I beg to differ with your conclusion - his footsteps belong in the long, lonely halls and a solitary cell of a Federal Penitentiary.
I'd be just as happy to see him exiled to some third world country run by a dictator. It will save us from all the BS we will have to deal with if he loses the election and all the trials keep him in the news for 2 or 3 more years.
North Korea with his buddy Kim Jong Un.
Yea, someplace where they don't have Mcdonalds. :)
Not buddy, love partner.
Stick the convicted felon in Gitmo with no communication with outside world other than his lawyer. Absolutely NO internet.
I don't think we should be dumping our trash in other countries, even if those countries are run by dictators.
You're probably right. Prison would be best.
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I beg to differ with your conclusion - his footsteps belong in the long, lonely halls and a solitary cell of a Federal Penitentiary.
I'd be just as happy to see him exiled to some third world country run by a dictator. It will save us from all the BS we will have to deal with if he loses the election and all the trials keep him in the news for 2 or 3 more years.
North Korea with his buddy Kim Jong Un.
Yea, someplace where they don't have Mcdonalds. :)
Not buddy, love partner.
Stick the convicted felon in Gitmo with no communication with outside world other than his lawyer. Absolutely NO internet.
I don't think we should be dumping our trash in other countries, even if those countries are run by dictators.
You're probably right. Prison would be best.