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drugs.com/illicit/ketamine.html *****

"Neither Panacea nor `Worst Drug Ever Prescribed Medically,' or taken outside of medical

supervision" how about that? The latter idea, of just "drugging for kicks" (or worse, as

mode of inducing coerced behavior including non-consensual sex or some crime spree)

is stupid and self-destructive as hell, not sure that will stop the very people who most need

to realize it's stupid and self-destructive, though!) *****

Why is Ketamine Used Medically?

Ketamine can provide pain relief and short-term memory loss (for example, amnesia of a medical procedure).

In surgery, it is used an induction and maintenance agent for sedation and to provide general anesthesia.

It has also been used for pain control in burn therapy, battlefield injuries, and in children who cannot use other anesthetics due to side effects or allergies.

Ketamine, through blocking at the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) site, has rapid action in controlling symptoms of depression and acute suicidal ideation.

At normal doses, it is often preferred as an anesthetic in patients at risk of bronchospasm and respiratory depression.

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Read the section on Overdose in the link posted by Richard Turnbull. "There is no known antidote for this drug".

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Another meaningless statement as written, nice try though.

AT WHAT DOSAGE is there "no antidote"?, answer THAT and we can discuss further, and what do medical professionals do when someone ingests substance (maybe food, water, whatever) and is convulsively sickened and they do not KNOW of or lack access at that times, to any "antidote," throw up their hands and call the funeral home? Of course not.

Jeez, in all fields known to science and law, concrete details matter when you are talking about drugs (and much else, but let's stick to Ketamine or mind-altering drugs in general) legally prescribed, legal but used to be illegal, legal in some states, not in others, illegal drugs that are so dangerous they have always been shunned once the dangers were established (bathtub gin is one example), non-drugs that are dangerous in large quantities (tap water? Bottled water? Pure spring water? All can cause collapse, as can not enough hydration in numerous scenarios) and that's just off the top of my head.

I encourage people to read THE ENTIRE TEXT OF ANYTHING I LINK TO, OF COURSE, especially since I read it and realized immediately, "this is as common as garden weeds in medicine and law," but you ALWAYS have to take account of possible inadvertent and intentional misuse.

It's like herbal medicine, speaking of "weeds," there are weeds you could pick in the woods that would knock out a team of mules in sufficient dosage, so what? Proves nothing. There are weeds mules and cows could digest and we can't, etc. Still always need much more context, i.e., concrete details and that starts with amount ingested, the dosage.

So, again: at what dosage is there no emetic that would expel enough of the ketamine and serve as the kind of default setting emergency treatment for "too much" of a host of substances? I figure there must ne some dosage that just kills a normal person within minutes or seconds, again, so what? There are endless kinds of drugs like that. We need more facts.

Not saying at all that ketamine is "safe," just quotes medical uses for it, antidote or no antidote.

The online Battle of the Non-Experts continues!

I have no, as in ZERO, direct experience with ketamine, I only know it's being prescribed for some severe (suicidal ideation driven) depression, maybe out of desperation when other ideas have failed, and that EMTs and some cops are carrying it as some kind of "remedy" for overdosed people who are freaking out to subdue them, now THAT sounds like a bad idea but who knows?

Again: a lot definitely depends on the dosage - and I am maybe assuming you already realize, like everything else, it depends on all sorts of other criteria as well, dosage is just a threshold issue:

Age of patient the (3 years old? 83 years old?) chronic underlying conditions, other prescriptions and possible drug interactions, vitamins, supplements pt. takes, a long long list.

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thank you, Richard. what you're saying needs to be repeated over and over again. if it's not, we're going to repeatedly find ourselves in what I like to call "Anslinger Territory."

I actually HAVE taken Ketamine a few times and it was not unpleasant (but not remotely as pleasant as other, similar drugs), but DID manage to give me vertigo when I tried to walk anywhere in the apartment. since my balance isn't starting at a great place, I decided to avoid it in the future. from what it sounds like (just to ME), it feels like Ketamine is hardly the worst problem we have with Musk, who's just a prick with money if we're talking about him on a personal basis. if the country is relying on his largesse for stuff THIS important, complaining about his drug use feels like we're putting the metaphorical cart before the metaphorical horse.

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Oh god, hopefully there's no current version of Harry J. Anslinger waiting in the wings, I just had a recollection of a Playboy Magazine interview with that S.O.B, in the mid to late 1960s I think, the interviewer let Anslinger talk himself into that authoritarian "Big Brother is Watching" frenzy of dogmatic certainty and just patiently cited contrary considerations, the way I remember it. Seems like there was a time when he was everywhere because of the sometimes serious, sometimes hyperbolic shouts of imminent disaster posed by, not just really dangerous street drugs (Speed Kills etc.) but any use of marijuana, a la "Reefer Madness" - wonder if you saw that film as so many college students did, in my case at a free showing in the Macalester Student Union? Fit right in with the other standards that were shown: all the earlier Marx Brothers films, from Coconuts, Duck Soup, through A Night at the Opera, A Day at the Races, At the Circus, and same thing with W.C. Fields films.

Wiki bio of Harry J. Anslinger, in case someone else wanders here unfamiliar with his reactionary schtick:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Harry J. Anslinger

1st Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics

In office

August 12, 1930 – August 17, 1962

President Herbert Hoover

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Harry S. Truman

Dwight D. Eisenhower

John F. Kennedy

Harry Jacob Anslinger (May 20, 1892 – November 14, 1975) was an American government official who served as the first commissioner of the U.S. Treasury Department's Federal Bureau of Narcotics during the presidencies of Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and John F. Kennedy. He was a supporter of Prohibition, and of the criminalization of all drugs, and spearheaded anti-drug policy campaigns.[1][2]

Anslinger has been characterized as an early proponent of the war on drugs, as he zealously advocated for and pursued harsh drug penalties, in particular regarding marijuana.[3] As a propagandist for the war on drugs, he focused on demonizing racial and immigrant groups.[3] He targeted jazz musicians, including singer Billie Holiday.[4][5]

Anslinger held office as commissioner for an unprecedented 32 years, until 1962. He then held office for two years as U.S. Representative to the United Nations Narcotics Commission. The responsibilities once held by Anslinger are now largely under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy and the agency he ran was a predecessor of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). *****

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in a fairly recent book (I'm pretty sure it's "In the Realm of Shadows," the author (again, it'd Mate with an acute accent) discloses that Anslinger himself was a heroin addict. Joe McCarthy as well.

for some reason, I've always consigned the motherfucker to a period a long time back. and now I find out that he was giving Playboy interviews when I was graduating from high school, smoking pot whenever I had the chance.


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This makes complete sense, what "better cover" than to campaign as an absolutely driven crusader for good morals and sound values- in fact, "pure as the driven snow cut with Mannitol," simply so deeply concerned about Our American Youth that he can't help being a hardcore opponent of dope! - for Anslinger, and similar with McCarthy!

Those barstewards ruined, destroyed so many people's lives, so often for just smoking some weed, or "trafficking" a few ounces of not that great pot!

Incredibly costly overreaction.

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OK, (I post this after my reply immediately below, if you want a fuller discussion always glad to oblige), so it gets even MORE bizarre, because the entire section continues in a very different mode than that suggested by the snippet

"[I}n the link posted by Richard Turnbull. "There is no known antidote for this drug".

You did say read the section on Overdose, so let's make it easier, here it is, after a brief introduction:

Ketamine Abuse

Common or street names: Cat Tranquilizer, Cat Valium, Jet K, Kit Kat, Purple, Special K, Special La Coke, Super Acid, Super K, and Vitamin K

******* {{There is a large amount of interesting info here, READ IT if you want to, and do not quote it at me out of context, please! It's tedious but necessary to refute that kind of illicit attempts at probably well-intentioned reasoning, as in "Jeez, someone might think from what Richard posted Ketamine is a cool idea!"

But I ask you, seriously, what kind of world-class thrill seeking jackazz would be on this website in the first place, and who else but that kind of fool would follow that course? That's right, someone already so forked up it's nigh impossible to get them to slow down and think.*}}


With an overdose of ketamine, emergency care, such as 911, should be contacted immediately. An overdose can lead to unconsciousness and dangerously slowed breathing. There is no antidote for this drug.

Overdose situations are treated with symptomatic and supportive care in the hospital setting. In the emergency department, adverse effects typically resolve in 1 to 3 hours.

Benzodiazepines such as lorazepam may be used if needed for seizures, excitation, or muscle rigidity.

Respiratory support is rarely needed, but assisted ventilation or supplemental oxygen may be required. Respiratory depression may be more likely if combined with sedatives.

Those who abuse this drug should be referred for drug counseling.

* Any excuse for posting a link to this song will do! \


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{{ Yeah I know: its a flawed film as a moral instruction text, so sue me!

I think this is in the Sir Toby Belch / Twelfth Night category of

"Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?"

– William Shakespeare

Twelfth Night, Act 2, Scene 3. Sir Toby fires back at Malvolio after his protest about the late night festivities. Just because Malvolio is self-righteous, does he think fun will disappear, he asks? Malvolio’s order and duty vs Sir Toby’s chaos and excess."


Strongest substance I am drinking these days is instant coffee au lait with pure stevia extract for sweetener - not even the brewed stuff, mind you, makes it easier to monitor the caffeine - but I realize that , unfortunately as one is constantly reminded by news headlines, we live in a "drinking culture," and I don't expect everyone else to always understand they really need to be damn careful with it. C'est la vie, we all do what we can, even a preposterous mook like Trump gives it his best effort, god help us!

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Aug 22, 2023
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ROFL, thanks! I wasn't sure how soon you would resort to the pathetic personal attacks, it speaks volumes about your lack of any argument at all to refute a single particle of the linked material, Dawna. "Man-splaining," as if I would not be equally dismissive of a male, really?

Do you even comprehend how silly that is?

"Bullied you," that's also worth a laugh, are you really even reading any of this for content, or just to engage in some ludicrous invective that only serves to embarrass you, not me?

I have never yet "reported" anyone on here - for one thing, I much prefer to leave your comments and mine up here as they are, and let others decide for themselves who made sense and who, well, just couldn't deal with being asked for more than ipse dixit fallacies.

Let me at least get a screenshot, though, so you don't delete all the ungrounded, fact-free

nonsense and proceed to distort what happened.


Ipse dixit (Latin for "he said it himself") is an assertion without proof, or a dogmatic expression of opinion.[1][2]

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Aug 23, 2023
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Of course I did no such thing, but thanks for blocking me.

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