I beg to differ with your conclusion - his footsteps belong in the long, lonely halls and a solitary cell of a Federal Penitentiary.

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I'd be just as happy to see him exiled to some third world country run by a dictator. It will save us from all the BS we will have to deal with if he loses the election and all the trials keep him in the news for 2 or 3 more years.

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North Korea with his buddy Kim Jong Un.

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Yea, someplace where they don't have Mcdonalds. :)

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Not buddy, love partner.

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Stick the convicted felon in Gitmo with no communication with outside world other than his lawyer. Absolutely NO internet.

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I don't think we should be dumping our trash in other countries, even if those countries are run by dictators.

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You're probably right. Prison would be best.

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Wasn't it Trump who (a) drew forces in Afghanistan down to the barest of minimums towards the end of his regime so he could say he brought the troops home, and (b) cut a deal with the Taliban that included an invitation for its leaders to spend July 4 at Camp David? What he did was sabotage for electoral optics, and he's at it again. Slime.

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Actually, it was President Bone Spurs who negotiated the US’ withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden was only carrying out the terms of that agreement. That tRump would then exploit this all for political purposes is simply abhorrent. Or, in other words, totally consistent with his life-long MO. But, hey, don’t blame him; blame his millions of deluded, Kool-Aid-addicted supporters. They’re the real problem, and they’re not going away even after Dear Leader is led away in an orange jump suit to his new digs in Mar-A-Locko.

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He's grasping at straws. He needs to get one from Jr. who has an ample supply, I'm sure.

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I understand it, the "Worlds Greatest Negotiater" agreed to releasing all the Taliban prisoners the Afghans were holding (including the current Taliban Leader?) before the final withdrawal took place leaving the US with NO "leverage" if the Taliban reneged on their promises. [Happy to be corrected if this is not correct....]

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The July 4 thing has been memory holed sadly. I hope Harris brings it up.

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Along with his attempt to host the G7 at his then badly failing Doral.

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It was scheduled to start a couple of days before 9/11, not the 4th.

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Our short memory...

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Spot on

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Thank you for your service, Lucian.

The bone-spurred bastard and his coterie should have been blocked at the gates by an honor of soldiers and rudely escorted away. He even had the balls to use some families of dead soldiers to cover for him.

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He is the absolute WORST!!

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Heinous. "His footsteps there are a desecration and dishonor" says it all.

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I’m actually crying with hatred. I never knew I could hate someone as much as I do him. My beloved brother like so many other veterans gave their entire life for people like him.

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I too never knew I could hate another person this much. Each day he finds new ways to heap shame on himself. I’m sorry you lost your brother.

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Probably not for people like him; more likely for people like you. That’s very different. I am sorry for your loss.

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So sorry for the loss of your brother.

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Wonderful that you're banging this drum again. Cadet bone spurs' feelings about "suckers and losers" and "What's in it for them?" are well-known. Such ideas should disqualify him, or anyone, from being Commander-in-Chief. As if being a draft-dodger weren't bad enough, to diminish those who served is revolting, and to SAY it pretty much proves dementia is overtaking him. Belittling those whose war wounds are visible is beyond disgusting. (And the Medal of Freedom was never meant to butter up big givers whose billions came from gambling emporia.)

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Although I think he does have dementia, I think he says things like “losers and suckers” because he has no empathy for others. He can only see things from his self-serving point of view.

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I'm sure that's the case. Just about everything is wrong with his wiring, and to think he was president. Let us pray only once.

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Of course, what Trump wants to forget is it was his policy decision which led to our withdrawl. But, as importantly, while the death of any American is to be grieved what he would like us all to forget is IF we had stayed longer in any capacity it is likely other Americans would have died carrying out their durties albeit it a hunkered down capacity as non moving targets for the Taliban.

No one wanted to be the last man to die in Viet Nam either but getting out of that war also saved more lives. That is the problem with going to war. It is easy to get into one when you assume you have the world's greatest military but whatever plan you have goes to ---- the minute the shooting starts and the other guy, particulalry if he/she is embedded in the local population has the advantage of choosing the when and where of the next firefight.

Those families who went to the GOP convention were used by him. Now he is using a national monument to our war dead to burnish his bone spurs and the fact he is on record to referringf to mena and women like this as "losters." Maybe someone should remind any family who would put him into the Oval Office losing their son or daughter was a tragedy but do not compound the damage by putting a man who has absolutely no understanding of that loss into a position to do it all over again.

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I had hoped that General Kelly would come out more strongly in opposition to tRump

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The longer he holds his tongue in some form of misguided sense of duty after the fact the more one has to wonder if he is the kind of officer who you would want to share a foxhole with? Yes, he served and served well, but his Oath did not end when he took off the uniform and stars.

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The oath never ends!

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As has been said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.

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Right, then it's FUBAR!

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England had the world’s greatest military at the time of the Revolution. Guerrilla tactics by the colonials and help from France stopped the British. An occupying force is usually at a disadvantage because their opponents are part of the local population.

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Beautifully put. Such sadness, falsely honored by the most dishonorable man to have ever served our country in any capacity. Service to himself…only! Whether a single issue voter, or think he is/was a successful businessman, assess him in real time as the false narrative becomes even more obvious.

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We are not called The United States of Amnesia for nothin’.

Thorough disdain for our soldiers, and, he’s an Insurrectionist (and oh so much more).

He has no business at Arlington Cemetery. Send the prick to Bitburg.

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Nov. 1, 1969 Tay Ninh,

Vietnam - My husband

wasn't a sucker or loser.

Neither have been my

grandchildren who served

in both Iraq and Afghanistan;

both home safely.

Thank you Lucian for your

service and this post.

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Why anyone in the military or have served would support this selfish, draft-dodging sack of shit is beyond my comprehension!!

Agree - he should Never be allowed on any of our military cemeteries!!

Excuse me. I have to throw up!!

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The Insurrectionist Party has made cult objects of the thirteen soldiers who were killed in the withdrawal from Afghanistan, so they could say that their deaths were on Joe Biden’s head. They turn the other thousands into nonpersons lest the public begin thinking how the war started in the first place.

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We might also memorialize the hundreds of thousands of civilians killed in the wars between governments in past and ongoing wars. All part of the tragedy.

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After reading this, I had to sit down and try to deal with my blistering anger before trying to write a comment. From my days in the US Army, I had three good friends killed in 1965 along the Ia Drang in Vietnam. They are not buried in Arlington. Two are interred in their home towns. The remains of the third were never found. But like everyone buried in Arlington they deserve the utmost respect. When I think about Trump’s actions I need to search my thesaurus for words like “outrageous, “disgusting,” “despicable,” “appalling,” and the like. When I hear that Melania was there with him I nearly freak out. She identifies with dead American soldiers about as much as I identify with bikini competitions in Slovenia. One of my questions is how was Trump permitted to pull off a political event in Arlington Cemetery. Another question is why the media gave this event even minimal attention and credibility.

Please keep in mind—putting aside his bone spurs and his total lack of military credentials—that this is the guy who buried his first wife on a New Jersey golf course for the tax breaks.

I now hear that Trump spoke today at National Guard convention. I haven’t yet heard exactly what he said but, again, three questions: (1) who in God’s name gave him an invitation to speak? (2) what could he possibly say after savaging Tim Walz’ 24 years of National Guard service, and (3) was there no one at the National Guard speech who pushed back against him?

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My condolences to you for the loss of your three friends in Vietnam, your experience brought tears to my eyes.

It seems like all the folks in the obscenely rich people club are all pulling for *Rump. It's the only explanation that I come up with for why his visit to Arlington was mentioned at all. And one of many sad/bad things about this coverage is that there are people that will eat it up and point to it as proof of *Rump's love for America and Americans. Barf.

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I keep wondering what important papers are buried with Ivana?

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Kudos for taking us on that sad but necessary journey; thank you for your service to both country and readers.

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