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I totally agree with Lucian, as usual. To repeat and add to it:On the political front, the main stream media for the most part, continues to support Trump, ignoring his deteriorating brain evidenced by his "word salads" in his rallies, instead focusing on the very normal things that an old Biden has, as do all old folks, like there is something wrong. They are doing just like they did in 2016, helping Trump. Compare a decent, intelligent person putting his nation first with a narcissist, a wannabe dictator, promising to only obey parts of the US Constitution, who will get rid of the vermin, have his minions swear loyalty to him only....and that is a choice?

Most of the main stream media is not looking at what really happened in South Carolina after Trump won. Strange.

Yesterday was in reality a major win for Biden in the match up between Trump and Nikki.

While there is no question Trump will be the MAGA nominee for what was once the GOP, in a vote that consisted of older white people, mostly evangelical, Haley got almost 40% of the votes. Blacks did not show up to vote for him as had been predicted.

That number itself isn’t a problem in a primaries which Trump is sure to keep winning. But South Carolina includes some serious, and fatal reasons for concern in a general election. Trump lost moderate and liberal voters to Haley by a wide margin and college educated voters, according to exit polls. And, according to AP VoteCast, a bit over 1 in 5 GOP primary voters said they would not vote for Trump in November if he was the party’s nominee.

Trump in his victory speech continued to show his mental deterioration. While unlike the day before, he did not call his wife Mercedes (aka Melania, who has yet to be with him at his victory speeches or rallies?!?), he did have to read off his notes- even the names of his family. And he said he had 100% of the auto workers in Michigan behind him. Nope. He also claimed he won more than 90% of the voters and had united totally the party behind him like never before in history. Really? Wrong.

The former president cannot win in November with those numbers. His strategists, if they have half a brain, got to be pooping their pants.

I believe Nikki is hanging in just in case Trump is found guilty in a criminal trial and the party needs another person to beat Biden.

We will see.

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Nikki doesn't need a campaign, I would say it's a combination jail and/or stroke watch.

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I have to wonder if Trump strategists are counting on some of the same post election chaos as they created before: vote count challenges, subversion of electors and "civil unrest". They do not look all that panicky to me...(I'm starting to wake up in the "wee sma's" and begin worrying about stuff like this--thus making sleep impossible for the rest of the night.)

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Of course they are. Don't lose sleep over it. Dems will prevail!!

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MSNBC been covering this thoroughly.

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Yesterday I saw video of the Dee-ranged Convicted Sexual Predator doing egg-zactly what you wrote: looking down at the podium/notes as he recited his family's names. Except, he forgot Eric and Lara. Later, after someone passed him a note or psst! he mentioned *that* son, and his reference to Lara included (paraddiddle on the drum, then ride cymbal at) her attractiveness.

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