. We can't let anything discourage or deter us! We can win this thing!

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When nailed, how will he project this one—i e, accuse the Dems to be the party planning for this to be the last election? But as usual, we focus too little on the Christian soldiers he's urging onward.

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And many of them are actual soldiers which is the scary part!

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He will absolutely claim the Dems are the ones who want to cancel all future elections. As his "proof" he will point to the fact that with [106?] days until the election, instead of holding a whole new primary, the Democrats quickly consolidated their support around that crazy, wild-ass, never-coulda-predicted-it wtf choice of. . . the sitting Vice President, Biden's second in command, who had already won the actual Dem primary with him. The outrage!

As Trump gases on and on, slinging kindergarden-clever fantasy insults and a metastasizing laundry list of bullshit accusations about Kamala Harris, he is going to keep looking more and more like the crazy, drunk, and demented uncle at Thanksgiving that he is.

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Unfortunately, his demented, drunk following love him more the drunker he gets. They live in an inverted reality bubble where up is down and down is up, where demented and drunk is considered wisdom and wisdom is considered mad ravings.

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We have known it for a long time. Now he is openly saying it. He has to be defeated.

Be safe,

Steve Dundas

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I wish this came as a surprise.

It did not.

Vote. Vote. Vote.

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glad you wrote, as painful as it is for all of us.

it’s all very clear. our turn to stop this madness.

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How can we let that man again sit behind the resolute desk and utter his mafia thugspeak to whoever will listen. As a fraudster, sex offender, and felon, how can anyone in the media call him a presidential candidate? The party that “chose” him, just who are they?

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No dithering, no hesitation, no false equivalencies,, no "fair and balanced" BS - we're so far beyond all of that now. GET OUT AND VOTE. BLUE. GET YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS OUT TO VOTE. BLUE. If you don't, it may well be your last chance. For real.

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So clear that Trump is a madman. So frightening.

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Not just mad/batshit crazy, but a wannabe fascist dictator.

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With supporters to prove it.

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Not too long ago, I read an article describing a meeting that Trump had with a large number of Jewish business executives at the end of which they gave Trump a standing ovation. Now we see Trump bellowing about “Christians,” “Christians,” ‘Christians.” In Nazi Germany, particularly at the beginning, large numbers of Jews told themselves and others that Adolf Hitler was just a short-term aberration and that, very soon, things would return to normal. I hope that that is not what we’re seeing here.

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It's absolutely what you are seeing in the US. Americans have no recent history of overt fascism as a guide to follow, to know what to avoid.

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The Democrats have to immediately make sure they have the military behind them. If that means 'retiring' Christo-fascist generals and doing a sweep of the covert agencies, that's what they should do. Writing letters to congress people, raising money will have limited effect. This has been in the works for decades.

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…make sure our military is behind the Constitution, yes. That should have been seen to years ago way before Tuberville started fiddling around. Way before they fed a steady diet of Fox Noise to the enlisted men and women, or so it has been reported.

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Fox "noise," I like that!🤣

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I thought he was just saying stuff out loud now, but what we know is he always has to have the headlines. He's going to have to say more and more outrageous stuff now to pull the headlines away from Harris. The media is going to fall for it. He'll say "that's not what I meant." Never forget he's a master media manipulator. I sense a new wave of Trump headlines coming up that will yank Harris off the front page. Cue the media asking Republican senators what they think of Trump's latest exclamations, Trump claiming he's being taken out of context, etc.

I hope this doesn't get blown up too much. Of course he means it, but we knew that. We need to get back to Project 2025 leading into the DNC.

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None of these institutions are going to save us. Voting is all we have left.

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So true. I wish I had learned that prior to a month ago when I saw how complicit even the mainstream left media all got on board with a coordinated message from party insiders and the megadonors.

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And if we win in a landslide which they might very well be anticipating, and they gum up the electoral count in the courts, which at the very top they have on their side, then what? The one hopeful thing is that this will be telegraphed in December when the states report their electoral votes prior to the counting on 6 January. We’ll have to see which of the 26 repugnantkin controlled states ignore the will of their voters, that will be the tell all. The presidency has enormous powers, it dwarfs that of the states, Joe might need to invoke the insurrection act and remove from the streets everyone that is participating in stealing the election, all the way up to and including SC justices. Will there be a hue and cry, no doubt, but after the installation of our elected president, and a few months have passed, the country will settle down and get on with their lives. Do I think Kamala will win, most certainly, do I think the repugnantkins will try to steal the election, almost as certainly. So then what?

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Sadly Biden is hobbled by decades of comity, we can't count on him for anything like that. At least VP Harris is in charge of counting the votes, she won't allow any shenanigans I don't think.

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Likely not. Think of the consequences for Harris and other high ranking Democrat policitians if they don't!

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YES! The thing about a fascist takeover is tactics like removing SC "justices" have to be employed, martial law has to be invoked.

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After we vote, all we have left is the institutions to hold up.

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Terrifying .He s off his rocker.,mentally unfit to be running for president ,dangerous for the country and should be put away.

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He's just going for it now. Nothing to lose. Gonna say all the shit right out loud and hope it gets him enough votes.

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The scary part is if he wins, or what he will do if he doesn’t win.

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I'm not worried about meal team six. They ain't gonna do squat.

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Either way, it's profoundly unsettling to witness.

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Putin sent Orban to direct/shore trump up.

It worked.

God help us if he wins (and even if he doesn't and we're not prepared for another attempt at a coup).

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