Sitemap - 2022 - Lucian Truscott Newsletter

How Russia has infected our politics: A view from 1,000 feet

Russian oligarchs and their money-boys and Paul Manafort come into the Santos picture

Let us now praise reporters far more patient than I

Internet down

West Point wakes up

Be thankful for each other

It's a good thing you're 21 only once

The spoiled brat chronicles

Full report of the Jan. 6 Committee: A look-see before bedtime

Right-wing fashionistas review Zelensky's U.S. trip like it was a runway show

Soldiers hate digging holes, and this is why

Unprecedented: All three branches of government have converged on Donald Trump

Holiday open thread

They're coming for him

This is Trump's "big announcement"

We've been here before

Rats, meet ship

Orange jumpsuit time for Sammy

Curly-headed FTX honcho under arrest and held in Bahamian jail

Somebody in Palm Beach is having a bad day

Snow Day

Why the hell did the world need cryptocurrency?

Who is going to volunteer to be Trump's custodian of contempt citations?

102 in the shade

Hip-hip Hooray!

Jack Smith digs in. January 6 Committee closes out.

This is a very big deal

Ignoring this asshole isn't going to make him go away

Remember the Fillmore?

I'll have the loser combo plate and a Diet Coke, please

11th Circuit rules against Trump

This is all you need to know about the odious Elon Musk

Fear and our fellow Americans

Just another day with anti-Semites at the former president's house

Evening thread

639 people missed Thanksgiving this year. All were killed in mass shootings

My Lost, Left Behind, No Place Else to Go Thanksgivings in New York

From our house to yours...happy Thanksgiving!

Oral arguments at the 11th Circuit did not go well for the Secret Hoarder of Mar a Lago

GOP 2016 Clown Car Redux?

The newest member and I are taking the day off

Lay off Merrick Garland

Donald Trump: "I took them, so they're mine."

Putin's murderous missile campaign against Ukraine's civilians

A COVID column with no scolding!

Russian missiles hit civilian targets in Ukraine and possibly Poland, once again confirming Russia's status as a terrorist state

The many acts Trump hasn't been indicted for

Things don't look good for Cowering Kevin and Mortified Mitch and the party in which they are considered "leaders"

Dems hold Senate!

Is this the end of our long national Trump bender?

Russian forces abandon Kherson to advancing Ukrainian troops

What does Russia's retreat from Kherson mean?

It's not over. It's never over.

Two for blue in Milford, PA

Our lives depend on it

Walkin' the dog

Ukraine is not one big war. It's a hundred little wars.

Route 17 North

A bad day for Russia in Ukraine

How Kash Patel found himself stuck on the horns of a dilemma

How Antonin Scalia's death (and life) exposed cracks in our so-called democratic system

A brief history of Republican extremist rhetoric

In this season when weirdness and horror are in the air around us, Happy Halloween!

Shorter Brett Stephens

Elon Musk just qualified for the playoffs in the contest for worst person in the world

The Republican Halloween horror show: Marjorie Taylor Green goes as herself

Even MAGA lunatics have ears

Kash Patel and Trump's web of lawyers, lies, and money

Another scuttling rat ordered to testify before Georgia grand jury

DOJ grand jury zeroes in on Trump

The Ginni and Clarence love quintangle

"We are not eating Korean in the Poconos."

Naked: Not yet clothed by experience

The temper tantrum party

Republicans poised to turn U.S. aid to Ukraine into a 2024 campaign issue

Some good news for a change

Trump bullshit update

I don't want to lose you

Waste a lot, want a lot

Tazzy guarding my desk from intruders on my day off

A necessary exercise in self-promotion

Beating a dead horse: The Jan. 6 Committee has proved Trump guilty all over again. Does it even matter?

Yet another DOJ filing dropped tonight in the matter of Donald J. Trump v. United States (...yawn…stretch…sound of Yr Obt Svt clearing his throat…) And away we go!

Another one bites the dust, and another one, and another one...

Supreme Court washes its hands of Trump

There is a smoking gun proving Trump knew he lost

Could it be that there is even more news about Trump and his stolen documents at Mar a Lago?

DOJ to Supreme Court: It's not even close

This is the missile we should be sending to Ukraine: The MGM-140 ATACMS

There is a dangerous crack in the logic of the war

New wrinkles in the Trump documents story

Hey, FBI! I've found the missing documents!

What is a tactical nuclear weapon?

Ukraine thumbs its national nose at Putin and his "annexation" and his threats

Dateline: Zion Crossroads, VA

DOJ just told the 11th Circuit it is ready to indict Trump

Sunday night off with the newest member

COVID has become a silent killer

My hurricane

Trump's special master judge manages to brown her nose despite a raging hurricane

Putin tries desperate fixes to save his war on Ukraine

DOJ files revised inventory of materials seized at Mar a Lago

Christian nationalism + anti-abortion extremism + antisemitism + election denialism = Doug Mastriano's losing campaign playbook

Arizona reinstates Confederate era abortion law

This little guy is in good shape...

Putin's mobilization threat: get dragged into the Gulag here, or face Ukrainian bullets over there

We need a new word for "unhinged."

11th Circuit spanks Judge Cannon

Cornered, Putin invokes nuclear arsenal

You can't have your cake and eat it too

Big day in the Trump special master case

The strange alchemy of cruelty and opportunity

Ruby squirrel-watch update

Ruby is watching feeder TV

DOJ rips Florida judge a new one

They have him surrounded.

Sure, he lies as he breathes, but it's time we take Trump's threats seriously

Florida judge appoints special master and tries to weasel out of being reversed on appeal

Quelle suprise! Our favorite Times columnist is confused!

Big Chicken and us

It was a bad week to be Vladimir Putin

I'm typing this with one finger on my phone

Update on the special master

In news from the Trump grand juries...

Update: another battle over the special master

Breaking news from Ukraine

Ukraine may be at a turning point in the war.

DOJ takes it up a notch

News Break, Sept. 8, 2022

Cuff him

Somebody is leaking

Trump is his own special master

This is what we get when we allow Republicans to win the White House and the Senate

This scrivener is putting his labor aside and taking the day off


Trump or consequences

"Isn't that special?"

Unsealed FBI Mar a Lago search inventory reveals disgusting thief and pack rat with treason on his mind.

Two versions of America

A smorgasbord of schadenfreude

Here's an interesting tidbit from the groaning buffet table that is the DOJ court filing

This is how the most highly classified documents were stored at Mar a Lago

The Big Question

More legal maneuverings on the Mar a Lago documents

Who is winning the war in Ukraine?

Like a ghost from a forgotten time long ago...

Like a ghost from a forgotten time long ago...

Leon Russell in the Dark

I started my podcast today!

The Five Spot

New laptop arrived today!

A diminished Donald

The Five Spot

One night in New York City

Life after Trump

Elephants in the room

New developments in Mar a Lago search saga

Our privacy and why it matters

Is the Mar a Lago search Mueller redux?

The column makes Fox News (!)

A relaxing Sunday

Another NY Times bombshell

The day after: What we know and don't know

I'm reading the search inventory so you don't have to

I'm reading the search warrant so you don't have to

Warrant states Trump under investigation for violating the Espionage Act

Trump under criminal investigation for mishandling classified information

WSJ bombshell

Will Trump sell nuclear secrets in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it?

The unimaginable just became imaginable

Breaking news on Trump search

What is it going to take to break this fever?

What was the FBI looking for in Mar-a-Lago?

The early days of Trump and "his" generals

Whiner in Chief whines about FBI raid on Mar a Lago

What Kansas knew: they're rights in the constitution, not suggestions

My toxic heart

BattleBot Championship night!

Putin's Hitler moment

Ayman al-Zawahiri is dead. Was anything accomplished?

What is a burn pit?

Rare recording found of Nixon-tattooed leech talking to toothy Florida man

A night off in Milford

What messages could be missing from DHS phones?

Hey, I've got a swell idea! Let's start a third political party!

I appeared on a podcast!

A Washington grand jury is going to indict Donald Trump

One hard piece

It's a smug, self-satisfied con-job, and don't you fall for it

He had them right where he wanted them

What a timeline

It's all coming undone

WTF happened to the Secret Service?

High temperatures are the new pandemic

Texas report on Uvalde school shooting

A day off at Dingman's Falls

What kind of war is this, sir?

There is a new even lower low

I would call this a new low, but...

77 minutes of "good guys with guns" aiming down an empty hallway

The day the Oval Office turned into a mafia social club

Lemonade and sprint cars on a Saturday night at the speedway

A cacophony of dunces

This good man

I live in a small American town

We have created these monsters

Happy 4th of July

Saturday night at the dirt track

The Supreme Court famously does not have its own army. So fight them.

Violet vs. the bat

It was the plan all along

Ketchup on the White House wall, blood on the steps of the Capitol

I have some free legal advice for John Eastman

It's rape

They folded up the Constitution and shoved it where the sun does not shine


A deadly hour in Uvalde


A legal instrument tailor-made to break the law

Ginni Thomas is up to her kitten heels in the right-wing fever swamp

Power outage in Milford PA

Republic saved by Jesus

I hate to bring this up...

We are all on the 1/6 grand jury

Where the hell was Bill Barr?


Big boys playing dress up


The price we pay for freedom

Surprise! The Proud Boys are turning on each other.

Once upon a time in New York City

I read Douthat so you don't have to

This is the most selfish moment in American history

Tulsa was the 20th mass shooting since Uvalde

The Russian way of war

Another WTF day has come and gone

In memoriam

Coming to a gun store near you: the next generation of mass killing machines

Where were the good guys with their guns?

Texans got what they voted for

We need to take away their guns

Nothing is going to change as long as civilians can own weapons of war

It's just too easy.

We bought some new stuff at TJ Maxx and spent the rest of the afternoon in the living hell of price-sticker removal

The world will not forget or forgive

I read the new 50-page John Eastman court filing so you don't have to

Bobby Neuwirth: The Godfather of "hey, man..."

Are cargo shorts, tats and a goatee the future of the Democratic Party?

Fear, loathing and loss: The state of Russia's war in Ukraine

The great replacement is happening right now

Me, pondering

The Supreme Court jealously guards its own privacy.

Stalking the Wily Bivalve

It's a question of morale

In praise of my friend Bill Cardoso

Why was Putin so depressed at his Victory Day parade?

It has always been about who gets to control women's bodies

A day off

We are winning the two-front information war.

Hardship tour

Other words Alito didn't find in the Constitution

The Supreme Court just erased the word "equal" from the Constitution

Tucker Carlson parrots Putin

Is the U.S. in a proxy war with Russia? Sergey Lavrov and Lloyd Austin seem to agree we are.

Actually, I'm not sitting on Ruby. Just close to her.

This is what Snapchat did while Elon Musk was buying Twitter

U.S. intelligence is worth more than the hundreds of millions in weapons we're providing Ukraine

It's not a culture war. It's button-down hate and racism with a smile.

Remember these numbers: M777ER, M109A4BE, and Pzh 2000

Last day of the move

Genus Republica Pullum Shitus

A big day

I read the mask mandate court decision so you don't have to

The magical mystery tour of moving

What would winning look like for Ukraine?

Putin can't take much more of this

I went to the hardware store and bought two extra box cutters today

Donald Trump is a blaspheme on our national honor

Putin is a spook, not a strategist

If it's Monday...

I knew this day would come

Bucha and My Lai

It's almost too terrible to write about

A hard truth

Ukraine is a graveyard for modern weapons systems

The double reverse triple salchow intelligence backchannel wangdoodle


Inside the information war

It's called suing for peace

Biden said out loud in Poland what the whole world already knew -- including Vladimir Putin

Chief Justice Roberts has a problem

Guess who

Russian tank manufacturer shuts down production

Learning to live with the neutron bomb

It just gets worse and worse

Republicans beat war drums for states rights at Jackson hearing

We're moving

It's not a stalemate, it's a war

Bombed out

A visit to the Poconos

As Russian losses in Ukraine pile up, Putin steams.

Next level war crimes

Is Russia losing the war against Ukraine?

Like there is no tomorrow

Will sanctions make war obsolete?

Putin set out to fight one war against Ukraine. He has ended up fighting another one altogether.

Let's talk about Russia's brutal and criminal way of war

KAB-1500 Russian bomb

Supreme Court preps the ground for a return to "state's rights"

Substack introduces its new app

I read Ross Douthat so you don't have to

These are U.S. Army Mobile Multiple Rocket Launch Systems

What do you call Russia's war crimes in Ukraine? Mass murder? Genocide? Or a new Holocaust?

A victim of Russia's murderous war in Ukraine

Russia's army is corrupt, incompetent, poorly led, and very very deadly

No more fun

Putin is showing himself to be even more of a madman than we thought.

The essence of war: What history tells us about "taking" a country and its cities

What does Putin intend to do with Ukraine when he's done?

$1 per fill-up

"No sir. There is no suitcase."

My g-g-generation

Russia admits to very high casualties in Ukraine war

Putin doesn't have an endgame, but this time we do.

Russians kill 2,000 Ukraine civilians; white evangelicals in U.S. praise "Christian nationalist nation" of Russia and Putin

What's missing in Russian convoys: bulldozers

Is Ukraine's army playing rope-a-dope with Russian invaders?

17 mile long Russian convoy moving toward Kyiv

Russia now using cluster munitions, a weapon of terror, against Ukraine

A few observations about this war

Ukraine army employing RPG's effectively against Russian vehicles

EU closes skies of Europe to Russian aircraft. Turkey to close Bosporus to Russian ships.

He's panicking

EU countries close airspace to Russian airlines

G20 Summit for 2022 scheduled for Bali in October

Russian forces faces stiff Ukrainian resistance

Putin is playing chicken with the west and asking, just how crazy do you think I am?

Biden's sanctions

We are all Ukrainians now

Ukraine is all alone now

What we are seeing is Hitler with nuclear weapons

I'm going to be on this all day

The big story now is escalation

Russian airborne troops on the ground at airport outside Kyiv

I'm going to bed

Large explosion outside of Kharkiv

Putin's warning to the outside world

Russia "special military operation"

Putin statement at 5:50 a.m. in Russia

Twitter feed

Missile strikes reported in Kyiv

It's happening. Putin ordered an attack on Ukraine.

Putin's wars

Biden has two big problems: The Russians and the Republicans

Update: Putin moves troops into Eastern Ukraine

A reluctant West Point prince on prom night

Why Putin will invade

Bedtime for bozos

Some of our voting laws are actually working

Theory and Reality and Ukraine and War

A new Cold War

Super Bowl Sunday

Peter Navarro was proud of the coup...until he received a subpoena.

But his clogged toilets!

Putin is headed for quagmire number three and bankruptcy number two

My umpteenth COVID column

The Putin uncertainty principle

Descent into madness

What was he up to?

A new silent majority?

The 1/6 Committee has the evidence. We know he did it. All of it.

Our votes are our laws.

This is what's in the news today

A perfidious practitioner of poltroonery

Leavenworth,1962: A more innocent time?

Don't hang up

Coup update!

Ukraine dominates the day's news

Sunday siesta

With new subpoenas, 1/6 Committee closes in on its ultimate target: A certain former president

A plan for a military coup surfaces in White House documents obtained by 1/6 Committee

January 6 Select Committee contacts former president!

The Biden press conference

Being Joe Biden

Manchin and Sinema are not the enemy

The age of audacity

I read the Oath Keepers indictment so you don't have to.

Dislocation Nation

The Temper Tantrum Rule

The Capitol was breached again last Friday

The anniversary of Jan. 6 was a very bad day for a certain former president

Our democracy may be threatened

I have a history with Sean Hannity

All the talk (some of it mine) of civil war is just that: talk.

Will He Who Shall Not Be Named ever be indicted?

Strategize, organize, mobilize.